The PJ20 beer wasn't great, and he brown sugar bourbon was flat out atrocious, so I needed a redeeming spirit to make up for it. Just in time for Vitalogy's birthday too.
+1 for the Home Shows pale ale, awesome beer! Still enjoying some actually, down to my last two cans. And yes thumbs down to the BSB bourbon...if anyone wants a bottle of that sugar water (and can swing by Seattle), lemme know
That Home Show beer was pretty damn good, actually.
Not surprising, considering where it was from!
True. So, the Bourbon was pretty bad? That's too bad..I was thinking of grabbing a bottle.
I wish I could agree with Jason's comment above, but it was not forgettable to me, for all the wrong reasons. Waaay too sweet, but if you like that, give it a go.
8-28-92 Harriet Island
6-16-93 University Theatre, UM
2-8-95 Adams Field House
6-20-98 Washington-Grizzly Stadium
5-28-03 Adams Field House
8-29-05 Adams Field House
7-22-06 Gorge Amphitheater
9-3-11 Alpine Valley
9-30-12 Adams Field House
10-31-12 The Pearl - Eddie Vedder
11-01-12 The Pearl - Eddie Vedder
9-6-13 Key Arena
6-20-14 Milan
6-22-14 Trieste
11-28-15 Mexico City
That is an awesome looking display you made. Great job. I liked the beer. The bourbon, not so much. Have no idea where this Vitalogy stuff came from???
+1 for the Home Shows pale ale, awesome beer! Still enjoying some actually, down to my last two cans. And yes thumbs down to the BSB bourbon...if anyone wants a bottle of that sugar water (and can swing by Seattle), lemme know
Nice! I meant for sale to public. Nice work on the packaging! If available I would put one in a booze box at our ski area in the trees.
8-28-92 Harriet Island
6-16-93 University Theatre, UM
2-8-95 Adams Field House
6-20-98 Washington-Grizzly Stadium
5-28-03 Adams Field House
8-29-05 Adams Field House
7-22-06 Gorge Amphitheater
9-3-11 Alpine Valley
9-30-12 Adams Field House
10-31-12 The Pearl - Eddie Vedder
11-01-12 The Pearl - Eddie Vedder
9-6-13 Key Arena
6-20-14 Milan
6-22-14 Trieste
11-28-15 Mexico City
6-16-93 University Theatre, UM
2-8-95 Adams Field House
6-20-98 Washington-Grizzly Stadium
5-28-03 Adams Field House
8-29-05 Adams Field House
7-22-06 Gorge Amphitheater
9-3-11 Alpine Valley
9-30-12 Adams Field House
10-31-12 The Pearl - Eddie Vedder
11-01-12 The Pearl - Eddie Vedder
9-6-13 Key Arena
6-20-14 Milan
6-22-14 Trieste
11-28-15 Mexico City
I liked the beer. The bourbon, not so much.
Have no idea where this Vitalogy stuff came from???
6-16-93 University Theatre, UM
2-8-95 Adams Field House
6-20-98 Washington-Grizzly Stadium
5-28-03 Adams Field House
8-29-05 Adams Field House
7-22-06 Gorge Amphitheater
9-3-11 Alpine Valley
9-30-12 Adams Field House
10-31-12 The Pearl - Eddie Vedder
11-01-12 The Pearl - Eddie Vedder
9-6-13 Key Arena
6-20-14 Milan
6-22-14 Trieste
11-28-15 Mexico City