ISO 2015-16 Empty Boxset Boxes

man_uv_the_hourman_uv_the_hour Toronto Posts: 107
After purchasing the 2015-16 box sets about a year ago as individual cds (before the box sets were released), just still tryina find the proper empty boxes to put them in. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 


  • CopperTomCopperTom Posts: 3,079
    I'm not sure they were ever sold empty.  You can buy a 2018 empty box instead.
  • man_uv_the_hourman_uv_the_hour Toronto Posts: 107
    Yeah, the ocd collector in me wouldn’t be able to handle that, haha.  Just seeing if anyone might have 2015-16 empties for some reason.. dunno why 10club won’t hook it up, I only spent like $400 on the cds..  and however much for every other boxset since 2008. 
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