ISO one (or 2) tickets for Wrigley 2, have good stuff to trade.

I'd like two if possible, but would be happy with one ticket to Chicago 2 (20th). GA or reserved, doesn't matter.
I have an Ohana zippo for trade, some vinyl depending on the seat(s), a few posters, EV Kaboom pick, camping mugs. If you have an extra or two, please IM and I'll compile a list of what I have to trade. I'll update this post with specific items when I have a chance to see what's in the goodie cabinet at home.
I have an Ohana zippo for trade, some vinyl depending on the seat(s), a few posters, EV Kaboom pick, camping mugs. If you have an extra or two, please IM and I'll compile a list of what I have to trade. I'll update this post with specific items when I have a chance to see what's in the goodie cabinet at home.
It's amazing what you hear when you take time to listen.
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