An open thanks to my favorite band
I write this knowing that it’s highly unlikely that anyone in the band will actually see it, but as I approach my fortieth birthday this week, I feel compelled to offer my sincerest gratitude to a group of people who has had the most profound impact and influence on my life.
Back in early 1992 I was a kid with an interest in music, but no real direction in which to pursue it. I raided my parents record collection on the regular, listening to old Who, Jethro Tull, and Led Zeppelinrecords, and but really never thought about picking up a guitar and doing anything with it. Sure, I’d done some choir, some musical theater, but rock and roll music? Not even on my radar.
And then, one night in April, I was sneaking in an episode of Saturday NightLive, well after the rest of the house was asleep, and my life changed in a matter of minutes. To this day I remember the feeling of awe, of absolute ecstasy I felt hearing that opening riff to Alive; I knew immediately what I wanted to do with my life. All these years playing in bands, writing music, through successes, failures, 100’s of shows, albums recorded, and awards received, and it’s all because I just wanted to see if there would be a new Wayne’s World segment on that night.
So thank you, Eddie, Mike, Stone, Jeff, Matt, the Dave’s, Jack, and Boom. I’ve been through so much in the intervening 26 years, amazing highs, crushing lows, and everything in between, lost loves, gained friends, but through it all, you’ve been there with me, giving me strength, and inspiring me, though you never knew. The gift you’ve given me is something more special than I can adequately describe, but I thank you with all my heart for it. I look forward to whatever you do next!
1994 - Bridge School Benefit, Shoreline Mountain View CA
*** 1995 - 2015 High School, College, Broke, Having Kids***
2016 - Temple of the Dog, Bill Graham Civic Center Auditorium, San Francisco CA
2017 - Eddie Vedder, Bourbon and Beyond, Louisville KY
2018 - The Home Shows, Show 2, Seattle WA
2019 - Eddie Vedder, Ohana Fest, Dana Point CA
2020- Oakland Nights 1 and 2
2020 - Ohana Fest
2021 - Ohana Fest
2022 - Oakland 1 and 2
"Watch out for music. It should come with a health warning. It can be dangerous. It can make you feel so alive, so connected to the people around you, and connected to what you really are inside. And it can make you think that the world should, and could, be a much better place. And just occasionally, it can make you very, very happy." -Peter Gabriel