These days I don’t take music as seriously as I once did !
There's good music out there, Jose, there's always good music out there. But I dare say there is not as much great music right now... and I guess that's OK. I'm sure it happens. Things go in cycles. Maybe the muse in general is resting. But it was to come back to life. There are young, eager, creative minds out there who could become filled with holy spirit of the muse. But first these minds have to be set free by unplugging the devices- smart phones in particular. Those damn machines are killing the embryos of creativity.
Instead of marching down the street with, ummm, what are they called? You know, smart phones, I pads, that sort of thing, why don't we go marching down the street with, umm, electric guitars, yeah!. Something like this:
Me too! The footage quality is not great but Jimi's rap is cool and I always love watching how his guitar is like an extension of his body. It's been said he often slept with his guitar.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Guess I will listen to some Rush. Dyer prefers them over Bob Dylan, so they must be fucking fantastic! And Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys is a huge fan, so that's always a bonus.
This really wasn't the best way to bump this thread. There are so many excellent recommendations on the front page of Other Music! And Malroth's best album thread is a great place to start. Tempo, I very much enjoyed the James Brown album you posted in that thread. And Malroth always suggests albums by bands I've never heard of, so I'm looking forward to expanding my Spotify searches.
I need a music transfusion. Help me.
Two thumbs up.
The Weeks, Grind yr Teeth.
Not liking the sound on that one...
Studio version.
even if I look and act really crazy.
This really wasn't the best way to bump this thread. There are so many excellent recommendations on the front page of Other Music! And Malroth's best album thread is a great place to start. Tempo, I very much enjoyed the James Brown album you posted in that thread. And Malroth always suggests albums by bands I've never heard of, so I'm looking forward to expanding my Spotify searches.
even if I look and act really crazy.