That is such a bizarre story. Okay that is a definite addiction to my time in Seattle. Fremont already sounds like such a cool part of the city I think.
Dublin 2006 Dublin 2010 Madrid 2018 Werchter 2022 London 1 2022 London 2 2022 Krakow 2022
Lots of great info in this thread, as I've never been to the area either. Any thoughts on seeing Mount Rainier? If I'm making a daytrip from Seattle to Mount Rainier National Park, what is the best one or two things to see? And is do-able in a daytrip. Maybe two hours each way? Leaving Seattle in early AM and returning early evening. Myrtle Falls, Grove of the Patriarchs, Paradise Valley/Trail? Appreciate any thoughts! Thanks
That is such a bizarre story. Okay that is a definite addiction to my time in Seattle. Fremont already sounds like such a cool part of the city I think.
I'm watching The Killing at the moment, which is kind of making me scared about winding up in the boot of the mayor's campaign workers cars. But yes, I'm really looking forward to it and will be reporting back!
Dublin 2006 Dublin 2010 Madrid 2018 Werchter 2022 London 1 2022 London 2 2022 Krakow 2022
I'm watching The Killing at the moment, which is kind of making me scared about winding up in the boot of the mayor's campaign workers cars. But yes, I'm really looking forward to it and will be reporting back!
FYI, The Killing is actually filmed in Vancouver. They just use stock skyline shots to make it seem like it's in Seattle, but all the actual scenes are Vancouver.
Post edited by PJ_Soul on
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Interesting. Now that I know that it kind of takes the magic out of it for me ha ha. Kind of how the recent Ghostbusters was filmed in Boston mainly, masquerading as New York. Still though, looking forward to making it to Twin Peaks and seeing some of the locations I watched so often.
Dublin 2006 Dublin 2010 Madrid 2018 Werchter 2022 London 1 2022 London 2 2022 Krakow 2022
Hey there oftenreading. I wasn't on here in a couple of weeks. I got back to Ireland this morning. This has been the best couple of weeks ever. Do you know The Morrissey in Vancouver? I got to play at the open mic night in there a couple of weeks back. Also, loved Jam Café there.
Dublin 2006 Dublin 2010 Madrid 2018 Werchter 2022 London 1 2022 London 2 2022 Krakow 2022
So basically we crammed a helluva lot into a short space of time while we were in Vancouver. We went to Stanley Park for a walk around Beaver Lake on our first day. It was such a beautiful park and we just enjoyed strolling around and checking out the scenery, then when we made it to the edge of the park, took in some nice views of the city. My girlfriend was really excited to see Jam Café, so we queued up early one morning (which is something I normally wouldn't be caught dead doing), but it was worth it to try their red velvet pancakes! We went up to Squamish to the Sea To Sky Gondola, which was breathtaking. Although about a week before we left Ireland there had been a blizzard which caused me considerable stress so I wasn't too happy to be surrounded by snow on the walk. It was cool to see the Jimi Hendrix Shrine as well, despite the fact that the place was closed. I could go into more detail but a definite highlight for me was getting to perform in The Morrissey, as I hadn't played any of my music in public in years and have recently just started working on my 2nd record, but live performance has been something which I've been increasingly nervous about. So I figured since I was on the other side of the planet, where no one in the audience would have any expectations for what I could do, I might as well try and subdue some of the anxieties about playing shows going forward.
I'll do a much longer post about Seattle in the coming days, and I'm sure I could go into way more detail about Vancouver. Anyway, we thought it was a pretty nice city for the 3 days we spent there. It was kind of strange being outside of Ireland for St. Patrick's Day and seeing how people seem to take it as such an excuse to get wasted everywhere.
