Need 1 for Boston 1 - Lots of trade options
I’m looking for a Boston 1 reserved ticket, and am willing to make an equitable trade for any (or some combination) of the following wide variety of goodies:
Ticket (my +1):
Berlin GA
Barcelona GA
Seattle 1 Reserved (517,XXX)
Seattle 2 Reserved
Missoula GA
Boston 2 Reserved
Posters (all VG show versions unless otherwise noted):
2003 Seattle Benaroya Ames (AP S/N)
2013 Worcester 2 Klausen
2015 NYC Global Citizen Hale
2016 Fenway Shuss
2016 Wrigley Cliver, Feldman, Klausen & Taylor
Boots (all VG unless otherwise noted):
5/23/2000 Lisbon
5/30/2000 London
8/7/2000 Atlanta (Sealed)
8/20/2000 Cincinnati (Sealed)
10/22/2000 Las Vegas
10/28/2000 San Bernardino (Sealed)
7/9/2003 NYC
10/27-31/2009 Philly Spectrum Box Set
4/11/16 Tampa
4/16/16 Greenville
4/21/16 Columbia
4/26/16 Lexington
4/29/16 Philly
5/10/16 Toronto
Vaults (all sealed)
#4, Bellingham
TMR, Nashville
Holiday Singles (all VG)
93, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13