Let's play "Name J's Stuff"

in Other Music
Here's how it works: Simply look at the photo below and give us your best guess as to what the following items are (or knowledge of what they are, if you know for sure). Some are easy, some are probably wild ass guess material. If you spot something else interesting, add to the list of questions.
We'll start with:
-What are in the little vials on J's amp?
-What about the cylinder to the left of the two vials on the amp?
-What is in the cup to the far left of the photo?
-Name all the electronic components on J's guitar.
-What is J sitting on?
-What is the thin tower with circles on it seen in the background behind the head-stock of J's guitar?
-What brand of capo is J using?
-What are the designs on J's shirt and cap?
-What is the partially visible word on the truck to the left of J and what does it mean?
Bonus question: What song is J playing?

"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
-Jim Acosta
Scented candle next to those.
Magnetic soundhole pickup. (Looks like a Sunrise system.) Volume and Tone controls for pickup.
Pork Pie Percussion drum throne.
Totem pole containing the souls of defeated foes.
Who knows. Weed was likely involved.
Berlin. Yeah, that's in Germany.
How did I do?