FENCE Responsibility

Bought a house 2 years ago, both sides wood fencing were on their last legs
few months ago i paid for the right side of my property to replace the fence ( finished side facing my neighbor)
Now the left side needs to be replaced, I have an ass living next door, the finished side faces me.......my new gate is compromised due to it falling apart
Previous owners told me this guy would be responsible to replace it, and ive always heard the finished side faces the neighbor not responsible for it. Most people ive spoken to agree....but some say it depends where you live, I live in NY
any suggestions?
few months ago i paid for the right side of my property to replace the fence ( finished side facing my neighbor)
Now the left side needs to be replaced, I have an ass living next door, the finished side faces me.......my new gate is compromised due to it falling apart
Previous owners told me this guy would be responsible to replace it, and ive always heard the finished side faces the neighbor not responsible for it. Most people ive spoken to agree....but some say it depends where you live, I live in NY
any suggestions?
Problem solved!
I just feel hes gonna come up with a line of bullshit
A) split the cost of the fence.
C) let it fall over and hope that your neighbor is tired of looking at it and buys a new one.
Talk to your neighbor as you should both share the cost of a shared property line. The old school fence could be alternating so that the cost shows that it is shared or you can go new school and purchase the vinyl fences where there is no coming or going on the fence.
FYI I live on Long Island.
Bonus info!
You are responsible for a tree limb on your side of the property(unless it is known to be decaying then trunk side is responsible). Doesn't matter if the trunk is on their side. You have the right to trim that thing straight up your property line.
Extra Bonus info!!
If you adjoin a commercial property the trees on your property can hang over 15' and not be touched buy the commercial owner.
Then you need to talk to your neighbour and hope they are reasonable about it. If it ends up being their legal responsibility and they still refuse, do you really want to get into one of those escalating situations where someone backs their truck over someone else's dog and it all ends up in court? You still have to live beside the guy. Just pay to get the fence replaced.
I knew 100% that i didn't own that part of the fence. When the crew came out to fix the parts i DID own the neighbors wife went psycho and turned into a crazy b*!$&. Cussed out the crew and everyone around. It was so bad the crew almost had to call the cops. Having no dogs and no young kids at the time we let that fence stay collapsed for a year just to piss them off. The idiot neighbor decided to build a new fence next to it leaving the broken fence there for my view. Didn't bother me because i was in the process of selling my house and getting out of that piece of shit neighborhood. So his yard is now 1 foot less wide. His wife is probably 1 foot wider though. I laugh every time i drive by.
Why was she cursing?
Why were you only fixing part of the fence?
Please tell this in full!
Love it up here, this time of year especially. Lotta good golfing and water related fun
I'll wait a few weeks and see if this guy approaches me.....he def saw a crew of guys doing the fence on the other side few months ago, hint hint......If I had to pay half, I wouldn't mind too much, its not that expensive and should last a while
even if I look and act really crazy.
(The neighbor's house)
even if I look and act really crazy.
Gimme a good fence anyday. Even if we had a house and corresponding yard/fence with neighbors we love (does that even happen anymore?), I wouldn't want that commune-y feel of neighbors just meandering on over our property. Nosy bastards.
At my former house I had great neighbours on both sides, so it can happen, but even so, the fences were a good thing, if for no other reason than to keep the damn deer out.
the “pretty” side has no meaning as to who is responsible. Usually whoever pays for the original fence will have the pretty side facing them. If the fence that was built by the developer then there would be no owner and the fence is probably directly on the property line(and there’s probably HOA guidelines on the matter too). Otherwise, if you build the fence it is supposed to be completely on your side.
This is because sometimes people want uniform fencing on all 3 sides of their yard, so if your neighbor puts up his fence on his side, you can still put up yours.
So depending on the type and location of the fence it may be reasonable the neighbor doesn’t want to pay. For example my backyard has 3 different fences. All 3 of my neighbors (left, right, back) have uniform fences to match their yard which leaves me with 3 different fence styles facing my yard. But if one of those fences fell down I wouldn’t want to help cover the cost. Why should I pay for something that primarily benefits my neighbor and not me? It’s clear none of them are my fences.