Dublin 2006 Dublin 2010 Madrid 2018 Werchter 2022 London 1 2022 London 2 2022 Krakow 2022
So basically we crammed a helluva lot into a short space of time while we were in Vancouver. We went to Stanley Park for a walk around Beaver Lake on our first day. It was such a beautiful park and we just enjoyed strolling around and checking out the scenery, then when we made it to the edge of the park, took in some nice views of the city. My girlfriend was really excited to see Jam Café, so we queued up early one morning (which is something I normally wouldn't be caught dead doing), but it was worth it to try their red velvet pancakes! We went up to Squamish to the Sea To Sky Gondola, which was breathtaking. Although about a week before we left Ireland there had been a blizzard which caused me considerable stress so I wasn't too happy to be surrounded by snow on the walk. It was cool to see the Jimi Hendrix Shrine as well, despite the fact that the place was closed. I could go into more detail but a definite highlight for me was getting to perform in The Morrissey, as I hadn't played any of my music in public in years and have recently just started working on my 2nd record, but live performance has been something which I've been increasingly nervous about. So I figured since I was on the other side of the planet, where no one in the audience would have any expectations for what I could do, I might as well try and subdue some of the anxieties about playing shows going forward.
I'll do a much longer post about Seattle in the coming days, and I'm sure I could go into way more detail about Vancouver. Anyway, we thought it was a pretty nice city for the 3 days we spent there. It was kind of strange being outside of Ireland for St. Patrick's Day and seeing how people seem to take it as such an excuse to get wasted everywhere.
So glad you enjoyed Vancouver- it’s an easy city to enjoy. And good on you for performing your music!
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Yeah it was a nice little achievement for me. However I wasn't able to get any replies from open mic nights in either Seattle or San Francisco afterwards!
Dublin 2006 Dublin 2010 Madrid 2018 Werchter 2022 London 1 2022 London 2 2022 Krakow 2022
I am happy to hear you and your girlfriend enjoyed your trip. Looking forward to hear what you have to say about Seattle.
And Frisco!!!
Back in the day, especially from the 50's through 70's (which is when I live in or near The City) is was totally taboo to call San Francisco "Frisco". (But notice, "The City" is quite acceptable )
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
-Jim Acosta
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,802
I have to say, when I think about San Francisco and how it was in the 50's through the 80's but especially from my earliest memories in the early 50's through around 1966, I feel a kind of heartache almost like pining for a lost love. That painting in Caen's book above really does reflect the mood of The City back then. Oh man, how I miss those days in that place.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
So, our first day in Seattle involved driving from Vancouver in a rental car. This was one of the most stressful days of my life thanks to the U.S border security. After a couple of hours being intimidated by America's finest we made our journey south, and with Seasons by Chris Cornell playing on the stereo, the Space Needle came into view. This was one of those wonderfully poetic moments that if I were to write a screenplay for something like this, I would probably make sure was in there. Once we got to our hotel, I opened the curtains a bit and looked out, the first thing I notice is, hey there's the Moore Theatre, where the video for Even Flow was shot. That pretty much set the tone for the rest of the week, wandering around and having these HOLY SHIT moments, spotting some landmark from a music video or film etc. So the next day we went to Easy Street Records, (which was high on my list of priorities for our time in Seattle) and stocked up on Pearl Jam, Soundgarden & Sub Pop merch. Also, Jeff Ament's Mother Love Bone mural!!!! I finally was able to get my hands on the Poncier tape, after much coveting online since it was released. We then drove to Aberdeen. It was very emotional for me to visit the bridge just over from where Kurt Cobain grew up. There was so much that I could say about this day, but I just felt so sad thinking of how this guy was a kid hanging around this area, and talking to some of the locals, and to think where he ended up. On the way back to Seattle we drove through Olympia and stopped at the house where Kurt Cobain & Dave Grohl lived at one point. That was such a strange feeling, to sit on the sidewalk and think, "Fucking Nevermind was written in there." Anyway, we didn't stop long at either of the homes, as they have residents and I know if the rolls