Headphones for toddler ear protection?

Starting to do some research on something to buy for my five year old. Figured some people here might have some experience for a sporting event/concert. Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks!


  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 17,404
    We got my son 3M noise cancelling headphones for concerts when we started taking him 5 yrs ago.
    There's a bunch of options, but you don't have to go crazy, we spent 20 or 25 bucks, don't recall the exact model, but just basic noise cancelling headphones worked fine for him.
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • F Me In The BrainF Me In The Brain this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,601
    When we first moved back east and took in the 7 year old we lived, temporarily, in a high rise apartment building while we looked for the house we wanted.  They repeatedly had the fire alarm going off and it tripped him out...so I ordered some basic headphones from Amazon for $20 or something and they were amazing.  I put them on and could not hear a damn thing.
    When we took him to see Monday Night Raw when he was 10 or so...we brought them and they worked great.  We were near the spot where the whackos entered to explosions and loud music and he didn't even flinch.  (He hates things that are too loud.)
    Now, the 4 year old loves to wear them around the house, at times.
    Neither have been to a concert, and won't be any time soon, but I can say that they were inexpensive but totally rocked.  I looked and cannot find them...will ask the 4 year old later to find and share the model. 
    The love he receives is the love that is saved
  • Meltdown99Meltdown99 None Of Your Business... Posts: 10,739
    No kids myself.  But as someone who has been to many concerts who have seen folks there with, children and no hearing protection, it is good to see some folks protecting their children's hearing...
    Give Peas A Chance…
  • dudemandudeman Posts: 3,113
    Sporting goods stores are good places to find hearing protection for kids. I bought a pair of Walker's for my 4 year old daughter. Probably from the shooting supplies section. (I don't shoot with my daughter, BTW.)

    They fit, they work and she likes wearing them. Reasonable cost for preserving something as priceless as hearing. 

    Good for you for looking out for your kids. 
    If hope can grow from dirt like me, it can be done. - EV
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