Hardrive B+P for all shows?
Hey everyone,
Had a hard drive crash a whilst ago and lost many a show. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to do a big hard drive B + P for all shows up to like 2016 or something. Or if anyway was able to do 2000 tour on its own or anything I've be so grateful. If you're attending any shows in USA or Europe I'd definitely purchase some beverages!
Also I would be intrigued how much all PJ shows to date in the highest quality format would be...
Had a hard drive crash a whilst ago and lost many a show. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to do a big hard drive B + P for all shows up to like 2016 or something. Or if anyway was able to do 2000 tour on its own or anything I've be so grateful. If you're attending any shows in USA or Europe I'd definitely purchase some beverages!
Also I would be intrigued how much all PJ shows to date in the highest quality format would be...
(That's what she said)