The 'You Shook Me' votes aren't paying enough respect.
I never want to hear that song and would listen to any song on this album before it given a choice; however, this is only because of overplay. There was a time I thought that song was absolutely unreal.
This is why I still enjoy Who Made Who. It never gets any airplay.
I just want everyone who picked “Rock And Roll Ain’t Noise Pollution” to know that it don’t matter how good of friends we are, I’m punching you in the fud when I see you.
Hey now, I lost What do you do for Money Honey in the first round. That was heartbreaking. And now they're going after Shoot to Thrill. I feel your pain, but disagree with your fave choice.
You can punch me in the fud (maybe?) if we ever meet.
One of my favorite tracks is getting absolutely slaughtered this round.
I feel your pain. My honey lost her money long ago.
Trieste 14, Vienna 14, Gdynia 14, Leeds 14, Milton Keynes 14, Denver 14
Central Park 15
Fort Lauderdale 16, Miami 16, Tampa 16, Jacksonville 16, Greenville 16, Hampton 16, Columbia 16, Lexington 16, Philly1 16, Philly2 16, NYC1 16, NYC2 16, Quebec City 16, Ottawa 16, Toronto1 16, Toronto2 16, Fenway1 16, Fenway2 16, Wrigley1 16, Wrigley2 16