were reversed I'd probably be pissed if there were Irish tourists staring at my place. The following day we drove past Layne Staley's house, which was morbid, but then again, no more or less than many of the other stops. Same story again, really sad feelings. From there we went to see Bruce & Brandon Lee's grave near Capitol Hill. There were a few other people there when we went so didn't stop long. We then went to see the Sound Garden (and didn't realise until a couple of days later that we had actually driven past the Black Sun sculpture on the way). This was a hard one to find, I had to ask a cop for help in a nearby park, and he put me straight. I made sure to kiss the cop's ass in case he shot me, calling him Sir, etc. I still couldn't resist starting to laugh as I stepped away and telling him that I wanted to pay tribute to Chris Cornell. This was an amazing location to visit. It was really quiet, and has an amazing view of the lake. I spent a few moments listening to some of Chris' music, and then a few more moments sitting in silence just trying to think of how one day he must have sat here and thought how fucking cool this view was. Then I went back to the car and made the drive over to Renton to visit Jimi Hendrix's gravesite. There was no one there when I arrived so I felt able to spend a few minutes and just bask in the glory of Jimi's New Rising Sun. By this stage, I was ready to go back to the hotel, because it had been a day full of death and early death at that. The following day we went on the Stalking Seattle tour, which I would recommend to anyone who visits Seattle who isn't familiar with the area. There are a lot of awesome locations on this tour, and the guide lived through the whole grunge thing in the 1980s and 1990s so it's a very authentic experience. Kurt Cobain's house made me very.......somber or something. Anyway, after being dropped off by the tour guide we went into MoPop (formerly the Experience Music Project) to see the Taking Punk To The Masses exhibition. One of the guys on the tour said to me that he could easily have spent 5 hours going through all of the exhibits in the museum. In fact, I could easily have spent 5 hours just on the Nirvana one alone. I probably spent a good 90 minutes in that room on it's own, and even then I didn't go through all of the videos etc. So as a result of taking to long in there I just had enough time to kind of run through some of the other ones, like the horror and science fiction ones. I nearly lost my shit when I found the proton pack from Ghostbusters (as much of an obsession for me as Seattle rock music from the 1980s and 1990s is), to the point where I began tearing up. Also, the MoPop has a cool Jimi Hendrix exhibit which houses his passport and the guitar that he played at Woodstock (allegedly). The whole thing was just amazing. The next day we went on the Twin Peaks Tour. This was amazing. We got to visit so many of the locations from the show, and the area is EXACTLY like we imagined it would be. We got to have cherry pie at the freakin Double R Diner! The following day we walked through the March For Our Lives, which was just phenomenal. Such a level of unity from people that I have never really witnessed before. There's been things in Ireland that people have come together on but never to that level, there's always way more detraction from people who don't agree. Having said that, people are often not protesting issues that involve life and death as much in my country. It was very moving.
Guys I could go on and on and on but I'm very conscious of the fact that I have just written a huge wall of text and basically just been gushing over each aspect of the trip. I could go into a huge amount of detail on each of these things but I don't want to bore you THAT much. If anyone has any questions about any of the locations let me know. I was really just skimming over each of them in order to fit them all into the post. I spent another couple of days in Seattle, which I will talk about in my next post but at the moment my hands are freaking killing me and I'm afraid the longer that I type this thing, the more likely it is that I'll accidentally delete the post or something!
Dublin 2006 Dublin 2010 Madrid 2018 Werchter 2022 London 1 2022 London 2 2022 Krakow 2022
Couldn't sleep so obviously I am on here right? Pfft. A beautiful read Conor. And you as well Brian. A question for Conor... I will attending both Seattle shows so I'll be in Seattle about a week. A lot of the stops you mentioned are on my list as well... the Moore, East Street, Layne's apartment. I was considering walking and seeing all these things on the off days where there isn't a show. Although I was trying to save some money, would you say a car is needed or beneficial in order see all these things? All the old concert halls are close by, but I've looked on maps and everything else seems far away.
