FS: 2 Fenway N1 Tickets

10c tickets, face value of course.


  • Interested!
    what section?
    there once was a note...LISTEN !
  • F50 down low
  • I'm looking for only one, but I have Klausen/Whalen posters for trade also. LMK if you decide to sell them individually for any reason
    [X]  Greenville, SC (September 04, 1998)
    [X]  Charlotte, NC (August 04, 2000)
    [X]  Charlotte, NC (April 16, 2003)
    [X]  Asheville, NC (October 06, 2004)
    [X]  Columbia, SC(June 16, 2008)
    [X]  Charlotte, NC (October 30, 2013)
    [X]  Austin, TX (October 12, 2014)
    [X]  NYC (September 26, 2015)
    [X]  Columbia, SC (April 21, 2016)
  • dsg4dsg4 Posts: 188
    Still available?
  • Yes.  PM if interested.  Thanks.
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