I hope the next album will come out of the blue

in The Porch
With all this waiting and waiting, I just hope that if and when (most of all, when) the next album will be released.. it will be released without ANY advertising, promotional video, interviews or useless stuff like that. I don't want any hype. Just put it out. Like, tomorrow we release the next album. Or whenever it will be, just "so, next week you will find our new record in stores." Because all that stuff that usually happens in the months before the release just ruins the first experience. I think we all want to be shocked again (in a positive way, obviously) by this band. if they play a couple of new songs live before the release, or promo videos, that just ruins the experience. You're not forced to hear them if they do (unless you are at a show like Wrigley 2013), but it's difficult to resist after all this time. I just want to sit in the dark and push "play" without a fuc*in clue on what I'm about to listening to. Be totally surprised (in a good, or bad way). Also, no new shows until a new record comes out. Yes, I'm feeling pretty cocky today. Forgive me.
That's all. Please and thanks.
ps: do I need to say it? No Can't Deny Me on the next record. You know it's the right thing to do. (see the cocky note above)
pps: oh, and I almost forgot.. Please, MTLTGA. Thanks
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
I see so much heavy disdain for Lightning Bolt here at times and some individual tracks on it, and that puzzles me, because the record connected with me like nothing they had released since Binaural. But again, that is the head-space I was in at the time, others not so much.
I am never going to try and convince anyone they don't like something that they seemingly do, the vibe I get sometimes from those commenting on recent releases or specific songs on them is that they feel some sort of obligation to make everyone feel as they do.
Healthy idea sharing and discussion and disagreement is all good, but at the end of the day if you don't like something, if I don't like something if someone doesn't like something, don't like it, but no point in killing anyone else's buzz on it. Also I am the first person to admit I fail at this at times, I hit "post comment" and with a degree of regularity find myself thinking, oooo that comment needed more context.
I am rambling though...
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