Poll--The Weakest Link: Lynyrd Skynyrd's 'Second Helping' Round 2

in Other Music
On to Round 2 to determine the GREATEST song on Lynyrd Skynyrd's album 'Second Helping'.
Eliminated Round 1 - I Need You, Swamp Music
For anyone new to the game:
You are going to pick the song that you think is the "Weakest Link" after 3 days I remove the two (2) songs with the most votes.
We will then move on to Round 3 - Remember you are voting to eliminate songs from contention.
Lets have fun with this. Remember debating and discussing why your right and others are wrong is always fun.
Eliminated Round 1 - I Need You, Swamp Music
For anyone new to the game:
You are going to pick the song that you think is the "Weakest Link" after 3 days I remove the two (2) songs with the most votes.
We will then move on to Round 3 - Remember you are voting to eliminate songs from contention.
Lets have fun with this. Remember debating and discussing why your right and others are wrong is always fun.

Poll--The Weakest Link: Lynyrd Skynyrd's 'Second Helping' Round 2 26 votes
This discussion has been closed.
Edit: And you left a word out of the song title, Lunch Box.
(And my edit made my vote disappear - at least I didn't wind up in quote hell)
Love me some Skynyrd. One of the first guitar intros I learned as a youngster belongs to "Sweet Home Alabama."
Seeing them this summer, too.
I couldn't tell you how many times the record player went straight from Yellow Brick Road to Second Helping. Or Deja Vú to Harvest to Second Helping.
I've found in my life that 100% of the time, when a person refuses a certain type of music as a whole (southern rock, jazz, rap, country, etc) it's because they are unwilling to like it. "Not my cup of tea" means "I'm not willing to taste it".
I said the same thing about rap and country when I was a teenager...but I grew up lol
I would rather see a LS cover band lol
listened to both. I even own some albums. I tried, man.
Challenges to the music connoisseurs:
The 1001 Albums to listen to before you die.
1001 Recordings to hear before you die:
The albums list is a much easier listen, but the recordings list has a MUCH deeper breadth of artistry. It includes, world music, classical, and just much more of an eclectic variety.
If you want a REAL challenge. Listen to this selection from the 1001 Recordings to Hear Before You Die.
Genre: Folk
Artist: Roscoe Holcomb
Album: The High Lonesome Sound
From the Book:
"Roscoe Holcomb's voice is an acquired taste. It is thin and reedy, scratched and scraggly, with hints of desperation around the edges. Some have described him as a prototypical "mountain man"—singing in wild "get off my land!" bursts, his voice coming across thorny, unapologetic, tetchy, and mean. Before you write him off, however, consider those who have been captivated by his work—among them Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton, and Ralph Stanley.
The folklorist John Cohen, who helped bring attention to Holcomb (1911–1981) during the folk revival of the early '60s, characterized his singing style as "the high lonesome sound." That description, which later was attached to Bill Monroe and other bluegrass singers, comes close to catching Holcomb's eerie tone, his faintly otherworldly presence.
This album gathers recordings made in 1961, 1964, and 1974, and shows Holcomb as a singer with zero performance affectation—when he tells a tale like that of "Trouble in Mind," he conveys a completely open, unvarnished humanity. Hear him sing anything and you can tell he's a man who has come to his wisdom one hardship at a time.
Holcomb lived in Daisy, Kentucky, in the Appalachian Mountains, and worked in coal mines and on construction jobs for most of his life. A guitarist who played excellent banjo, Holcomb didn't have a professional career, and during long spans of his life he made music only for himself. His specialties included the blues, hymns (his falsetto style comes from the Old Regular Baptist tradition), and allegorical ballads. His singing isn't smooth; usually he phrases in irregular fits and starts. But if you listen a while, you might well find his music entrancing—the haunted and haunting sound of an America that's a long time gone."
Here is one track "Trouble in Mind" that they talk about in the book.
I was exposed to Skynyrd and other southern rock at a young age. Didn’t like it then, never grew to like it. It’s not that I haven’t tried, refuse, won’t “grow up,” got overexposed, or any other sort of contrarianism. It’s just a style of music that doesn’t do anything for me. I don’t know how better to explain it than that. But a lot of people around here like it, so that makes me more of an outlier than a typical case.
Also, I think @DewieCox quoted me in the last thread. I didn’t mean to imply that Skynyrd, Allmans, Tucker, & ZZ all sound the same. I was just naming a few bands in the sub-genre of southern rock as examples. Like Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, & Nirvana are all in the same genre, I’d never claim they all sound the same.
There’s a lot of different styles of music and bands across many genres and sub-genres that I’m a fan of and own or listen to their music. If I hear a new song that I like, I’ll look the artist up and dive into some of their other stuff to see if I like anything else in their catalog. Hell one of my top 5 artists of all time is an electronic/techno group. Quite a separation from Pearl Jam. One of the current artists I’ve been getting into writes pop songs. I like some punk artists, some jazz, some country, metal, indie, hip-hop, rap, classical, even video game composers. Don’t like Skynyrd, don’t like southern rock in general. It really is just that simple.
Im highly enjoying the discussion, though.
Doesn't sound much different from Robert Johnson or Leadbelly.
Or a radio personality, ya see?
Back to those reaction video people - I can really respect people giving honest opinions about music that is completely foreign to them. (There are like 3 or 4 people I'll watch, the rest aren't really interested in what they say they're doing.). Makes me more willing to understand why they like the music that they do. I'm not gonna start downloading rap songs - but I can appreciate there is a talent that goes into being good at it.