Yeah. A car is definitely a benefit if you're planning on going to Layne Staley's apartment and Easy Street Records. I'm sure that public transport will get you there as well, but it will likely be a lot quicker and you'll fit in more stops if you have your own transport. I had the car for the ease of getting between Vancouver and Seattle and because I wanted to visit Aberdeen and Olympia as well. I simply wouldn't have been able to go on my Nirvana pilgrimage if I hadn't decided to do that. I'd highly recommend Alamo as well, the guy knocked a lot of money off of the bill when I told him about the border. Thanks for your kind words about my post as well, I was quite scattered trying to remember it properly.
Dublin 2006 Dublin 2010 Madrid 2018 Werchter 2022 London 1 2022 London 2 2022 Krakow 2022
Seattle has a pretty crappy public transit service, that is for sure. They really dropped the ball when they decided their only train service would be an almost useless monorail that goes almost nowhere, lol. But besides that and the summer hotel prices, Seattle is a great city.
Glad you enjoyed Vancouver OP. I'd love to hear more about your thoughts if you feel like it actually.... I am quite curious about tourist's responses to visiting the city, because as a native it is really hard for me to understand what it is a tourist might actually enjoy or not. Sometimes I think it would be nice for them, and then other times I wonder wtf they would even do after the first day or two.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Honestly man, we felt that way as well. There were a lot of young kids smoking weed on the streets and that just isn't out scene (anymore!). As I said, the main activity that we did while we were in the city was actually an hour outside of the place. A lot of Irish people my age moved to Vancouver during their 20s. I guess there must have been a lot of employment opportunities or something. But aside from falling around the streets, getting fucked up, (which we weren't going to be doing) I think we pretty much achieved all that we could in that space of time.
Dublin 2006 Dublin 2010 Madrid 2018 Werchter 2022 London 1 2022 London 2 2022 Krakow 2022
Honestly man, we felt that way as well. There were a lot of young kids smoking weed on the streets and that just isn't out scene (anymore!). As I said, the main activity that we did while we were in the city was actually an hour outside of the place. A lot of Irish people my age moved to Vancouver during their 20s. I guess there must have been a lot of employment opportunities or something. But aside from falling around the streets, getting fucked up, (which we weren't going to be doing) I think we pretty much achieved all that we could in that space of time.
Well there is a ton to do, but almost all of it is outdoor activities, or yeah, leave the city altogether. Go for a hike, go for a paddle, go for a bike ride, go for insanely long walks, get on a ferry and go do those things on a nearby island instead, lol, or drive into the mountains and do the same things there, plus go whitewater rafting, zip-lining, or skiing. Otherwise, see a concert/show, go to the beach and sit around (and smoke some weed), go to Granville Island Market and eat and wander around and take a water taxi, go eat some sushi or pho, or yes indeed, go to a pub or restaurant (of which there are zillions upon zillions) and get drunk. Yes, we are a pretty fucking drunk and high city, I'll admit, but it's not all falling down douche drunks by any means. A good portion of us non-falling down, responsiblie adult types are fairly drunk too, if it's after about 6pm.
Post edited by PJ_Soul on
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
I hope my previous post didn't come across as an indictment on your city or anything man. We really enjoyed the few days that we spent there, but we were just ITCHING to get to Seattle and discover all of the stuff we had planned to see. Having said that, I've been dreaming of the red velvet pancakes in Jam Café. Also, we got some really awesome kebabs in Vancouver! If we had more time we would have done way more of Stanley Park, but we were just mainly walking around the city trying to literally just see as much of it as we could because we knew we wouldn't be there long.
