Trip to Seattle

Hello everyone. I live in a small Brazilian city and am going to Seattle next day 19 (01/19). It's been a dream since I was a teenager. I want to know everything about Pearl Jam. Tenclub, the studio where SVT was recorded, the apartment where Stone and Jeff first listened to Ed's tape, anyway .... Can anyone tell me addresses and places where I can find all this?
Thank you in advance and hope to meet PJ fans as crazy as I am in the city.
Strong hug
Thank you in advance and hope to meet PJ fans as crazy as I am in the city.
Strong hug
You might have to be patient until someone who actually knows this information sees what you are asking.
I hope you have a great time! Seattle is an awesome city.
You might also search the forum using the keywords: visit Seattle.
Good luck and enjoy your trip. Safe travels.