Did Lowlight79 ever make a tour mix after 2010?

Hey all, some very generous members of the board have passed along links to tour compilations and the 2008-2010 version is the last one I see from Lowlight79. 

Just wondering if there is one from him/her after 2011. Thanks for any info or links!
I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell.
-Christopher Walken

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The truth has a well known liberal bias.
-Stephen Colbert


  • evenflow82evenflow82 Posts: 3,892
    Bump.  Keeping hope alive it exists.  

    I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell.
    -Christopher Walken

    you're=you are
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    The truth has a well known liberal bias.
    -Stephen Colbert
  • rummyrummy British Columbia, Canada Posts: 4,458
    I read on the Red Mosquito forum that he/she was planning to make a 2013-14 mix once the tour ended but nothing was ever posted.

    (I was about to offer my version to you but then realized that you already have it!) 
  • evenflow82evenflow82 Posts: 3,892
    edited November 2018
    Yep!  I have totally been enjoying it (the 2013-2014 mix), so thank you so much!

    I saw on another thread there was supposedly a 2011-2014 mix, incorporating the 2011 and 2012 tours, which would be awesome, but I haven't been able to find it (if it exists).  

    Also, a 2015 and 2016 mix would be awesome.  If anyone is up to the challenge, and has the time, I encourage you to go for it!

    Thanks again, Rummy!  I'm just trying to round out some of the tours with a best of live instead of many different bootlegs.  
    I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell.
    -Christopher Walken

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    The truth has a well known liberal bias.
    -Stephen Colbert
  • rummyrummy British Columbia, Canada Posts: 4,458
    edited March 2024
    Yep!  I have totally been enjoying it (the 2013-2014 mix), so thank you so much!

    I saw on another thread there was supposedly a 2011-2014 mix, incorporating the 2011 and 2012 tours, which would be awesome, but I haven't been able to find it (if it exists).  

    Also, a 2015 and 2016 mix would be awesome.  If anyone is up to the challenge, and has the time, I encourage you to go for it!

    Thanks again, Rummy!  I'm just trying to round out some of the tours with a best of live instead of many different bootlegs.  
    You are correct...the plan was for a 2011-2014 mix. That'd be awesome. 
    I'm thinking of doing a 2011-2018 one but I only have all the shows in mp3 format so it would lack the quality of what individuals like Lowlight79 and ridleybradout create. Plus, that artwork! You gotta love the artwork that comes with their music!!!!
    Post edited by rummy on
  • evenflow82evenflow82 Posts: 3,892
    As found on the red mosquito board in a post by ridleybradout dated May 2018...

    "I think everyone is going to be shocked by how good Lowlight79's 2011-2016 Getaway Mix sounds when it's finished nice"

    So apparently there is is something in the works.  Rummy, do you know anything about this?  Do you know Lowlight79 or Ridletbradout?

    I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell.
    -Christopher Walken

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    The truth has a well known liberal bias.
    -Stephen Colbert
  • rummyrummy British Columbia, Canada Posts: 4,458
    edited November 2018
    Not personally but I've messaged Ridley before. I could ask?
  • evenflow82evenflow82 Posts: 3,892
    That would be great!  Any update would be super helpful!

    Do you know if there's a 2003 tour mix?  I have heard of one, but have never seen it online.  
    I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell.
    -Christopher Walken

    you're=you are
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    The truth has a well known liberal bias.
    -Stephen Colbert
  • rummyrummy British Columbia, Canada Posts: 4,458
    Ridley made two-disc mixes for both the Japan and Aussie legs of the 2003 tour. I'm not sure if there's a complete one with all songs/all legs, however.
  • evenflow82evenflow82 Posts: 3,892
    Yep, I have those.  I'm talking the North American tour in 2003.  I had one, maybe by GreenHabit, the other big compilation member, from about fifteen years ago.  Does this ring a bell?  I want to say it was either four or six discs.  
    I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell.
    -Christopher Walken

    you're=you are
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    The truth has a well known liberal bias.
    -Stephen Colbert
  • evenflow82evenflow82 Posts: 3,892
    edited November 2018
    One of the tracks on the 2003 North American compilation I have is named is called "broken uke episode".  Probably not helping much, but it is similar to how Lowlight79 includes stories with quotations and intros to songs.  

