Cleveland 4-25-03 Way Underrated

Porchvs10Porchvs10 Posts: 5
I was at this show and have been listening to the boot for some time. The version of Daughter is sick and what a rockin version of SOLAT. The show doesn't get allot of talk, but I think it was great. Had fourth row because of a kind sould I met on this board, what a rockin show. Anyone else go?
"Is there room for both of us, both of us apart?"
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  • Yep, I was there. I though it was sort of a greatest hits show. I have nothing bad to say about the show, it was my first of the tour. I thought the next night in Pittsburgh was better though.
    the whole world will be different soon
    the whole world will be relieved
  • brainofPJbrainofPJ Posts: 2,361
    i was there. it was awesome!!! too bad alot of people probably skipped out on buying this was a very tight show. not alot of talking, just rocking. oh, and Sonic Reducer followed by RITFW?!!!!

    Esther's here and she's sick?

    hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
  • wow...sonic reducer and then RITFW...I do wish I had at least bough the boot.
  • i like this show a lot... but is impossible talk about all shows that were great... it's almost all tour...
    Don't let me know we're invisible
    Don't let me know we're invisible
    We could dance, dance, dance thru' the fire
    Dance, dance, dance thru' the fire
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