To expensive or just no interest? Klausen artists numbered Seattle, 2013 Philly, 2013 Hartford

Rival178Rival178 Posts: 608
edited December 2018 in Lost Dogs
Each $100 shipped, usa shipping only.

Post edited by Rival178 on


  • Rival178Rival178 Posts: 608
    Lowered price
  • Rival178Rival178 Posts: 608
    To expensive or just no interest?
  • I’m sort of interested. I would like to get both but, it is still a bit more than what I am willing to pay.
  • Rival178Rival178 Posts: 608
    Yeah, I probably over paid for each, I paid $90 for each. With shipping in already at my break even point.

  • There is no such thing as over paid. If you like it, it is worth whatever you paid. I have many things that are priceless to me yet, hold no real financial value. I don’t buy the posters with the intention if ever selling them, same as the music. I know I will never get back half my money. None of it is even vinyl, all CDs.
  • Rival178Rival178 Posts: 608
    There is no such thing as over paid. If you like it, it is worth whatever you paid. I have many things that are priceless to me yet, hold no real financial value. I don’t buy the posters with the intention if ever selling them, same as the music. I know I will never get back half my money. None of it is even vinyl, all CDs.
    Very true, hence the $90 paid. I'm really wanting to scrounge some money to buy a vintage receiver so I can spin my vinyl.

  • Rival178Rival178 Posts: 608
    Interesting, just not much desire for these?
  • F Me In The BrainF Me In The Brain this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,599
    Already have the Seattle - I was unaware of Brad having done a poster for either of those 2013 shows (Philly and Hartford)
    Thought they were Soto/Henry (Philly shows) and Ames (Hartford)

    The love he receives is the love that is saved
  • Rival178Rival178 Posts: 608
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