    If anyone knows of more information on this compilation it would be awesome.  I have most of the songs, but am curious about the mix/compilation as I got it so long ago and some songs are missing.  Looking to fill in some gaps.  Thanks!
    Post edited by evenflow82 on
    I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell.
    -Christopher Walken

    you're=you are
    your=showing ownership

    The truth has a well known liberal bias.
    -Stephen Colbert
  • evenflow82evenflow82 Posts: 3,892
    Thank you for messaging Ridley about the status of the 2011-2016 Getaway Mix compilation.  
    I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell.
    -Christopher Walken

    you're=you are
    your=showing ownership

    The truth has a well known liberal bias.
    -Stephen Colbert
  • evenflow82evenflow82 Posts: 3,892
    I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell.
    -Christopher Walken

    you're=you are
    your=showing ownership

    The truth has a well known liberal bias.
    -Stephen Colbert
  • Hello, Yes there is something I’ve been working on. I haven’t touched it in months though due to a personal illness and I am not sure if it will get done anytime before the new year. It’s a work in progress and the many changing recording techniques the band used to record the bootlegs has made it a hard process. I finished about 51/2 discs before I took a break. Knowing there is still interest does get my mixing juices flowing. 
    "Only curfews can keep us down"
  • rummyrummy British Columbia, Canada Posts: 4,458
    Hello, Yes there is something I’ve been working on. I haven’t touched it in months though due to a personal illness and I am not sure if it will get done anytime before the new year. It’s a work in progress and the many changing recording techniques the band used to record the bootlegs has made it a hard process. I finished about 51/2 discs before I took a break. Knowing there is still interest does get my mixing juices flowing. 
    Thank you for replying. Most importantly, I hope that your health has improved or that it will in the near future.

    There is indeed interest in your "work" and, when you are able to get it done, we would indeed appreciate you sharing it.

    I get what you are saying about the different recording techniques but, admittedly, I only make my mixes using mp3's so I haven't noticed anything since 2011. With this said, I can definitely tell the difference between a 2003 recording and a 2006 recording or a 2009 recording and a 2012 recording.

    All the best.
  • CJ260717CJ260717 Posts: 414
    lowlight79 - take your time and get well soon!

  • evenflow82evenflow82 Posts: 3,892
    edited November 2018
    I have burned your mixes to several friends and they love them!  I hope your health improves and you feel better.

    Quick queation: I have a 2003 north american tour mix from many years ago. Did you create one for that tour?  There's no rush to finish it, but please post the 2011-2016 compilation when it is complete. A lot of people (myself included) don't mind if it is in MP3 format. :-)

    Sending you a huge thank you from the PJ community! Be well!!!

    Post edited by evenflow82 on
    I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell.
    -Christopher Walken

    you're=you are
    your=showing ownership

    The truth has a well known liberal bias.
    -Stephen Colbert
  • I have burned your mixes to several friends and they love them!  I hope your health improves and you feel better.

    Quick queation: I have a 2003 north american tour mix from many years ago. Did you create one for that tour?  There's no rush to finish it, but please post the 2011-2016 compilation when it is complete. A lot of people (myself included) don't mind if it is in MP3 format. :-)

    Sending you a huge thank you from the PJ community! Be well!!!

    I made 3 mixes for the 2000 tour which are very raw and in order by the date the shows that  were played. The Euro one nicknamed European Nights is the best of those. I did a 2003 mix which Ridley May have remastered, but I have to make sure about that one. I did a 2006 one which I think is my best one personally. I did one in 2010 and one after for a mini tour that I cannot talk about here. Either way, any other questions on those, just Pm me.
    "Only curfews can keep us down"
  • rummyrummy British Columbia, Canada Posts: 4,458
    Did the 2003 Mix have a nickname?
  • evenflow82evenflow82 Posts: 3,892
    edited November 2018
    I don't remember what it was called, maybe '2003 tour mix North America'.  I got it from a PJ fan who was my roommate in college.  

