Barrett Martin selling Mad Season goodies
Hey Folks,

I’m closing down my recording studio at the end of
December and moving to a new location. In the process of packing up,
we’ve found some musical gear and memorabilia that Mad Season and
Screaming Trees collectors might be interested in. The items are posted
on my Ebay page in the link below and they include things like the Mad
Season bass drum head from our final concert at Benroya Hall, the drum
set I used with Raw Power on the roof of the Pike Place Market, and some
original test pressings of the Mad Season "Above Deluxe” double album
and "Live At The Moore Theater”, as well as test pressings for the
Screaming Trees albums “Sweet Oblivion” and "Last Words.” There are also
a few odds and ends we found. Proceeds from these sales will help fund
my Singing Earth projects, such as the indigenous Shipibo Shamans of the
Peruvian Amazon as we get ready to mix, master, and release their next
album of healing songs (February release!) Thank you to everyone for a
really great year of music, creativity, touring, and supporting these
ongoing musical projects around the world. Much love and happy holidays
to everyone, Barrett
Mad Season "Above" Original LP Sealed In Cellophane (Seller Is Barrett Martin)

Mad Season "Above (Deluxe Edition)" Test Pressing (Seller Is Barrett Martin)

Mad Season Bass Drum Head From Final Concert (Seller Is Barrett Martin)

Mad Season "Live At The Moore" Test Pressing (Seller Is Barrett Martin)

Post edited by demetrios on
Barrett Martin
Hi Folks,
We have just 2 items left in the Mad Season Ebay auction: one test pressing for the "Above Deluxe Edition" and one test pressing for "Live At The Moore Theatre." After these 2 items have sold, that’s everything that was left in our storage unit. Please have a look at the Ebay page I started and I wish you all a great holiday season and a powerful start to the new year! Much love, Barrett
Barrett Martin
If any of you Mad Season collectors are interested, here is the last test pressing for "Above: Deluxe Edition" that I found while cleaning out the last few things in our storage unit. We sold one of these test pressings last year, and this is the other one. The bidding starts today on Reverb so for you vinyl collectors, this is a rare find. Love to everyone, Barrett