***9th Annual Super Bowl Squares Pools - 2.3.19 - Super Bowl 53***

Hello again,

Hope everyone is enjoying the end of the year.  Time again to start getting squares.

***Also, feel free to forward on to anyone else you think would be interested***

The rules:

  • (10) numbers will be drawn per axis and you will have one number on each axis the entire game, they will not switch each quarter
  • You may pick your square(s) and not pay right away, but if I don't receive your payment January 27, 2019, your square(s) will be offered up to the next person in line.  I will send out reminders.
  • Please send Paypal payment via friends and family to zachjgmeiner@msn.com
  • To print the grids if you need to, right click on the grid, click print.  The default for me comes up with the entire grid on page one.
  • Create an account at the website below and then it will ask for the specific board(s) password

$5 Grid - http://superbowlpoolsite.com/contest/8749

password: touchdown6

Payouts for the $5 board are as follows:

1st Quarter: $100

2nd Quarter: $100

3rd Quarter: $100

Final Score: $200

$10 Grid - http://superbowlpoolsite.com/contest/8750

password: touchdown6

Payouts for the $10 board are as follows:

1st Quarter: $200

2nd Quarter: $200

3rd Quarter: $200

Final Score: $400

$25 Grid - http://superbowlpoolsite.com/contest/8751

password: touchdown6

Payouts for the $25 board are as follows:

1st Quarter: $400

2nd Quarter: $400

3rd Quarter: $400

Final Score: $1,000, $100 for reverse score, $200/# of squares touching final score

(How does the $200/# of touching squares work you ask?  If winning square is in one of the four corners, it is $200/3.  If winning square is on the edge, it is $200/5.  If winning square is surrounded on all sides, ie not on the edge or in the corner, it is $200/8.)

Thanks for playing!



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