How young are you? How old am I? Let's count the rings around my eyes.

I love that line (The Replacements, "I Will Dare")
Got me thinking about something a 30 year old (I mean middle young) said to me the other day that goes something like this:
Under 25, you are young
26 to 40 is middle young
41 to 50 is middle aged
51 to 62 is old middle aged
63 to 70 is young old
71 to 85 is old
86 and up is old old.
Sound about right?
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
-Jim Acosta
Life experiences and attitude are everything when it comes to age.
* oh, and genetics play a massive role as well!
i still feel like im 19 most of the time and that was a lifetime ago. Mayber a wiser 19...
My life, by my calculations, is 62% done
Where did my youth go?
At least I got to see a lot of cool bands in their prime