    It has an intro to Elderly Woman where Ed talks about the band being sued for using a woman's picture in the Vs. liner notes without her permission and the song shouldn't be called 'Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in Small Town' but instead, 'Rich Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town'.  Hahaha.  Does that help with anything?

    Again, it has a few little Ed stories and talking moments like the Lowlight79 mixes have, which leads me to believe there was a North American 2003 compilation that he had some influence on.  
    Post edited by evenflow82 on
    I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell.
    -Christopher Walken

    you're=you are
    your=showing ownership

    The truth has a well known liberal bias.
    -Stephen Colbert
  • rummyrummy British Columbia, Canada Posts: 4,458
    edited November 2018
    I found the artwork for what I think is this 2003 mix. At least that is what is stated. Oddly enough, the artwork mimics covers of the bootlegs from the 2005 tour!
    Post edited by rummy on
  • evenflow82evenflow82 Posts: 3,892
    is there a link to download or about the compilation?

    Another one of the tracks was 'give peace a chance' singalong.
    I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell.
    -Christopher Walken

    you're=you are
    your=showing ownership

    The truth has a well known liberal bias.
    -Stephen Colbert
  • rummy said:
    Did the 2003 Mix have a nickname?

    A board member whom I cannot remember termed it the love boat mix. Which was kinda funny, It never really had an actual name though
    "Only curfews can keep us down"
  • evenflow82evenflow82 Posts: 3,892
    Do you (or anyone) have any additional info or a download link?
    I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell.
    -Christopher Walken

    you're=you are
    your=showing ownership

    The truth has a well known liberal bias.
    -Stephen Colbert
  • evenflow82evenflow82 Posts: 3,892
    I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell.
    -Christopher Walken

    you're=you are
    your=showing ownership

    The truth has a well known liberal bias.
    -Stephen Colbert
  • rummyrummy British Columbia, Canada Posts: 4,458
    I've scoured the web for some of these older versions but nothing's come up. Somebody out there might have them buried on an old hard drive but I think we might have to consider making our own!

    (Although I like the 2003 tour, it's not one of my favourites so I doubt I'd start working on that one any time soon)
  • rummyrummy British Columbia, Canada Posts: 4,458

    These were the images I had found the other day. No music, however.
  • evenflow82evenflow82 Posts: 3,892
    edited November 2018
    That is the one!!!

    Does anyone on the board have this mix? Can we bring it back from the dead?

    We have a mix from 2000, 2006, 2008-2010 and just got confirmation Lowlight79 has been slowly piecing together a mix for 2011-2016. If we get this 2003 mix back up we'll have some fluidity from 2000 on.

    Hoping with fingers crossed. Scour your hard drives!
    Post edited by evenflow82 on
    I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell.
    -Christopher Walken

    you're=you are
    your=showing ownership

    The truth has a well known liberal bias.
    -Stephen Colbert
  • RoleModelsinBlood31RoleModelsinBlood31 Austin TX Posts: 6,186
    I have my doubts that the above comps is a lowlight79/RBO comp.  the RBO art generally has their logos on it and not for resale and things like that.  It could be LL79’s I suppose but without RBO you’re not going to have the cd artwork I’m guessing.  We’ll see
    I'm like an opening band for your mom.
  • rummyrummy British Columbia, Canada Posts: 4,458
    edited November 2018
    I have my doubts that the above comps is a lowlight79/RBO comp.  the RBO art generally has their logos on it and not for resale and things like that.  It could be LL79’s I suppose but without RBO you’re not going to have the cd artwork I’m guessing.  We’ll see
    Not sure if RBO has anything to do with this. LL79 did mention it was an earlier version and therefore wasn't as spruced up as the more recent ones (2006 and 2008/09/10). As I mentioned earlier, I just think it's funny that the 2005 artwork is being used for it.
  • evenflow82evenflow82 Posts: 3,892
    Any luck in locating this? 
    I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell.
    -Christopher Walken

    you're=you are
    your=showing ownership

    The truth has a well known liberal bias.
    -Stephen Colbert
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