Happy 22nd Birthday to No Code



  • Big Bank HankBig Bank Hank Seattle, WA Posts: 8,639
  • Big Bank HankBig Bank Hank Seattle, WA Posts: 8,639

    Love this record. 

    In my Tree is one of my favorite PJ songs. 
    I know, such a great tune
  • HesCalledDyerHesCalledDyer Maryland Posts: 16,456
    I remember going to the music store the day it was released. Had a friend who worked there at the time who was also a big PJ fan (I didn't know him extremely well then, but is one of my best friends now).  They were playing it in the store when I went in, I can't remember which song was playing because I didn't know them yet. I asked him how it was and I still remember exactly what he said: "It's really good. But it's not like anything they've done so far.  It's probably not gonna be for everyone, but I think that's the point. You might need to give it a few listens before it hits you."
    I couldn't wait to leave the store and pop the CD in my car. Sometimes was a little puzzling musically at first, but I loved the words.  And then the blast into Hail, Hail.  I was hooked.  Who You Are was next, and I had heard it as I already had the single.  The tribal drumming on it followed by In My Tree got me in a rhythm, an almost primal feeling.  The bluesy Smile with its simplistic but heart-wrenching lyrics. Off He Goes, somber and beautiful. Blast into Habit then another bluesy tune Red Mosquito.  Lukin was a raw, powerful punch to the gut.  Present Tense was the song I was waiting to hear, absolutely loves the message of the song. Mankind - wait, Ed sounds weird. Is that Ed? No, it's Stone singing! Groovy!  The spoken-word I'm Open spoke to the lost, fragile child who stared at the ceiling at night, wondering what the world had in store. Around the Bend, good night, see you in the morning.
    I only needed one listen but what my buddy said was true. It wasn't like anything they'd done so far. But it was also really good.  Reeaalllyy good! This was Pearl Jam growing from the rawness of Vitalogy, coming into their own. For those who stuck out the long run, this was an album that would be talked about and revered for decades to come. And here we all are.
  • Big Bank HankBig Bank Hank Seattle, WA Posts: 8,639
    I remember going to the music store the day it was released. Had a friend who worked there at the time who was also a big PJ fan (I didn't know him extremely well then, but is one of my best friends now).  They were playing it in the store when I went in, I can't remember which song was playing because I didn't know them yet. I asked him how it was and I still remember exactly what he said: "It's really good. But it's not like anything they've done so far.  It's probably not gonna be for everyone, but I think that's the point. You might need to give it a few listens before it hits you."
    I couldn't wait to leave the store and pop the CD in my car. Sometimes was a little puzzling musically at first, but I loved the words.  And then the blast into Hail, Hail.  I was hooked.  Who You Are was next, and I had heard it as I already had the single.  The tribal drumming on it followed by In My Tree got me in a rhythm, an almost primal feeling.  The bluesy Smile with its simplistic but heart-wrenching lyrics. Off He Goes, somber and beautiful. Blast into Habit then another bluesy tune Red Mosquito.  Lukin was a raw, powerful punch to the gut.  Present Tense was the song I was waiting to hear, absolutely loves the message of the song. Mankind - wait, Ed sounds weird. Is that Ed? No, it's Stone singing! Groovy!  The spoken-word I'm Open spoke to the lost, fragile child who stared at the ceiling at night, wondering what the world had in store. Around the Bend, good night, see you in the morning.
    I only needed one listen but what my buddy said was true. It wasn't like anything they'd done so far. But it was also really good.  Reeaalllyy good! This was Pearl Jam growing from the rawness of Vitalogy, coming into their own. For those who stuck out the long run, this was an album that would be talked about and revered for decades to come. And here we all are.
    real Pearl Jam fans get off on No Code & Binaural, it sucks that they hardly ever play most of the songs live, was sooooo stoked when I heard the opening to Around The Bend at Phoenix 13 and I said to the person next to me "this is only the 10th time they ever played this!", I had an out of body experience, just thinking about all the PJ fans who weren't there who were wishing they were when either they saw it on the setlist thread or who were following it live somehow, will always remember that moment
  • Big Bank HankBig Bank Hank Seattle, WA Posts: 8,639

  • BrainofBGABrainofBGA Australia Posts: 4,440
    Love this thread!

