Once in a lifetime you find someone Gets dropped in to your life When you thought That part of your life was just for you. I went looking for myself And this guy Jolted his a** right in my path.Grabs my heart in a Headlock and shocked my World into one of the most incredible experiences and worthwhile existence. He waited for me to find myself watched as I crashed let me fall but caught me Before I hit Bottom so I Could learn I had to fall to be who I am now. You can't be a part of anybody's world until You find yourself. His birthday is the 3rd of July may the fireworks always be for you baby. This guy will be in KRAKOW Having the experience of a lifetime I hope Every one of you can take the time to realize One personCould flip your world upside down any minute but When you realize the every bit of individuality of every person in the world is standing in one place for 1 reason you'll understand What this man is taught me. wear them dimples out smiling baby You deserve every bit of your happiness you deserve every tingle Every Goosebumps from every lyric that Pearl Jam. blesses you with. Happy Birthday you crazy psychotic wonderful Love of my life.