You guys are hilarious. Nah I wish that was it...I was dealt some distressing news this past week so this will have to wait. I’m a little numb at the moment. The original winner’s poster has shipped though, so it was legit. No need to feel bad, or apologize, or give any thoughts...just know I didn’t mean to upset any of you or make you wait. I’m sorry. Congrats Dave, enjoy the poster.
all kidding aside, i do understand. it’s completely part of why i totally deserted this place for over two years... not for the people here, or the music, but because my devastation rocked me so badly that i could barely bring myself to even look at anything PJ. i hope you make it through whatever you’re dealing with in one piece, life can fuck with you hard.
Last: SEA2 08/10/2018
Next: ??
“I think you won, but I enjoyed the fight” - EV
Congrats Dave, enjoy the poster.
Last: SEA2 08/10/2018
Next: ??
“I think you won, but I enjoyed the fight” - EV