Song of the day(State of Love and Trust)

The second song off of Singles, this tune has always been a highlight of any live show!
Join in on these old posts or just read them if you wish!
8/16/01 11:59 AM
Song of the day(SOLAT)!!!!!!!
Today we go with the second song off the Singles soundtrack, hope you all put this
tune on today when you have the chance, and and get up and dance:)
state of love and trust as i busted down the pretext
sin still plays and preaches but to have an empty court, uh huh
and the signs are passing...grip the wheel can't read it
sacrifice receiving the smell that's on my hands...hands, yeah
and i listen for the voice inside my head, nothing, i'll do this one myself
lay her down as priest does...should the lord be a-counting?
will be in my honor, make it pain, painfully clear, uh huh
promises are whispered in the age of darkness
want to be enlightened like i want to be told the end...end, yeah
and the barrel shakes aimed a-directly at my head
oh help me, help me from myself
and i listen from both sides of a friend, nothing, i'll do this one myself
myself, myself...
yeah yeah
hey, na na na na hey that's something
hey, na na na na hey that's something
hey, na na na na hey that's something
want it back, back to the left, yeah huh uh
and i listen oh for the voice inside my head, nothing, i'll do this one myself
oh, ah and the barrel waits, trigger shakes, aimed right at my head
won't you help me? help me from myself, oh...
hmm, state of love and trust and a...
state of love and trust and a...
state of love and trust and a...
state of love and...yeah...woh woh woh
I know someday you will have a beautiful life
8/16/01 12:00 PM
Re: Song of the day(SOLAT)!!!!!!!
chloroform the one, the one that you love. take her back- flickerstick
8/16/01 12:05 PM
Re: Song of the day(SOLAT)!!!!!!!
OH YES!!!!!!!
Yesterday, I voted this as one of the best songs Ive ever heard and it always comes up near the top of my Fav PJ songs.
Im happened to be listening to my new Rare-tracks Pj bootleg CD and this song just started, then you posted this.
OK, so, this song is just plain great. I went to get the chords for it as soon as i heard it. I spent quite a while learning it.
I really like the solo on this, its simpler than most fo them, but its also one of my favourites.
The lyrics, i think, mean alot more than most people think.
"will be in my honor, make it pain, painfully clear, uh huh
promises are whispered in the age of darkness
want to be enlightened like i want to be told the end...end, yeah"
Definitely one of my favourite songs, its just so unbelievably great. I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it
Thanks for the post, Ive been waiting for this one...
None of the above is to be taken seriously
"Not all hideous mutations are a bad thing" - Me
8/16/01 1:49 PM
Re: Song of the day(SOLAT)!!!!!!!
One of the few songs that the guys have truly played consistently live from the very early days till now, think that speaks for itself:)
I know someday you will have a beautiful life
8/16/01 3:29 PM
Re: Song of the day(SOLAT)!!!!!!!
i was such a ditz in the last SOTD post, i'm afraid to say anything here - but since when has fear or embarassment held me down?
i heard this tune for the first time since MTV Unplugged aired about 8 months ago on a Euro-boot! i rewound it over and over and listened with intent. heavy lyrics.
sheesh - it's about God and Preachers and Trust and how they sometimes don't all go together and how HEAVY all that shit is
should the lord be counting?
an amazing song, sang with tremendous passion
But Daddy, I want an oompaloompa now!~Veruca Salt
8/16/01 3:46 PM
Ed The Mumbler
What's really funny is that I was listening to MY very own brand-new b-sides CD yesterday, and I just suddenly realized that Ed is doing quite a bit of mumbling right in the middle of SOLAT... does anyone know what he's saying?
8/16/01 8:09 PM
Re: Song of the day(SOLAT)!!!!!!!

