Song of the day(Jeremy)

The 6th song off of Ten, this tune became an the bands biggest hit, and won them many awards.
Here are the past thoughts of Jeremy, please share your present and future ones at any time.
1/12/01 7:51 PM
El Conquistador
8/10/99 09:34 AM
Jeremy spoke in claaass today......time for JEREMY
At home, drawing pictures of mountain tops with him on top
Lemin yellow sun, arms raised in a V
And the dead lay in pools of maroon below
Daddy didn't give attention
Oh, to the fact that mommy didn't care
King Jeremy the wicked...oh, ruled his world...
Jeremy spoke in class today... (2x)
Clearly I remember pickin' on the boy
Seemed a harmless little fuck
Ooh, but we unleashed a lion...
Gnashed his teeth and bit the recess lady's breast...
How can I forget?
And he hit me with a surprise left
My jaw left hurtin'...ooh, dropped wide open
Just like the day...oh, like the day I heard
Daddy didn't give affection, no...
And the boy was something that mommy wouldn't wear
King Jeremy the wicked...oh, ruled his world
Jeremy spoke in class today... (3x)
Woo... (14x)
Try to forget this...try to forget this...
Try to erase this...try to erase this...
From the blackboard...
Jeremy spoke in class today... (2x)
Jeremy spoke in, spoke in... (2x)
Jeremy spoke in class today...
Woo... (29x)
Woooooohhh...spoke in, spoke in...
Woooooohhh...uh huh, uh huh...
8/10/99 10:46 AM
Re: Jeremy spoke in claaass today......time for JEREMY
Jeremy is probably the one PJ song that has been most talked about. I think it is not necessary to take apart each line and try to interpret it, for most of us already know it is based on a true story.
Eddie was deeply moved by the story of a 16 yr. old boy named Jeremy who put a .357 Magnum into his mouth in front of his classmates in Texas. In this song, Eddie definately reflects his own feelings on the event.
I read in "None Too Fragile" that Eddie said something to the effect that if you take your own life to get revenge, that in the end the nothing changes...the world goes on...he said the best revenge is to live on and prove yourself, to be stronger than the people who put you down! ...that is a good perspective...hopefully it will help someone to rethink suicide, and give them motivation to survive!
8/10/99 11:33 AM
Re: Jeremy spoke in claaass today......time for JEREMY
Although we all know the story, kinda feel like this isnt all 3rd person for Eddie. He describes things so vividly, i just feel like parts of the song must be talking about him.....
8/10/99 12:19 PM
Re: Jeremy spoke in claaass today......time for JEREMY
I definately agree with you, Eddie himself said he thought of suicide at times in his life growing up...He probably related very well to this boy's story...realizing it could have been him......he is intentionally not speaking from the 3rd person!
8/10/99 12:26 PM
Re: Jeremy spoke in claaass today......time for JEREMY
........I know what you mean, especially the punch to the jaw..........
..........This past spring when the whole AWFUL Columbine killings took place,
some columnist(or media shark on television) had lumped 'this' song with the negative, bullshit persona of Marylin Manson....They felt this song epitomized the killings and rantings of the 2 fools that went off.....Not controlling anger, or some such bullshit......
.......I was so enraged, I went into a tangent with people that would say,...
"Hey, you're boys were mentioned...something about Jeremy!"
....Didn't the journalist READ the lyrics? The song is about the consequenses of ignoring your children...and teasing! What a Fuckin' SCHMUCK!
....Does anyone else remember this?
.......This song is so great......It really makes one aware of how cruel children can be to one another...and how selfish some parents are.....Just like 'Why Go'.....
8/10/99 12:43 PM
Re: Jeremy spoke in claaass today......time for JEREMY
I notice people tend to take this song for granted. To this day it still gets moderate radio play, and people tend to just think of it as that Pearl
Jam song that's always on the radio. To this day, I talk to people who say that they're sick of Jeremy. Like someone already said, we don't
need to pick it apart, because we all know what the song is really about. The thing is, I could have easily been Jeremy. I could have easily
been the kid who shot himself in the mouth in front of his classmates. I never had many friends when I was younger, and I had always been
a kind of depressed person. I can't say that this song had much affect on me when it was released, I was 6 or 7 at the time, I'm not sure, did
it come around in 1991? For me, it had been that song that had always been there on the radio. I don't remember if I even realized that it
was the same band who sang songs like Even Flow, Black, Alive, Daughter, and others that I had come to love. Well, one day, a couple
years ago, I had a particularly bad day, I had been teased and taunted more than I thought that I could take anymore. So, like I usually do
when I'm upset, I went to my room and listened to music. I turbed on the radio, and listened idly to the songs that came on, while fingering
my brothers pocket knife, crying, and seriously considering slitting my wrists in the shower that night. Then this song came on. This
wonderful song that I had hardly even noticed the millions of times that I had heard
it played. I don't even think I knew the name of it, I surely didn't know who the band was, or that they would, in the short time to come, be not
only my favorite band, but my favorite way to spend my time. They, and especially Eddie, would in the later years inspire me to take up guitar
and songwriting
and would help me to understand alot about myself, and the person I was. On that day though, they helped me to realize that taking my own
life was not the answer. Pearl Jam saved my life. The next day, I took some money I had been saving to buy a new
video game (thank God I made that choice) and bought my first Pearl Jam CD, a copy of Ten that I would listen to ad nauseum for the next
few months, until I bought a copy of Vs. at a garage sale. A couple weeks later, a friend gave me a copy of Vitalogy that he had been trying to
get rid of (?!?!) for months. I played Vitalogy so much that it prompted my mother to give me the money to buy a new CD, just so she
wouldn't have to hear Vitalogy again. That CD was No Code. So, ever since that faithfull day, I have been a huge Pearl Jam fan. I bought
Yield and LO2L the first day they came out. I now have all of their Albums, 8 singles, the Temple of the Dog CD, and Sweet Relief. I assure
you if I had a reasonable source of income I would have more. To this day, every time I hear or read the lyrics to Jeremy, oddly enough, I'm filled with a sort of pride with myself. Well, that's my story. That's what this song means to me. Thanks El Conquistador, for the oppurtunity....
