
Does Footsteps = Footsteps ?

undoneoneundoneone Posts: 26
I know it is probably just me. But do you think that this peom and this song go together. I read this peom long before I heard this song, but when I heard this song it reminded me of this peom.

FOOTSTEPS by anonymous

One night a man had a dream.
He dreamed he was walking
along the beach with the Lord.
Across the sky flashed scenes,
from his life. For each scene,
he noticed two sets of footprints
in the sand; one belonged to him,
and the other to the Lord.

When the last scene of his life
flashed before him, he looked back
at the footprints in the sand.
He noticed that many times along the
path of his life there was only one
set of footprints. He also noticed
that it happened at the very lowest
and saddest time in his life.

This really bothered him and he
questioned the Lord about it.
"Lord, you said that once I decided
to follow you, you'd walk with me
all the way. But I have noticed
that during the most troublesome
times in my life, there is only one
set of footprints. I don't understand
why when I needed you most you would
leave me."

The Lord replied,"My precious,
precious child, I love you and I would
never leave you. During your times of
trail and suffering, when you see only
one set of footprint, it was then that
I carried you."


That was the peom, now here is what I think is PJ's side.

don't even think about reachin' me, I won't be home
don't even think about stoppin' by, don't think of me at all
I did what I had to do, if there was a reason, it was you...
aah...don't even think about gettin' inside
voices in my head... ooh, voices
I got scrathes, all over my arms
one for each day, since I fell apart
I did...oh, what I had to do, if there was a reason, it was you
footsteps in the hall...(or hole), it was you, you...oh...
pictures on my chest, it was you, it was you...
hey...I did what I had to do...oh, and if there was a reason
oh' there wasn't no reason, no
and if, there's something you'd like to do
just let me continue, to blame you
footsteps in the hole(or hall), it was you, you...oh...
pictures on my chest, it was you, you...oh...

On July 11,03 Mansfield, Ma. Eddie took "blame you" out and used "ask you".
So it went "let me continue, to ask you"

Let me know, is it just me or do you think that there is something about Footsteps that goes with Footsteps, besides the name.

Thank You
"I'm lost,I'm no guide, but I'm by your side." E.V.
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