What makes you love pearljam



  • pjfan020pjfan020 Posts: 426
    Pearl Jam is the greatest for the fact that they don't take what they do for granted. These guys care about their fans and know that they have the greatest job in the world. I love them for the fact that they continually produce quality music every time they release an album. Plus, what other band out there play two and a half hour sets for a thirty five dollar ticket. what a great band. i hope they never stop making music
    "Tonight we're just gonna play you some good old American Rock and Roll." tom petty-7-15-05
  • harvharv Posts: 1
    I've always been a casual fan of Pearl Jam. At the end of last summer, I was visiting New York with my sister, and I found their "Ten" cd on for like 3 bucks, used, so I grabbed it. Great CD, as I'd heard a lot of the songs, but I never really "listened" to it, if you catch my drift. I didnt' look into the lyrics, and in my ignorance, I knew very little about Eddie Vedder and his past.

    However, I just picked up their greatest hits CD, "Rearviewmirror," after a buddy told me how he couldn't stop listening to it. I was destined to fall into the same trap--I'd heard a lot of these Pearl Jam songs before, but hearing them all together, I guess, made them come alive. I looked into their lyrics, and saw how much passion and emotion was put into them, how vibrant they were... I'd always had this preconceived notion that Pearl Jam was just some grunge band that put out some great, rockin tunes with empty lyrics, but by truly "listening" to their songs, it gave me an enormous appreciation for the music, and the poetry within. I wish I had known just how much depth PJ had for some of the hard times in my life. Rearviewmirror has roped me in, and I know that Pearl Jam will always be one of my favorite artists, if not the favorite.
  • LizardjamLizardjam Posts: 1,121
    harv wrote:
    I've always been a casual fan of Pearl Jam. At the end of last summer, I was visiting New York with my sister, and I found their "Ten" cd on for like 3 bucks, used, so I grabbed it. Great CD, as I'd heard a lot of the songs, but I never really "listened" to it, if you catch my drift. I didnt' look into the lyrics, and in my ignorance, I knew very little about Eddie Vedder and his past.

    However, I just picked up their greatest hits CD, "Rearviewmirror," after a buddy told me how he couldn't stop listening to it. I was destined to fall into the same trap--I'd heard a lot of these Pearl Jam songs before, but hearing them all together, I guess, made them come alive. I looked into their lyrics, and saw how much passion and emotion was put into them, how vibrant they were... I'd always had this preconceived notion that Pearl Jam was just some grunge band that put out some great, rockin tunes with empty lyrics, but by truly "listening" to their songs, it gave me an enormous appreciation for the music, and the poetry within. I wish I had known just how much depth PJ had for some of the hard times in my life. Rearviewmirror has roped me in, and I know that Pearl Jam will always be one of my favorite artists, if not the favorite.

    Yet another good reason for this compilation of "greatest hits".

    WOohoo! Welcome to a great part of life - Pearl Jam!
    bugs in the way...I feel about you

    "New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."

    I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone

    "This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
  • ladygooddivaladygooddiva Posts: 4,169
    their music
    their lyrics
    their sozial stuff
    they are just real...
  • I have to say it is the music, the lyrics, and Ed's voice. The combination of these three things makes the music something I have welcomed to share my life with. I am not a casual fan, and so because PJ's music is such a part of my life I feel like I have a real relationship with that music. It's like one of my best friends: when I'm down I listen to the music and I feel better, when I feel happy and I want to bounce around and rock out ... PJ's music is there, if my past is creeping up on me and I feel like I'm going under, their music has never failed to help me back to solid ground.

