ISO Saskatoon 2011 poster
How has this become so incredibly hard to find? Hoping someone can help me out. I was front row for this show and Eddie gave me his wine bottle and came back to hand me the cork to take it home. Awesome night... a couple years later, I sold the poster to a friend of a friend who lives in Saskatoon for $50. I thought I bought an extra, but realized when I went to ship I only had one. Kept my word and sold it and have been looking to replace for quite some time. SE, AP, silver variant... any one would be awesome. Straight $$ or some reasonable trades is cool.
And yes I know there is one on "that online auction site" right now, but I would prefer the community option for this one.
My God, it's been so long...
And yes I know there is one on "that online auction site" right now, but I would prefer the community option for this one.
My God, it's been so long...
Til he had more time,... more time...
Time to dream,... to himself... he waves goodbye,
To himself... I'll see you on the other side...