    Love No Code! 
    Melbourne #1 '98
    Melbourne #2 '03
    Melbourne #3 '03
    Melbourne #1 '06
    Melbourne #3 '06
    Melbourne '09
    Melbourne '14
  • Big Bank HankBig Bank Hank Seattle, WA Posts: 8,639
    Love this thread!

    Love No Code! 
    thanks, when picking the videos for the songs wanted to try and get to get enough variety to show different stages of the bands career & the bands evolution
  • vercemanverceman Posts: 689
    Favorite song is Smile.  I must be crazy to share this here, but nonetheless here is our version:


    Positive vibes only!
  • KN219077KN219077 Montana Posts: 1,165
    Favorite album by any artist. Present Tense, In My Tree, Sometimes, Lukin, I love them all
  • treestrees Columbus OHIO Posts: 1,908
    My soundtrack to my 33 year old self it is my favorite then Binaural and Riot act,this No Code is my best freind though

    PJ Cuyahoga Flalls OH 8/26/1998
    PJ Noblesviile IN 8/18/2000
    PJ Cincinnatti OH 8/20/2000
    PJ Columbus OH 8/21/2000
    PJ Columbus OH 6/24/2003
    PJ Hamilton Ontario 9/13/2005
    PJ Phiadelphia PA 10/3/2005
    PJ Cleveland OH 5/20/2006
    PJ Columbia SC 6/16/2008.....
    e.V Chicago IL 8/21/2008
    e.V Philly PA 6/11/2009
    e.V Bailtimore MD 6/14/2009...
    PJ Chicago IL 8/23/2009
    .PJ...Philly PA 10/27/2009 PJ.Philadephia PA 10/28/2009.
    PJ Columbus OH 5/6/2010
    PJ Cleveland OH 5/9/2010.
    BRAD Columbus OH 10/5/2010
    e.V St.Louis MO 7/1/2011
    .PJ.. East Troy WI 9/3/2011..PJ..East Troy WI 9/4/2011
    Neil Young & Crazy Horse Cleveland OH 10/8/2012
    RNDM Chicago IL11/13/2012
    Alice In Chains/SoundGarden Columbus OH 5/19/2013
    AIC Fort Wayne IN 5/21/2013
    PJ Pittsburgh PA 10/11/2013
    AIC Cincinnati OH 5/17/2014
    AIC Cleveland OH 5/19/2014
    AIC Indianapolis IN 8/19/2014
    PJ Cincinnati OH 10/1/2014
    AIC Cincinnati OH 8/06/2015
    RNDM Chicago IL 3/15/2016
    PJ Columbia SC 4\21\2016
    PJ Lexington KY 4/26/2016
    PJ Chicago IL 8/20/2016
    Soundgarden Columbus OH 5/20/2017 Canceled RIP Chris
    AIC Columbus OH 5/18/2018 
    PJ Chicago IL 8/18/2018 PJ Chicago IL 8/20/2018
    PJ St Louis Missouri 9/18/2022
    AIC Cuyohoga falls Oh. 8/16/2019
    SHAWNSMITH Rip 2019Mark Lanegan Band 5/18/19
  • DJ253147DJ253147 Posts: 690
    I just love the reminiscing from those who remember where they were etc. when they first bought the CD and the impact the songs had on them. We missed the boat the first time round with PJ as we’re well north in age of the median PJ fan and didn’t get seriously into the band until 2006. FWIW I’d say No Code and Vs. would be in a tie just behind Yield for me. Please keep the stories coming!
  • eboweddieeboweddie Posts: 1,021
    I remember buying the cd in the old virgin megastore in Dublin. At that time I was obsessed with a game called theme park
     I listened to the CD all day while playing this game. Jesus it was a lifetime ago

    i wish i wish i wish i wish, i guess it never stops
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