I need of 2 tickets to EV in Düsseldorf (June 30)

NH15824NH15824 Posts: 20
Hello fellow fans,
I am looking for two tickets to see EV in Düsseldorf on June 30.
If you are selling tickets, please email me at neilhammerschlag@gmail.com
thank you!
Dr. Nel Hammerschlag


  • Tickets.de is selling a few tickets again. Some good seats too. 
    One hand will wash the other!
  • NH15824NH15824 Posts: 20
    thanks so much! really appreciate it
    Dr. Nel Hammerschlag
  • sheckyshecky San Francisco Posts: 2,296
    NH15824 said:
    thanks so much! really appreciate it
    See, it pays to say "please" and "thank you"!
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