pjl44 said: Despite all the grousing about a couple weird situations, this has been pretty successful I think. Seems like late yesterday was a short wait with most stuff available. That should be a theme for the next couple days, too.
I totally agree, I just went at the wrong time and was in the wrong line. I feel better now that I have vented a little. Good therapy and other folks to help with perspective.
Seeing Pearl Jam in Seattle is a bucket list item for a lot of fans. A lot of those fans are also hardcore collectors. I’ve seen many photos of collections of fans here that have duplicates of duplicates of damn near everything one could think of—nine of which is for sale or trade. Seems crazy to me, but it takes all kinds.
I no longer have much of a collector mentality, but in my opinion, if I did and I were fortunate enough to be able to see my favorite band in their hometown for an event such as this, I could see myself making a 40-minute transaction. (I would also trust in my fellow fans to have some common decency and not film me and put it on the Internet for the pitchfork mob, but that’s just me being stupid again.)
I think the situational awareness falls more to the stand operators to recognize that they have a serious buyer on their hands and to handle who’s got next among the separate lines a little less rigidly until the big buyer has completed his/her transaction.
Unfortunately, I have read every single post of this thread, and there is not one instance of someone trying to gain this womans identity or one instance of going after her with the "Internet pitchfork mob". Google Justine Sacco if you want to see that in action.
In fact, read the initial post from the guy who posted the video: "Yep, once I entered the merch tent it was very nice with about 10 or more individual lines, I ended up in a line where three people (they all knew each other, perhaps traveling together) from Brazil each bought over $1,500. Each one of the three bought over $1,500, it looked like they bought the limit of each item available. I asked the young lady who helped me how much each order was and she said $1,500. One of the three had previously been in another line and completed a large order and joined the other two in my line, we didn't expect him to do another purchase. The bummer for me as each order took about 40 minutes to assemble, add up, and check out. Two other folks ahead of me and several behind me must have waited over two hours for those three people to finish. I got in line at 10:50 and left the merch tent at 3:30. I'm not even exaggerating. Link to some video I took:"
So first you blame Trump and now you go to Internet mobs... What's next?
I never blamed Trump. Your reading comprehension is lousy.
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Please feel free to start a new thread and keep it civil.
Thank you