Dublin 2006 Dublin 2010 Madrid 2018 Werchter 2022 London 1 2022 London 2 2022 Krakow 2022
No, that's not how I took it (and btw, I've never even heard of the Jam Cafe before you posted about it!). What I meant was that yeah, compared to a lot of cities, there isn't a lot to do in the downtown area that's usual tourist activity. Like most cities worth visiting have a bunch of stuff like great museums and stuff like that, or super historical sites ... Vancouver has nothing like that to speak of. We're relatively new city, and the city fucked up by never developing interesting places like that. What we do have in that context is lame as hell. So what I meant is, because we lack that stuff, I think tourists have to try and make up for it by doing all that other stuff I listed... the problem is that not all tourists are into spending day after day being outdoorsy....for the locals, the non-outdoorsy people are the drunk ones. Although I never notice people falling down in the street TBH. That sucks that's the impression tourists might have (assuming they didn't walk into the DTES, which is the worst skid row in North America). As for a lot of stoned kids... well, yeah. Being stoned is a part of our culture, kinda. Plus there are just a lot of street kids because it's the only place in the country where it's warm enough. WAY too many homeless people.
Post edited by PJ_Soul on
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Jam Cafe was number 1 on Trip Advisor and some Irish blogger had posted videos of herself there a couple of weeks before we went there, so my girlfriend really wanted to take it in. I'd highly recommend it, but it is a bit of a hipster place, which normally wouldn't be something that I'd go in for. Anyway, Vancouver wasn't by any means the worst place I ever went to, I really enjoyed it. Also, while there were a lot of people seemingly fucked up on the streets, it didn't feel one bit dangerous, unlike San Francisco once it got past a certain hour in the evening!
Dublin 2006 Dublin 2010 Madrid 2018 Werchter 2022 London 1 2022 London 2 2022 Krakow 2022
Jam Cafe was number 1 on Trip Advisor and some Irish blogger had posted videos of herself there a couple of weeks before we went there, so my girlfriend really wanted to take it in. I'd highly recommend it, but it is a bit of a hipster place, which normally wouldn't be something that I'd go in for. Anyway, Vancouver wasn't by any means the worst place I ever went to, I really enjoyed it. Also, while there were a lot of people seemingly fucked up on the streets, it didn't feel one bit dangerous, unlike San Francisco once it got past a certain hour in the evening!
Hm, I might have to give the cafe a shot! FWIW, the city is really best visited in the summer. Lots going on between May and September, and then everyone kind of hunkers down and there aren't really any street activities or anything like that. We're definitely not a vibrant town in the off season. But anyway, glad you didn't totally hate it, haha.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
I like Vancouver in all sorts of seasons, though summer is better in many ways.
I like the art gallery, too. It's actually a pretty good one. Not every exhibition is a winner, of course, but I visited fairly often when I'm in town.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Hm, I might have to give the cafe a shot! FWIW, the city is really best visited in the summer. Lots going on between May and September, and then everyone kind of hunkers down and there aren't really any street activities or anything like that. We're definitely not a vibrant town in the off season. But anyway, glad you didn't totally hate it, haha.
The weather was surprisingly mild as well. I was walking around with just a light jacket over a t-shirt while I was there. Ireland is so cold always. If you're going to Jam, a weekday is probably better. Also, it specialises in breakfast. People were queuing up an hour before it opened.
Dublin 2006 Dublin 2010 Madrid 2018 Werchter 2022 London 1 2022 London 2 2022 Krakow 2022
Hm, I might have to give the cafe a shot! FWIW, the city is really best visited in the summer. Lots going on between May and September, and then everyone kind of hunkers down and there aren't really any street activities or anything like that. We're definitely not a vibrant town in the off season. But anyway, glad you didn't totally hate it, haha.
The weather was surprisingly mild as well. I was walking around with just a light jacket over a t-shirt while I was there. Ireland is so cold always. If you're going to Jam, a weekday is probably better. Also, it specialises in breakfast. People were queuing up an hour before it opened.
Sounds like Medina, which i tried for the first time in January. Surprisingly enough, it actually was worth the wait.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Dublin 2010
Madrid 2018
Werchter 2022
London 1 2022
London 2 2022
Krakow 2022
I can't wait to hear about your trip!!!
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Dublin 2010
Madrid 2018
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London 2 2022
Krakow 2022
How’s it going?