"Oh, a flower you are to my land..."
8/17/01 10:56 AM
Re: Song of the day(SOLAT)!!!!!!!
Never fear about coming off like a ditz Rachel, you are a PJ fan and that means just post whatever you want too on the song of the day posts, not a contest just something fun for us to do, regarding this band we all like:)
Bump up, lets show this song some respect people.
The unplugged version of this one is so good.
I know someday you will have a beautiful life
8/17/01 11:26 AM
Re: Song of the day(SOLAT)!!!!!!!
Wow... such a simple yet complex song...
I sort of have two takes on this. The first, is that it's about a relationship that the writer is unsure about. It's getting judged on a lot of sides, and negative feedback, but he wants to be in it anyway, and he's trusting the love on one hand but then caves into the onslaught of negativity on the other hand. "Won't you help me... help me from myself?" can either be a plea to his love to keep him from his negativity, or a plea to his friends to keep him from these impossible relationships that he keeps finding himself in...
The other take, of course, is that it's about religion. Specifically, I think it's about pre-marital sex... and the is-it-wrong-or-okay issues that come from that. Is he able to bust down the pretext of the Church and get to the root of what he really feels are right and wrong? The Church still relies on the concept of sin, but if he's not buying it from them, they're preaching to an empty court...
"Promises are whispered in the age of darkness"... before sexual enlightenment, before that first experience, there are all sorts of promises made by young lovers...
The gun is loaded, aimed directly at his head... the threat of going to hell? Or the threat of taking his relationship to the next (sexual) level and the complications of relationship that will cause? Or both?
Listens... to the "angel" perched on one shoulder, and the "devil" perched on the other... they tell him nothing worthwhile, nothing to help him make his decision... so he has to make up his own mind...
I'm probably full of shit with these interpretations, though, so SOMEONE else please chime in with your thoughts!!!
I want to eat life! (Bjork)
8/17/01 5:52 PM
Re: Song of the day(SOLAT)!!!!!!!
Excellent post Kymie, and no ones post is ever full of shit, for as Eddie has said he does not tell people what his songs are about, because he wants all of us to be able to share in the music, and what we think or feel it is about:)
Oh and keep on contributing to the Songs of the day, your a welcome addition to them.
I know someday you will have a beautiful life
8/17/01 6:16 PM
Re: Song of the day(SOLAT)!!!!!!!
Best song ever!!!!

...and I listen... for the voices inside my head
Join in on these old posts or just read them if you wish!
8/16/01 11:59 AM
Song of the day(SOLAT)!!!!!!!
Today we go with the second song off the Singles soundtrack, hope you all put this
tune on today when you have the chance, and and get up and dance:)
state of love and trust as i busted down the pretext
sin still plays and preaches but to have an empty court, uh huh
and the signs are passing...grip the wheel can't read it
sacrifice receiving the smell that's on my hands...hands, yeah
and i listen for the voice inside my head, nothing, i'll do this one myself
lay her down as priest does...should the lord be a-counting?
will be in my honor, make it pain, painfully clear, uh huh
promises are whispered in the age of darkness
want to be enlightened like i want to be told the end...end, yeah
and the barrel shakes aimed a-directly at my head
oh help me, help me from myself
and i listen from both sides of a friend, nothing, i'll do this one myself
myself, myself...
yeah yeah
hey, na na na na hey that's something
hey, na na na na hey that's something
hey, na na na na hey that's something
want it back, back to the left, yeah huh uh
and i listen oh for the voice inside my head, nothing, i'll do this one myself
oh, ah and the barrel waits, trigger shakes, aimed right at my head
won't you help me? help me from myself, oh...
hmm, state of love and trust and a...
state of love and trust and a...
state of love and trust and a...
state of love and...yeah...woh woh woh
I know someday you will have a beautiful life
8/16/01 12:00 PM
Re: Song of the day(SOLAT)!!!!!!!
chloroform the one, the one that you love. take her back- flickerstick
8/16/01 12:05 PM
Re: Song of the day(SOLAT)!!!!!!!
OH YES!!!!!!!
Yesterday, I voted this as one of the best songs Ive ever heard and it always comes up near the top of my Fav PJ songs.
Im happened to be listening to my new Rare-tracks Pj bootleg CD and this song just started, then you posted this.
OK, so, this song is just plain great. I went to get the chords for it as soon as i heard it. I spent quite a while learning it.
I really like the solo on this, its simpler than most fo them, but its also one of my favourites.
The lyrics, i think, mean alot more than most people think.
"will be in my honor, make it pain, painfully clear, uh huh
promises are whispered in the age of darkness
want to be enlightened like i want to be told the end...end, yeah"
Definitely one of my favourite songs, its just so unbelievably great. I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it
Thanks for the post, Ive been waiting for this one...
None of the above is to be taken seriously
"Not all hideous mutations are a bad thing" - Me
8/16/01 1:49 PM
Re: Song of the day(SOLAT)!!!!!!!
One of the few songs that the guys have truly played consistently live from the very early days till now, think that speaks for itself:)
I know someday you will have a beautiful life
8/16/01 3:29 PM
Re: Song of the day(SOLAT)!!!!!!!
i was such a ditz in the last SOTD post, i'm afraid to say anything here - but since when has fear or embarassment held me down?
i heard this tune for the first time since MTV Unplugged aired about 8 months ago on a Euro-boot! i rewound it over and over and listened with intent. heavy lyrics.
sheesh - it's about God and Preachers and Trust and how they sometimes don't all go together and how HEAVY all that shit is
should the lord be counting?
an amazing song, sang with tremendous passion
But Daddy, I want an oompaloompa now!~Veruca Salt
8/16/01 3:46 PM
Ed The Mumbler
What's really funny is that I was listening to MY very own brand-new b-sides CD yesterday, and I just suddenly realized that Ed is doing quite a bit of mumbling right in the middle of SOLAT... does anyone know what he's saying?
8/16/01 8:09 PM
Re: Song of the day(SOLAT)!!!!!!!

