Bye, Bye, Common Core good riddance

Bye, Bye Common Core, children brains should be used for better things like appreciating beauty, nature, music, art and self-evolution, the more you can live your life with your soul happy & free, guiding you with that light shining bright from within, the happier you will be. The only math I ever use in my daily life is all the stuff I can figure out in my head or with a calculator if I feel like saving time. Wisdom>Knowledge, being great at life, and I am not talking about how much money you make or how famous you become, I am talking about becoming the greatest person you can be and making the world the best place you can, being happy every day of your life, sending out as much joy and inspiration as you possibly can. Understanding you own your happiness, you can be happy whenever you want, others can do what their going to do, but ultimately you choose whether or not your happy or not, real sunshine comes from within, so let it shine as brightly as you can, illuminating and inspiring others. Never half-ass anything, put all your soul and passion into everything you do, and see what becomes of your life and roads it leads you down, and what doors it opens, and what questions it answers. Putting every fiber of your being into all that you do, is the best way to not live your life with any regrets.
-Hank Kershell 02.16..2018

-Hank Kershell 02.16..2018

Post edited by Big Bank Hank on
we will find a way, we will find our place
I hope we can meet up for a beer in Seattle!
Despite the frustration, I always stress the importance of education to my kids...especially higher education where they finally teach you critical thinking skills over memorizing facts. Also, a part of my personal happiness does rely on my kids knowing the difference between “their” and “they’re” and “your” and “you’re”.
The best teaching I ever saw was at a private Seventh Day Adventist school I visited that used an integrated curriculum which mirrors the interconnections of life experience. Just as importantly, these kids did not spend their whole school day behind a desk. They also did organic gardening, cooking and were taught a variety of other practical skills and these activities broke up the sit-down lesson time. It was mind blowing and wonderful to see this in action. The kids coming out of this school averaged much better at having successful, happy and healthy lives. So why aren't all schools like this? I think it's because our schools are meant to create worker bees, not creative individuals with the ability to think critically.
First time I heard that I cracked up.
"Hey man, wanna listen to some listen to some Metallica?"
"Nah. Ya got any Common Core stuff like Brass Monkeys or Nickleback?"
Nickleback sure is common core lol
We were taught math through memorization, and that makes it really hard to understand advanced mathematics like algebra and beyond because you don't have a clue about the actual mechanics, you just know blank blank blank equals blank.
Common core teaches why blank blank blank equals blank.
It's only our inflexible adult minds that make it so bad.
For me, the issue with Common Core is the way it was forced upon states by the Federal government. They basically said, “Hey states, we have a big pile of cash we’re going to hand out, but if you want a piece of it, you’ll teach things our way.” That’s what I dislike.
I haven't got a clue what common core math is, and I never will. From what I've seen of it on the internet, it is really stupid, but I dunno, maybe I'm missing something. I have never been good at math in any case. I've got the basics pretty well in hand, lol, but I was always useless once algebra and shit came into play.... didn't help that I couldn't force myself to give a shit about it. I knew it would never be useful to me in real life as an adult, and I was totally right.
(Kinda joking though... kinda, lol!)
Common core education (or the lack thereof) has what to do with being a decent human being as expressed in the initial post?
The issue (if I have this correct) is to try to question what form of education is most helpful for students in terms of better learning, critical thinking, etc. Not so much about being a decent human being. On the the nicest, smartest, togetherest (not to mention successful on many levels) people I know never got past 8th grade in school.
I thinks it's more about what kind of education gives kids a better chance of maneuvering through this crazy world.