Holy Days

When I have time away from work,
school holidays,
I realize how little time I have to be free
just to be inactive
play with the pets?
maybe take a nap?
its rare for me to have space
usually its all necessary tasks
do this, do that, then something else!
so if I said I missed the
dreaming days, the cloud castles and the paint puddles
would it help?
school holidays,
I realize how little time I have to be free
just to be inactive
play with the pets?
maybe take a nap?
its rare for me to have space
usually its all necessary tasks
do this, do that, then something else!
so if I said I missed the
dreaming days, the cloud castles and the paint puddles
would it help?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say