Is it Really That Bad?

To ruin life remain addictionless,
and schedule bills direct-deposit paid.
See your time as Go Fish instead of chess
when strategy wins relief like a blade
you approved cutting your skin, and address
your word against the gossip unafraid
that you will fail. Correct justice of less
weight from choices unapplied and unearned.
Sugar is good. It glistens on rolls baked,
and cookies, cakes, salad dressing, and pies
euphorically American. Shake shake
your morning with a mocha. Win the prize,
the "Hurray" sparks sparkling meetings half-baked
with tangential conversations chastised.
and schedule bills direct-deposit paid.
See your time as Go Fish instead of chess
when strategy wins relief like a blade
you approved cutting your skin, and address
your word against the gossip unafraid
that you will fail. Correct justice of less
weight from choices unapplied and unearned.
Sugar is good. It glistens on rolls baked,
and cookies, cakes, salad dressing, and pies
euphorically American. Shake shake
your morning with a mocha. Win the prize,
the "Hurray" sparks sparkling meetings half-baked
with tangential conversations chastised.
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird