sorry you have to make your money somewhere else Ed....
quit backing losing causes like Ralph Nader, Barrack Obama, and the West Memphis 3, and of course the stinkin CUBS!!!!!!
man my Cardinals would have shown a better effort and they sucked this year.....eeeeek
dont take this too personal as everything else you guys support is good stuff
quit backing losing causes like Ralph Nader, Barrack Obama, and the West Memphis 3, and of course the stinkin CUBS!!!!!!
man my Cardinals would have shown a better effort and they sucked this year.....eeeeek
dont take this too personal as everything else you guys support is good stuff

Post edited by Unknown User on
LOL....greatest post ever!!.... he does back all can add all his opening bands to the list as of that list being ben harper.
dont get me wrong, ed is a great performer and musical talent, but his tastes in everything else sucks big time.
Opinions are like assholes...everyone has one and they all stink!!!! Unfortunately for you two...I think your opinions stink far worse than Eddie's! At least he has the balls to stand up for what he believes in! If you guys wanna bash Eddie...go to faggy U2's message board or something!! There is no place for it here!!!!!!
Ed wasn't "standing up for what he believed in", he was trying to make a buck.
Now, honestly there isn't anything wrong with that, but you forfeit your "free pass" when you go capitalist.
Kings of Leon, Ben Harper, Black Keys qualify as having no musical talent? Interesting. That makes it clear you have no musical talent yourself and being the judge of something you don't have any idea about is rather pathetic. Don't get me wrong, there have plenty of openers I have not been a fan of, but to put Ben Harper at the top? It just makes me realize how many stupid people really are out there...especially anyone who would support Palin. Pathetic.
Nah nah nah boo boo....are some of you like 10 years old? Go scour the Nickelback forum where you belong
That's hilarious. And pretty pathetic. Are you so insecure about what you believe that you have to gang up on anyone who thinks differently? Why can't we all be a little more open minded? We don't all have to be as narrow minded as Eddie and Barack.
Yeah, lots of bashing of Eddie at the U2 board. I'd love to see you run into Eddie on the street and have you ask him why he is friends with a "faggy" band like U2. Wouldn't do it? Didn't think so.
like a fucking song had anything to do with your team CHOKING!!!
nice way to misplace your anger! I'm sure he's bumming more than most of you!
Umm, is there any GOOD time to agree with ed? everytime I do people like you tell me I'm just being a blind follower or whatever.
the OP is being antagonistic and so you are saying we should be open minded, like him?
hate the cubs, love barack, hate slight of hand, love riot act.
there, fair and balanced enough for ya?!
as for barack, we'll talk again on Nov. 1st.
The one thing I will say is that Pearl Jam comes out every night and kicks ass! That is more I can say for the Cubs, White Sox or anyother sports team around!
Chicago 95
Alpine 98
Indy and Alpine 00
St. Louis, Champaign, Chicago, Indy 03
St. Louis 04
Thuderbay 05
Chicago 1 and 2, Pitt, Cincy, Las Vegas, Portland, Gorge 1 and 2, Hawaii 06
Lolla 07
Hartford, Boston 1 and 2 08
But these threads are becoming fucking annoying. Too many people with insuperior complexes around here..
I give credit to Cubs fans for the dedication they have.
My Movie/Music Reviews & Sports Blog
Eddie loves the Cubs...I don't give a shit about baseball or what team Ed likes....but when someone comes on here to say stupid shit about a song someone wrote for a team they support and then it goes into politics and opening bands how they all makes you sound anything but makes you sound fucking stupid, which you probably are if you can't comprehend this.
Chicago 95
Alpine 98
Indy and Alpine 00
St. Louis, Champaign, Chicago, Indy 03
St. Louis 04
Thuderbay 05
Chicago 1 and 2, Pitt, Cincy, Las Vegas, Portland, Gorge 1 and 2, Hawaii 06
Lolla 07
Hartford, Boston 1 and 2 08
You're putting words in my mouth, I never did any such thing. I'm talking about the opposite, when people criticize people like ME and others for DISAGREEING with Ed.
fuck me, you're right. sorry.
as for his history of backing losers, i think that'll all change come november
im just glad both chicago teams are out now so theres no bragging from sox fans... other than the ridiculous "atleast we won one"... which at the end of the day means absolutely nothing...
either extreme of both team's fans makes them both look horrible... the cubs got the elitist frat boy crowd and the sox got the white trash and gangster minority crowd (no offense meant to either)
in the end it usually comes down to upbringing