    The songs speak to me as if they were a real person.
    intelligence is not a game for the masses ...
  • XiangXiang Posts: 73
    Many thing. They are so complete. They have great song writting skills, they play very well and have good chemistry, amazing vocals and lyrics, they are not afraid to experiment, they package their cd's better than anyone else. So many reasons!
  • Their passion for music
    It doesnt hurt.... when I bleed
    but memories...they eat me
    I've seen it all before,...
    bring it on cause I'm no victim.
  • J_dawgJ_dawg Posts: 1
    this is an awesome discussion, i agree with everything here and then some. i almost dont know where to start. i think it's incredible that a song can touch me(and you guys) in a personal way, and at the same time touch an entire audience collectively, if that makes sense. i also think the songs are somehow alive because i can listen to a song at different stages in life and totally get different things out of the same song. very cool. i dig how they did things their way. no ticketmaster, no mtv, no pr hype, no problem. they knew long ago that if the music is good(and it's SOOOOO good) then that's all that matters. these guys have been my therapy to so many problems it aint even funny. i'm gonna quit for now so others can have room, but i'll be back!
  • I would have to say the passion in their music as well as the lyrics and how dynamic they are, their sound is unique and their music makes me feel better whenever I am down in the dumps I just play it loud and I feel like jumping around and screaming the words at the top of my lungs!!! (Which i do when no-one is around). Not to mention that Eddie is one SEXY BEAST GOD!!!! But the passion is what gets me!!! That is what it is all about...WOO HOO!!!
  • well first and foremost.. the music!!

    Also.. the way the band has these themes for each album, its like each one is different and evolves but all the way, they stay true to who they are. The fan club is legit, the fans are the greatest ever, eddies voice is by far the most soothing perfect voice that makes me feel like home, mike is phenominal on guitar as is stone, Jeff rips it up and matt is a great drummer. None of their albums ever get old, and the anticipation to see them live or get new albums is by far more extreme than another band. The wait to see them live and when u get your tickets and what not, u cant describe it.. its like life is perfect.. and the lyrics ..wow the lyrics & how we interpret them our own ways... theres so many reasons why i love this band, these are just a few
    10/31/99, 10/27/00, 06/01/03, 10/25/03, 07/07/06, 07/09/06, 07/15/06

    Even Flow PSYCHO member #0020!!
  • have to say i agree with everything that's been said here. i also had a view of pearl jam as just a grunge band until i heard vs and it all changed. i love their music and the passion in their songs. i haven't seen them live yet but if the touring band 2000 dvd is anything to go by i can't wait. i love the emotions in the songs and everytime i heard them it takes my breath away and i know i'm amid greatness. on top of this the band stand up for their beliefs and the fans are the best in the word. PJ are my favourite band because of who they are and the amazing music they create

    great thread by the way!
  • FinsburyParkCarrotsFinsburyParkCarrots Seattle, WA Posts: 12,223
    Their shoes.
  • rvm_vsrvm_vs Posts: 46
    i'm in it for the hard drugs, boose and bitches.
    seriously, now, the music and the atmosphere that it creates are magic.
    it's beyond words
    i ain't your little honey bunny
    evenflow psycho #14
  • SomethingCreativeSomethingCreative Kazoo, MI Posts: 3,397
    I like them most of all because of the way they've gone about being a rock band. I mean I love the music...but the guys being good people and not money grubbing assholes just make it all the more enjoyable. I just wish bands would take a look at Pearl Jam and learn from them.
    "Well, I think this band is incapable of sucking."
    -my dad after hearing Not for You for the first time on SNL .
  • Hi me again. I love pearljam more than anyother band on the planet. My question is what makes pearljam, pearljam. For me its the connection. It feels like he is singing to me and me alone. No other music has done this for me and wanted your veiws.

    Totally. It feels so personal, like all of their music is talking to you alone. There are so many pearl jam songs that just make wanna nod my head and say "yeah, they know what i feel/felt like"
    The child has grown,
    the dream has gone.

    WAH! WAH! WAH!
    WAH! WAH! WAH!
  • andjaandja Posts: 14
    Do you remember the end of Single Video Theory,when interviewer asks Eddie what PJ means to him?I suppose my reaction is the same one.(cannot be the same but...)
  • I have no clue were to start.......I think its the attitude in every song no matter if the song is slower and melodic to there harder songs but in total it doesnt matter because it doesnt matter what kind of atitude im in pearl jam has a song for it......from deppresion(Crazy Mary) to anger(lukin) to happinnes (oceans) that is what makes pearl jam Pearl Jam to me..........
    I Wish I was as Fortunate as Fortunate as Tennesse....
  • MerkyjammMerkyjamm Posts: 272
    Pearl Jam are the only band, from the first moment I ever heard alive, until now, that help me put into words all my feelings, and then help me feel those feelings. I love some other bands, but only Pearl Jam is the whole package. I don't only love their music, I respect their music and I respect them as musicians and as human beings. That is the difference.
    And the fact that they respect us. I think that's just bloody amazing. They realise the importance of the fans and they do things for us, simply because we think they're kickass!

