Xennials: The Elite Generation

Alright, just saw this interesting article about a new classification for those born between 1977 - 1983 and I couldn't agree more.
Never really felt like I fit the Gen X mold and definitely not the Millenial era.
Whose with me? Xennials rule the world!
Never really felt like I fit the Gen X mold and definitely not the Millenial era.
Whose with me? Xennials rule the world!

It's a hopeless situation...
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
I thought we had Genx, then Gen Y then Millennials, then snowflakes? What the hell is the proper term for snowflakes anyways?
To me the big generational divide comes from the internet and cell phones. The internet really came to life with Windows 95 and I was in middle school when people in my area started surfing the web and talking in chatrooms.
When I graduated high school, the Moto RAZR (I think) came out and everyone started getting cellphones.
If your childhood existed without the internet, if you went through high school without a cellphone, then you can see the obvious divide between yourself and those who did.
Going to school now is treacherous with social media and people texting nude selfies and sharing them around... it's tricky, but I'd be lying if I said that I didn't wish that stuff existed when I was in school lol
There was only one way to see a girl in your school naked, and that took hard work...nowadays it's not such a big deal, people send nudes pretty freely. There's a deep, dark, nasty side to that, but there's a light and fun side to it too.
We joke about some of our family and friends with kids that they never knew what it was like to NOT have a cell phone or carry cash and not a bank card.
GI: 1901 to 1024 -- 23 years
Boomers: 1943 to 1964 -- 21 years
Gen X 1965 to 1979 -- 14 years
Xennials 1977 to 1983 -- 6 years
Futurennials 2045 to 2046 -- 1 year
Being born in 1978, I grew up in an age that didnt/barely had VCRs or remote control TVs.... but before it was too late, were able to grasp and learn electronic technology and communication. Internet took off during college years. Cell phones just after.
I think it gives us a unique view/experience having grown up amidst such a technological boom.
We are millennial, but only barely.
I think technology has outstripped culture and larger world events as the defining separation of generations now.
What I'm saying is that the world TA and I grew up in, and the challenges we tackled as adolescents (because that's when you really become you, ya know?) are more similar to those of people born 10 years before us than 5 years after.
My cousin is 5 years younger than me and he grew up with internet in the home in grade school and a smartphone all through highschool. His world was entirely different because of that, while the other cultural aspects that define generations have changed to a much lesser degree than technology, and the most dramatic cultural changes since 1970 were all ushered in by technology after the rise of internet and then social media.
I'm not sure how helpful micro managing generations is (for example, by brother is at the tail end of the baby boomer generation. Does that make him a Late Boomer?) but I can see an argument for it for people younger than myself who have seen more rapid changes in a shorter period of time. The world had has changed so much, so fast, and so exponentially fast that, if it keeps up, theoretically at some point the generations would be measured by just a few years or a single year or by a matter of months. But I think at some point technology will max out or will be completely run by machines. Then, it's any ones's guess.
I only remember the internet in 1997/8. The first time I ever used it was in the school library.
I grew up with VHS, wind up telephones, cassette tapes, things only went digital after high school for me.
My first home PC was a year after I finished high school.
My first mobile phone was not a smart phone but a Nokia brick of a phone.
My taste in music is the same as Gen X'ers.
I feel closer to Gen X'ers than millenials.
People blame older generations for the spike in popularity of autocracies taking shape again overseas and obviously in the US, but it appears as though the cold brew kids are more in favor of military rule and dictatorships than get the fuck off my lawners.
Those domestic terrorists in Charlottesville and elsewhere: most of them quite young and likely to shape our government for the rest of my lifetime.
Forget four more years. Forty more years is probably more like it. And it will increasingly become harder to escape it via the expat route since it's so widespread.
As someone said, I went from calling girls on a rotary phone to chatting on AIM within a short period of time when I was still a 'youth', middle school-high school-college aged.
As Mayday already said...
It isn't about comfort with using certain technologies, it's about how we relate to technology and how it shapes us as people. My Dad is 64 and has been completely comfortable with technology since it exploded in the 90's, but he grew up in a house that didn't even have TV until middle school. They were obviously poor lol
You may have adapted to social media wonderfully, but do you really think that you belong in a generation with someone who had social media accounts before puberty? Do you not see what a huge difference that makes in a person's development?
had a cell phone at 20. But I didn't get my first computer until I was 27, AFTER the new millenium. WAY behind the norm. and besides adult content and music, I have no real use for one anyway.
I got rid of my cell phone in my mid-20's and didn't get another one until this past November. I had never texted prior to November 2017.
I am WAY behind on current technology because I simply don't give a shit. I used to be the one teaching my parents how to use all the electronics in the house, but now I'm pretty much in the same boat as they are. I'm in the "I don't want to learn about it, just make it work for me" crowd.
there is some truth to the negative associations millenials get, but we have to remember it isn't their fault. they didn't spearhead this "it's all about me" philosphy. They learned this from their parents who TOLD them it was all about them. Their parents bubble wrapped them and they are products of that. you can't fault someone for how they were raised.
Of course, all of the generalizations about any generation are just that, generalizations. But my wife has had to hire a number of millenials, and in many cases the attitude and work ethic are staggeringly different from ours.
with some of them, there's no "can I have this day off?", it's "I won't be here on this day". They've learned the hard way that ain't gonna fly with Mrs. HFD.
their parents schedule their doctor and dentist appointments for them.
parents come to interviews with them. they even set the interview up for them. My wife learned very quickly that if a parent is calling, no interview for you.
-EV 8/14/93
In my day, it was all one generation, Gen-ahtrah!