Klausen Fenway Poster

NDJeff7NDJeff7 Posts: 216
Just moved in to our new house so it's time to finally get this poster framed and put up on the wall. Can anyone let me know where you found a frame to actually fit it? Did you have to get a custom job done?


  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,095
    You should check out the framed poster thread for ideas.  I had my posters framed at a local shop.  I got some bulk discount but still wouldn’t be surprised if it cost you $200+ per poster.  Some people wait for Michaels sales for framing deals.  

    I know the DIY crowd may order the items from American Frame and then assemble at home.

  • mfc2006mfc2006 HTOWN Posts: 37,484
    I’ve never used American Frame, but have used Frame it Easy for other posters and their frames are great.
  • JadlerJadler Posts: 771
    Michaels releases 70% custom framing coupons pretty regularly. Will still cost you a decent clip depending on frame and glass type etc. but I had them do my Klausen Fenway and really like how it came out. 
  • NDJeff7NDJeff7 Posts: 216
    Jadler said:
    Michaels releases 70% custom framing coupons pretty regularly. Will still cost you a decent clip depending on frame and glass type etc. but I had them do my Klausen Fenway and really like how it came out. 
    That looks great! I might go down there tonight, I've got one of the 70% off coupons anyway. All my other posters are the standard size, so I was able to use really basic frames from Michael's. I'd want to keep this pretty minimal since the other frames are all basic.
  • JadlerJadler Posts: 771
    Oh yeah they will work within your budget for sure. Just tell them you want to keep it minimal. Without that standard size for the Klausen poster your hand is kind of forced for a custom job, but it doesn’t have to be anything crazy.
  • hihobibohihobibo Tampa, FL Posts: 1,116
    I sometimes buy a standard size frame and have them cut me a custom mat. The mats run about $20. 
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