Danny and the Sugarmakers new record Steal the World

demetriosdemetrios Posts: 94,086


I'm Danny Newcomb, I grew up in Seattle playing guitar and writing songs, riffs and was a founding member of Shadow with Mike McCready, and a founding member of the band Goodness from Seattle, as well as a member and songwriter for the Rockfords.  I've played Madison Square Gardens opening for Oasis, opened for Pearl Jam a couple times, toured over the U.S. and for the past 4 years have been the front man, singer-songwriter with my band, the Sugarmakers.  We've been honing our sound for the past four years and this new record feels to me as if we have really solidified our approach and sound.  Writing and recording the best songs is the most important -- the most interesting part of my musical life, and this record has a variety that I'm proud of, and a confidence that feels true.  We recorded the record at Studio Litho in Seattle over a total of 8 days, (thanks Stone!) all basics live in the big room, and then overdubbed vocals and guitars over the next couple months, building on the good takes we started with, but not gilding the lily.

     Making and releasing records on your own is pretty much par for the course these days and we have recorded a great record but now need to master (kind of like putting an apple pie in the oven) and then pay for artwork and pressing and manufacturing.  With your help (your preorder of the new record or cd) we can afford to get this record out with the quality it deserves.  If you have liked Masterwish or All the Way, you'll love this disc!  If you haven't heard our other records, take a chance and support a good cause, a good band, AND get a copy of a great record.  Thank you for your support--you're gonna like it, I promise!  

Best, Danny, Rick and Eric



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