Help Identifying a few Improvs

I'm going through the process of organizing the Improvs I've tracked down, which is a pain since most have very little info / wrong info. I've got most of the stuff from the Italian TBR 90-99 collection identified via Google researching, but there are 3 that I can't Figure out what show they're from / what the correct titles are (if they have titles), anyhow, THANKS for any help you can give and here's the lyrics and Info as best I know:
-"Been so long since I've seen you my friend things have changed, it happens now and then, but some things are the same" only identified on the comp as "Improv (Live 1998) 1" which may be wrong.
- "Hey, Where'd you come from" and "This Ain't the Place" are the only lyrics I think I have correct. It's a bluesy one labeled "Improv (Live 1993)"
- "Some People I Don't Mind Waiting Around For"  incorrectly labeled on the comp as "Some People (Live 1994)" This is NOT the improv from Charleston, SC

Mike "...After Dark"


  • Mike ...After DarkMike ...After Dark Posts: 30
    edited October 2018
    So, I managed to figure out the 3: Maryland Heights MO 7-2-98, (Chicago 3-13-94),  Improv 2 Seattle 2-6-95
    I do still have 1 I can't ID, Supposedly from 03, though that may not be correct, and it's also possible it's an extension of  another song. Anyhow, here are the lyrics: "I'm Lost, I'm Lost and found I can't share where my mind goes I've been lost, lost and found, where I'll end up, no one knows"  Thanks!

    Post edited by Mike ...After Dark on
    Mike "...After Dark"
  • NatashapearljamfanNatashapearljamfan Australia Posts: 3,777
    Bump because I don't know the answer. Someone will! 
  • BrandenBranden Nevada Posts: 226
    The first improv is from the June 27th, 1998 show in East Troy, WI. It's pretty much the precursor to "Untitled" from Live On 2 Legs, as it's the intro to the "MFC" version that is on that album. I have it as "Things Have Changed (improv)" in my iTunes...
    The Better Band Podcast: 
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    Google Play:

    1995: 6.22 Sacramento, CA
    1997: 11.14 Oakland, CA (Rolling Stones)
    1998: 7.10 San Diego, CA; 7.16 Sacramento CA
    2000: 10.22 Las Vegas, NV; 10.25 San Diego, CA; 10.28 San Bernardino, CA; 10.31 Mountain View, CA
    2003: 6.01 Mountain View, CA; 6.02/6.03 Irvine, CA; 6.05 San Diego, CA; 6.06 Las Vegas, NV
    2006: 7.06 Las Vegas, NV; 7.16 San Francisco, CA
    2013: 11.26 Oakland, CA
    2022: 5.18 Sacramento, CA

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