I got my ticket so I am no longer, ISO Single Fenway Night 1 Sept 2. Turf would be amazing.

I'm hoping that someone here might have a spare single ticket to Fenway that I can buy.
Post edited by dionnesimone on
I'm an artist & quirky. I make lots of kinds of stuff. Things I make; chain maille armor, costume jewelry, fine art charcoal portraits, garments, baked goods, garden designs, cast resin pieces, french silk flowers, sculpture, watercolor paintings... I am an ISTP and I've read that is a bit unusual for a female. I am extremely earthy, one look at my astrology chart and you would see why.
Things I've done professionally; I was a graphic designer/art director for a local magazine, photographed weddings, ran a personal retail business, artist, retail management, executive secretary, cosmetology, danced, waited tables, waited cocktails...
I'm a long time comic & sci-fi fan. I love trying new things, especially if I can make something from it. I recently took a cnc wood carving class and made my business a really beautiful sign, a welding class and made an industrial chain lamp, and a 3-d printing class that I have cosplay plans for. (I need to cosplay as Holtzmann from ATC Ghostbusters.) I have an engineers type of mind, and collect things with history and charm. I've bought an antique wine press, steamer trunk, violin, luggage... am I even trying to list all these things? I better stop, lol!
My business tag line is Cute Creepy and Nerdy, I think that sums up my personality pretty freaking well.
ps. Capricorn Sun, Virgo Moon, Scorpio ASC.
Now all I need to do is find someone that has a spare ticket to night one and maybe a couch to crash on. lol
If anyone can help me out that would be amazing. If not I'll just keep a bunch of you company at the gate while you wait to go in and maybe help you snag drinks to keep you hydrated. :-)
No matter what, I am set for an adventure!
Here is a photo of a portrait I recently finished to make this bump more interesting. :-)
(Just putting something fun in here to make it a little less of a bump, burden.)
I am working on a new pair of led light up shoes. They will switch between lighting modes with a button, have rechargeable batteries, a micro usb port for charging and a tiny on off switch. The video I have linked, is my Instagram post on the successful wiring and coding for the button switch.
The background artwork is a custom piece made by my friend John E. Crymes.
Eventually, I will make a bluetooth, sound reactive led shoes that I can plug in to my computer and change the coding whenever I want. I just need to tweak the code to get all the options I want.
I no longer own this original portrait but I made sure I got a good shot of it before sending it into the world, then had it output on metal for myself.
Alright! I have my room booked. I found an air b&b 1.5 miles from the stadium and it was in my price range!
Now all I need is my ticket. :-) Anyone out there want to help out??
Sir. Edward Vedder the Valiant.