Question about Easy Street Rsd 2019

Was there a red tenclub version of this? If so how was this obtained?


  • deadendpdeadendp Northeast Ohio Posts: 10,434
    There is a red 10c version. Thus far, I believe it only to have been released for auction to benefit The Vitalogy Foundation through eBay. I thought they said that it would be released as a 10c version at some point. (My words, not theirs, since I don't exactly recall  what they said.) Go through news and read old newsletters, maybe March or April to get their version. 
    2014: Cincinnati
    2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
  • toolfan2305toolfan2305 Posts: 358
    Ok thank u.
  • KW6232KW6232 Posts: 377
    deadendp said:
    There is a red 10c version. Thus far, I believe it only to have been released for auction to benefit The Vitalogy Foundation through eBay. I thought they said that it would be released as a 10c version at some point. (My words, not theirs, since I don't exactly recall  what they said.) Go through news and read old newsletters, maybe March or April to get their version. 
    Santos mentioned it would be released around 90 days from RSD. My guess is it is released on July,19. Beastie boys have a 3” vinyl being released that day as some sort of RSD3 thing. Purely a guess as I have no inside knowledge of this. 
  • demetriosdemetrios Posts: 94,202
    Guessing it'll be released on July 10th.
    *crossing fingers 
  • LoujoeLoujoe Posts: 10,339
    Shhhh. Nothing to see here^^^^
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