Dublin 2010
Madrid 2018
Werchter 2022
London 1 2022
London 2 2022
Krakow 2022
Tell us about your trip!!!
We went to Stanley Park for a walk around Beaver Lake on our first day. It was such a beautiful park and we just enjoyed strolling around and checking out the scenery, then when we made it to the edge of the park, took in some nice views of the city.
My girlfriend was really excited to see Jam Café, so we queued up early one morning (which is something I normally wouldn't be caught dead doing), but it was worth it to try their red velvet pancakes!
We went up to Squamish to the Sea To Sky Gondola, which was breathtaking. Although about a week before we left Ireland there had been a blizzard which caused me considerable stress so I wasn't too happy to be surrounded by snow on the walk.
It was cool to see the Jimi Hendrix Shrine as well, despite the fact that the place was closed.
I could go into more detail but a definite highlight for me was getting to perform in The Morrissey, as I hadn't played any of my music in public in years and have recently just started working on my 2nd record, but live performance has been something which I've been increasingly nervous about. So I figured since I was on the other side of the planet, where no one in the audience would have any expectations for what I could do, I might as well try and subdue some of the anxieties about playing shows going forward.
I'll do a much longer post about Seattle in the coming days, and I'm sure I could go into way more detail about Vancouver. Anyway, we thought it was a pretty nice city for the 3 days we spent there. It was kind of strange being outside of Ireland for St. Patrick's Day and seeing how people seem to take it as such an excuse to get wasted everywhere.
Dublin 2010
Madrid 2018
Werchter 2022
London 1 2022
London 2 2022
Krakow 2022
Dublin 2010
Madrid 2018
Werchter 2022
London 1 2022
London 2 2022
Krakow 2022
After a couple of hours being intimidated by America's finest we made our journey south, and with Seasons by Chris Cornell playing on the stereo, the Space Needle came into view. This was one of those wonderfully poetic moments that if I were to write a screenplay for something like this, I would probably make sure was in there.
Once we got to our hotel, I opened the curtains a bit and looked out, the first thing I notice is, hey there's the Moore Theatre, where the video for Even Flow was shot. That pretty much set the tone for the rest of the week, wandering around and having these HOLY SHIT moments, spotting some landmark from a music video or film etc.
So the next day we went to Easy Street Records, (which was high on my list of priorities for our time in Seattle) and stocked up on Pearl Jam, Soundgarden & Sub Pop merch. Also, Jeff Ament's Mother Love Bone mural!!!! I finally was able to get my hands on the Poncier tape, after much coveting online since it was released.
We then drove to Aberdeen. It was very emotional for me to visit the bridge just over from where Kurt Cobain grew up. There was so much that I could say about this day, but I just felt so sad thinking of how this guy was a kid hanging around this area, and talking to some of the locals, and to think where he ended up. On the way back to Seattle we drove through Olympia and stopped at the house where Kurt Cobain & Dave Grohl lived at one point. That was such a strange feeling, to sit on the sidewalk and think, "Fucking Nevermind was written in there." Anyway, we didn't stop long at either of the homes, as they have residents and I know if the rolls were reversed I'd probably be pissed if there were Irish tourists staring at my place.
The following day we drove past Layne Staley's house, which was morbid, but then again, no more or less than many of the other stops. Same story again, really sad feelings. From there we went to see Bruce & Brandon Lee's grave near Capitol Hill. There were a few other people there when we went so didn't stop long. We then went to see the Sound Garden (and didn't realise until a couple of days later that we had actually driven past the Black Sun sculpture on the way). This was a hard one to find, I had to ask a cop for help in a nearby park, and he put me straight. I made sure to kiss the cop's ass in case he shot me, calling him Sir, etc. I still couldn't resist starting to laugh as I stepped away and telling him that I wanted to pay tribute to Chris Cornell. This was an amazing location to visit. It was really quiet, and has an amazing view of the lake. I spent a few moments listening to some of Chris' music, and then a few more moments sitting in silence just trying to think of how one day he must have sat here and thought how fucking cool this view was. Then I went back to the car and made the drive over to Renton to visit Jimi Hendrix's gravesite. There was no one there when I arrived so I felt able to spend a few minutes and just bask in the glory of Jimi's New Rising Sun. By this stage, I was ready to go back to the hotel, because it had been a day full of death and early death at that.