"Oh, a flower you are to my land..."
8/17/01 10:56 AM
Re: Song of the day(SOLAT)!!!!!!!
Never fear about coming off like a ditz Rachel, you are a PJ fan and that means just post whatever you want too on the song of the day posts, not a contest just something fun for us to do, regarding this band we all like:)
Bump up, lets show this song some respect people.
The unplugged version of this one is so good.
I know someday you will have a beautiful life
8/17/01 11:26 AM
Re: Song of the day(SOLAT)!!!!!!!
Wow... such a simple yet complex song...
I sort of have two takes on this. The first, is that it's about a relationship that the writer is unsure about. It's getting judged on a lot of sides, and negative feedback, but he wants to be in it anyway, and he's trusting the love on one hand but then caves into the onslaught of negativity on the other hand. "Won't you help me... help me from myself?" can either be a plea to his love to keep him from his negativity, or a plea to his friends to keep him from these impossible relationships that he keeps finding himself in...
The other take, of course, is that it's about religion. Specifically, I think it's about pre-marital sex... and the is-it-wrong-or-okay issues that come from that. Is he able to bust down the pretext of the Church and get to the root of what he really feels are right and wrong? The Church still relies on the concept of sin, but if he's not buying it from them, they're preaching to an empty court...
"Promises are whispered in the age of darkness"... before sexual enlightenment, before that first experience, there are all sorts of promises made by young lovers...
The gun is loaded, aimed directly at his head... the threat of going to hell? Or the threat of taking his relationship to the next (sexual) level and the complications of relationship that will cause? Or both?
Listens... to the "angel" perched on one shoulder, and the "devil" perched on the other... they tell him nothing worthwhile, nothing to help him make his decision... so he has to make up his own mind...
I'm probably full of shit with these interpretations, though, so SOMEONE else please chime in with your thoughts!!!

I want to eat life! (Bjork)
8/17/01 5:52 PM
Re: Song of the day(SOLAT)!!!!!!!
Excellent post Kymie, and no ones post is ever full of shit, for as Eddie has said he does not tell people what his songs are about, because he wants all of us to be able to share in the music, and what we think or feel it is about:)
Oh and keep on contributing to the Songs of the day, your a welcome addition to them.
I know someday you will have a beautiful life
8/17/01 6:16 PM
Re: Song of the day(SOLAT)!!!!!!!
Best song ever!!!!

...and I listen... for the voices inside my head
I know someday you will have a beautiful Life
Post edited by Unknown User on
8/17/01 6:21 PM
By the way.....
I have a possibly far too simple interpretation of this song, but I'm gonna share it anyway...
To me, this song is about a guy who's got all these confused ideas about everything, and he can't make any sense. He is on the verge of killing himself (the barrel waves etc.)
And it is in this sense that I connect to the lyrics. This guy thinks too much, and needs someone to "help me from myself" and save his life before he ends it himself...
I'm aware it's very simple, but i always feel that the simplest explanation is the best...
...and I listen... for the voices inside my head
8/17/01 6:26 PM
Re: By the way.....
i love this song
but for some reason, whenever i see it as
i think of "shit out of luck"
must be the sol part of it
but i love this song!!!
-once upon a time i could control myself..-
8/17/01 6:40 PM
Re: By the way.....
i think it is about someone who is near the end of a relationship and the struggles that they are having with everyone around them, including himself. Having just had a relationship end i can really relate with the feelings in this song.
"oh the barrel waves trigger shakes aimed right at my fucking head wont you help me, help me from myself"
i think he this is the worst part about a relationship ending. you hurt yourself more than anyone else. you stand their with a gun at your head because of what you think and feel not because of what anyone else has done. it is a plea for help for someone to help you stop destroying yourself.
the greatest song that has ever been written. period.
Time is short, I have an appointment at noon, at noon in hell.
and i liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssssssssssssstttennnnnnnnnn!!!
You make me feel uncalm and I think I like it - 311
"Jeff is just a badass all the way across the board" ~aNiMaL~
"Chill out Kaddikat"
What an awesome song!!!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
KILLER song to hear live!! Talk about energy boost!!!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
You make me feel uncalm and I think I like it - 311
"Jeff is just a badass all the way across the board" ~aNiMaL~
"Chill out Kaddikat"
painfully quick, uh huh"