All "encouraging" trip

Share your heartwarming story, something that really made you happy recently. The news is troubling, let’s forget about that for a bit and share some happy or encouraging stories.
A long time ago, my 5-year-old niece visited her grandparents (my parents). Before she left, she begged me to let her take home a large Lion stuffed animal that I kept at the end of my bed. I loved that Lion, but I couldn’t deny my adorable niece and her repeated promise “I’ll take real good care of him, please can I take him home with me?”
My niece grew up, went to Penn State, got married, moved to the LA area for a while and has now relocated back to the East coast.
I received a text message from her this morning that said “he made it to VA, ” along with a selfie of my beautiful niece and my beloved Lion.
Made my day.
Our (just turned) four year old hasn't learned to swim. He usually stays in our hot tub, which he called the "baby pool"
We kept trying to get him to utilize the type of life jacket that would allow him to float, vs the zippered traditional type that makes him, essentially, a human bobber.
He resisted.
A few weeks ago he finally agreed to try the new device and within ten minutes he was floating around on his own and then got out and ran over to the deep end of the pool and stood at the edge
My wife started to tell him "no" and I caught her attention and asked her to wait.
He has not been the bravest kid thus far...but he smiled at us and jumped in. I was close by, treading water, but I let him go under and them pop up.
He splashed to the surface, spit out the water he took in, and gave us a huge smile. "I did it, Momma!"
It didn't even bum me out that he called to his momma and not to dada...and I was so happy.
Later that night when the kids were in bed we spoke of what a big moment such a relatively small thing was for him. One of those moments that makes every little thing that can be troublesome in this life more than worth it. We agreed that he was likely to be swimming on his own soon.
Made our day.
This was, for him, a big step