Thursday, 10.22.2020 - Tour around this date...

in The Porch
On my commute the other morning while reviewing another EV euro set, I started to think about the tour future (I KNOW HERE WE GO AGAIN!) Apologies if this has already been a thread, but with PJ30 on the horizon (fuckin crazy to think about), I am sure Kelly C. and mgmt already have prepared for something big going down on Thursday October 22, 2020 - Thirty yrs since Mookie Blaylock graced the world. Even for the band members, this is biggest American election of our lifetimes next year and there is no freaking way that this band not be bringing it on their anniversary a mere 12 DAYS before the WE ALL GO to the polls. The election is going to come down to a few states specifically Wisconsin. It may be too cold to do Alpine at that time, but a Fall 2020 Tour hitting the battlegrounds, seems the most obvious...
Be good to one another,
Be good to one another,
Early 2020 -- Australia and New Zealand, with maybe Japan.
Spring 2020 - USA
Summer 2020 - Europe
Fall 2020 - USA
Ideally... It'll bring back memories of 2003, 2013 and more recent tours mixed in.
There will absolutely be a new album, but *when* it'll come out is the question. Will it be before Australia, like in 2003...or will it be after the first leg of the year, like 2013 was? Stay tuned...
They will absolutely not let 2020 go to waste.
Or maybe Europe will be 2021.
I'm sure October will be out, as Eddie will want to be in Chicago. "inside info" just a guess...
Well, we all know a US tour is almost automatically going to be Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal.
Every little bit helps I suppose and bringing awareness to the importance of voting is a good thing. Are we wanting a vote for change tour just so we can see our favorite band or do we think it really makes a difference?
Red state, blue state tour? A swing state tour would be most logical in my opinion.
Detroit 2000, Detroit 2003 1-2, Grand Rapids VFC 2004, Philly 2005, Grand Rapids 2006, Detroit 2006, Cleveland 2006, Lollapalooza 2007, Detroit Eddie Solo 2011, Detroit 2014, Chicago 2016 1-2, Chicago 2018 1-2, Ohana Encore 2021 1-2, Chicago Eddie/Earthlings 2022 1-2, Nashville 2022, St. Louis 2022
In North America! Hell would freeze over!
Didn't he flat out say he wasn't willing to miss the playoffs or world series abt 5 years ago?
Make a touring minifestival with Bruce, Neil Young, Guns N Roses etc.