Hey everyone - I just wanted to personally share an update on Ames. It’s been almost a year since her accident, which resulted in a Traumatic Brain Injury. She’s continuing to slowly make progress and we’re hopeful she will stay on that path. Let’s get the bad shit out of the way first; she’s still unable to do anything on her own, relying on me for every day tasks. Even something as little as changing position in bed/on the couch. She also has trouble speaking clearly (she’ll actually sing along to me playing PJ songs for some music/speech therapy) and often gets frustrated with her condition, but fortunately she’s not suicidal.
However, it’s not all doom and gloom. She, somehow, has maintained her entire memory; both long and short term. Her personality is also 100% there. She’s still that caring, witty, sarcastic woman I feel in love with almost 20 years ago, and is still very much more than happy to speak her mind.
Many of you have supported us and continue to do so to this day. We cannot express how much that means to us.
Lots of us pulling for her, and for you