    What else? What everyone else has already said...The music, the emotions, the determination.

    A band of substance, heart and stubborness. Appeals to everyone. Would any other band have had the balls to write Rival? That's why they're undoutedly the most underrated band of the 90's. I think people hate them just because they survived, which is just such a poor reason to hate anything...

    They rule.
    Too many cowboys, not enough indians, so just go ape shit!

    I may be boring but at least I'm not Jack fucking Johnson.

    TV is such shit; let's go outside and ride bicycles, right now!

    Madrid 07/09/06 - Little mofo'ing Wing!!!
    Wembley 06/18/07 - Speechless

  • Jeremy1012Jeremy1012 Posts: 7,170
    mishmosh wrote:
    eddies voice.
    darn tootin'
    "I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
  • All of the above...
    2006 - Leeds Festival
    2007 - London
    2009 - Manchester / London
    2010 - Berlin
    2012 - Manchester I / Manchester II / EV Manchester
  • AbuskedtiAbuskedti Posts: 1,917
    I used to wonder why I liked Led Zeppelin so much. Everyone liked them, but to me they were more..

    Now its Pearl Jam, I stoped wondering. It just like wondering why I like Snickers
  • Eddie's beautiful voice and the wonderful but often sad/depressing lyrics.
  • First off, Eddie Vedder's voice is unique and doesn't sound like anyone else out there. Second, they have songs that connect with almost any situation or mood you are in. Third, the lyrics are excellent, I dont think any other band would come up with the variety of songs and lyrics that Pearl Jam has. They are all around the greatest band out there.
    And now my bitter hands cradle broken glass of what was everything
  • The Depth of the music and the emotional energy they exude. They are a no BS band w/o gimmics that just plays the music to the best of their ability just as any real rock band should!
    Album Ranking: Vs,Ten,Yield,Vitalogy,Avocado,Riot Act,No Code,Binaural,Lightning Bold,BackSpacer.
  • the olny reason you need is just fuckin listen to der music eddie is a genius the lyrices are just soooooooooooooooooooo great you really conect with the band but even if you dont listen to the lyrics you could get lost in the music they are just ledgened
    Peace , Love and Empathy - kurt cobaine (he's last words)
  • Eddie's ass.
    Life is the riddle
    Of which we're caught in the middle.
    A couple of lucky ones
    Tangled up in too much love
    ~cowboy junkies
  • Eddie's ass.

    I'm more partial to Mike's...
  • Like many others have stated, it's the connection I feel with them in total. I have some other bands I love too, but none of them can compare to PJ. Hands down my favorite. It started with Vs. actually, then I progressively got the rest of the albums and finally, on Oct. 5th '04 got to see them live at the Fox in St. Louis.

    My life will never be the same. :)
    I traded magic for fact...then I traded back.
  • UsmanIUsmanI Posts: 72
    The reason I love Pearl Jam is because of the poetic quality to almost all of their songs. Not only that but their songs actually have meaning to them, they're important and carry a message. Another reason is that Pearl Jam doesn't bitch about their lives in their songs, like so many of these new fucking bands. Their songs are very character-driven, so it's like your listening to stories or songs about someone else, and that's what I want. I don't want to listen to music and apply it to my own life, and feel gloomy, I want to listen to good music, and that's what Pearl Jam provides.

    IMO, the era of good music died with the '90s. Back then there were bands such as Soundgarden, Rage Against the Machine, Bush, and so many more. Of all these shitty new bands that emerge from someone's asshole, I think there's only a very few that I can actually stand to listen to.
  • Sincerity.

    It's as simple and as complex as that.
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