Why do I...

keep fucking up?
I ask myself this all the time.
anyway. thanks Neil Young for writing a song most, if not all of us can relate to. and thanks to PJ for covering the song so well. Thank You
now back to the fucking up part. why do I fuck up so much? anyone?
I ask myself this all the time.
anyway. thanks Neil Young for writing a song most, if not all of us can relate to. and thanks to PJ for covering the song so well. Thank You

now back to the fucking up part. why do I fuck up so much? anyone?
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to quote another PJ cover "it's okay"
Ok.Ok. it's actually OK. j/k
thanks for your support
Don't let me know we're invisible
We could dance, dance, dance thru' the fire
Dance, dance, dance thru' the fire
*I get knocked down but I get up again
You're never gonna keep me down*
yea well we all fuck up at 1 time or another in our life
or maybe a lot of times
Don't let me know we're invisible
We could dance, dance, dance thru' the fire
Dance, dance, dance thru' the fire
You make me feel uncalm and I think I like it - 311
"Jeff is just a badass all the way across the board" ~aNiMaL~
"Chill out Kaddikat"
ha ha. I didn't get what you were saying at 1st. ha. yea from 1 Neil young song to another.
Fuckin' up leads to Piece of Crap....ha ha
Don't let me know we're invisible
We could dance, dance, dance thru' the fire
Dance, dance, dance thru' the fire
the futures uncertain and the end is always near.
jim morrison
and dogs who bite....
why do i......
why do i keep fucking up??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!................
I'm on my 3rd beer. I'm on my waaaaaaaay to getting Fucked Up!!!
and i need more wine. this glass is busted, keeps going empty on me.
or just drink right out of the bottle!!
why do I keep getting fucked up?????
why do i keep getting fucked up? that'd be short ass song, "cuz my drunk ass wants to!" aaahahahaa that's like ramones-song-length short!
maybe Green Day can cover it add a diff flavor to it then PJ
Sit around and watch the tube,but nothing's on
Change the channels for an hour or two
Twiddle my thumbs just for a bit
I'm sick of all the same old shit
In a house with unlocked doors
And I'm fucking lazy
Why do I keep fuckin up!!!!
ha ha
Fuck Fuck Fuck!! why the fuck do I keep fucking Up!! x4
yea I like that song. too bad I can't play the guitar or I'd try to jam it out right now.....
fuck fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .........why do I keep fuckin Up!!!!!.............:)
and whaddya mean you notice my faculties diminishing? is it that obvious?? haha
uhh yteakda yeah.
uhh. yea I would love a punk version of Fuckin Up!!!!!!
punk triangle version....awww yeah, good stuff dat is!
5 beers abnd coutning.......why do I keep getting fucked up???