The following day we went on the Stalking Seattle tour, which I would recommend to anyone who visits Seattle who isn't familiar with the area. There are a lot of awesome locations on this tour, and the guide lived through the whole grunge thing in the 1980s and 1990s so it's a very authentic experience. Kurt Cobain's house made me very.......somber or something. Anyway, after being dropped off by the tour guide we went into MoPop (formerly the Experience Music Project) to see the Taking Punk To The Masses exhibition. One of the guys on the tour said to me that he could easily have spent 5 hours going through all of the exhibits in the museum. In fact, I could easily have spent 5 hours just on the Nirvana one alone. I probably spent a good 90 minutes in that room on it's own, and even then I didn't go through all of the videos etc. So as a result of taking to long in there I just had enough time to kind of run through some of the other ones, like the horror and science fiction ones. I nearly lost my shit when I found the proton pack from Ghostbusters (as much of an obsession for me as Seattle rock music from the 1980s and 1990s is), to the point where I began tearing up. Also, the MoPop has a cool Jimi Hendrix exhibit which houses his passport and the guitar that he played at Woodstock (allegedly). The whole thing was just amazing.
The next day we went on the Twin Peaks Tour. This was amazing. We got to visit so many of the locations from the show, and the area is EXACTLY like we imagined it would be. We got to have cherry pie at the freakin Double R Diner!
The following day we walked through the March For Our Lives, which was just phenomenal. Such a level of unity from people that I have never really witnessed before. There's been things in Ireland that people have come together on but never to that level, there's always way more detraction from people who don't agree. Having said that, people are often not protesting issues that involve life and death as much in my country. It was very moving.
Guys I could go on and on and on but I'm very conscious of the fact that I have just written a huge wall of text and basically just been gushing over each aspect of the trip. I could go into a huge amount of detail on each of these things but I don't want to bore you THAT much. If anyone has any questions about any of the locations let me know. I was really just skimming over each of them in order to fit them all into the post. I spent another couple of days in Seattle, which I will talk about in my next post but at the moment my hands are freaking killing me and I'm afraid the longer that I type this thing, the more likely it is that I'll accidentally delete the post or something!
Dublin 2010
Madrid 2018
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London 2 2022
Krakow 2022
Dublin 2010
Madrid 2018
Werchter 2022
London 1 2022
London 2 2022
Krakow 2022
Glad you enjoyed Vancouver OP. I'd love to hear more about your thoughts if you feel like it actually.... I am quite curious about tourist's responses to visiting the city, because as a native it is really hard for me to understand what it is a tourist might actually enjoy or not. Sometimes I think it would be nice for them, and then other times I wonder wtf they would even do after the first day or two.
Dublin 2010
Madrid 2018
Werchter 2022
London 1 2022
London 2 2022
Krakow 2022
Dublin 2010
Madrid 2018
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London 1 2022
London 2 2022
Krakow 2022
Dublin 2010
Madrid 2018
Werchter 2022
London 1 2022
London 2 2022
Krakow 2022
FWIW, the city is really best visited in the summer. Lots going on between May and September, and then everyone kind of hunkers down and there aren't really any street activities or anything like that. We're definitely not a vibrant town in the off season. But anyway, glad you didn't totally hate it, haha.
I like the art gallery, too. It's actually a pretty good one. Not every exhibition is a winner, of course, but I visited fairly often when I'm in town.
Dublin 2010
Madrid 2018
Werchter 2022
London 1 2022
London 2 2022
Krakow 2022