Looking for a few posters.
I'm trying to track down the last few posters from PJ shows I attended:
East Lansing '98
Denver '06
Cleveland '10
Alpine Valley '11
Jacksonville '16 *** FOUND***
I know what the East Lansing is going for and I would much prefer a damaged one to frame to keep cost down. Pinholes, light staining, tears, wrinkles...I don't care. Just want to stick it in a frame and slap it up on the wall.
I prefer to buy but will trade if I have anything someone wants.
East Lansing '98
Denver '06
Cleveland '10
Alpine Valley '11
Jacksonville '16 *** FOUND***
I know what the East Lansing is going for and I would much prefer a damaged one to frame to keep cost down. Pinholes, light staining, tears, wrinkles...I don't care. Just want to stick it in a frame and slap it up on the wall.
I prefer to buy but will trade if I have anything someone wants.
If hope can grow from dirt like me, it can be done. - EV
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