Here are the past thoughts of Jeremy, please share your present and future ones at any time.
1/12/01 7:51 PM
El Conquistador
8/10/99 09:34 AM
Jeremy spoke in claaass today......time for JEREMY
At home, drawing pictures of mountain tops with him on top
Lemin yellow sun, arms raised in a V
And the dead lay in pools of maroon below
Daddy didn't give attention
Oh, to the fact that mommy didn't care
King Jeremy the wicked...oh, ruled his world...
Jeremy spoke in class today... (2x)
Clearly I remember pickin' on the boy
Seemed a harmless little fuck
Ooh, but we unleashed a lion...
Gnashed his teeth and bit the recess lady's breast...
How can I forget?
And he hit me with a surprise left
My jaw left hurtin'...ooh, dropped wide open
Just like the day...oh, like the day I heard
Daddy didn't give affection, no...
And the boy was something that mommy wouldn't wear
King Jeremy the wicked...oh, ruled his world
Jeremy spoke in class today... (3x)
Woo... (14x)
Try to forget this...try to forget this...
Try to erase this...try to erase this...
From the blackboard...
Jeremy spoke in class today... (2x)
Jeremy spoke in, spoke in... (2x)
Jeremy spoke in class today...
Woo... (29x)
Woooooohhh...spoke in, spoke in...
Woooooohhh...uh huh, uh huh...
8/10/99 10:46 AM
Re: Jeremy spoke in claaass today......time for JEREMY
Jeremy is probably the one PJ song that has been most talked about. I think it is not necessary to take apart each line and try to interpret it, for most of us already know it is based on a true story.
Eddie was deeply moved by the story of a 16 yr. old boy named Jeremy who put a .357 Magnum into his mouth in front of his classmates in Texas. In this song, Eddie definately reflects his own feelings on the event.
I read in "None Too Fragile" that Eddie said something to the effect that if you take your own life to get revenge, that in the end the nothing changes...the world goes on...he said the best revenge is to live on and prove yourself, to be stronger than the people who put you down! ...that is a good perspective...hopefully it will help someone to rethink suicide, and give them motivation to survive!
8/10/99 11:33 AM
Re: Jeremy spoke in claaass today......time for JEREMY
Although we all know the story, kinda feel like this isnt all 3rd person for Eddie. He describes things so vividly, i just feel like parts of the song must be talking about him.....
8/10/99 12:19 PM
Re: Jeremy spoke in claaass today......time for JEREMY
I definately agree with you, Eddie himself said he thought of suicide at times in his life growing up...He probably related very well to this boy's story...realizing it could have been him......he is intentionally not speaking from the 3rd person!
8/10/99 12:26 PM
Re: Jeremy spoke in claaass today......time for JEREMY
........I know what you mean, especially the punch to the jaw..........
..........This past spring when the whole AWFUL Columbine killings took place,
some columnist(or media shark on television) had lumped 'this' song with the negative, bullshit persona of Marylin Manson....They felt this song epitomized the killings and rantings of the 2 fools that went off.....Not controlling anger, or some such bullshit......
.......I was so enraged, I went into a tangent with people that would say,...
"Hey, you're boys were mentioned...something about Jeremy!"
....Didn't the journalist READ the lyrics? The song is about the consequenses of ignoring your children...and teasing! What a Fuckin' SCHMUCK!
....Does anyone else remember this?
.......This song is so great......It really makes one aware of how cruel children can be to one another...and how selfish some parents are.....Just like 'Why Go'.....
8/10/99 12:43 PM
Re: Jeremy spoke in claaass today......time for JEREMY
I notice people tend to take this song for granted. To this day it still gets moderate radio play, and people tend to just think of it as that Pearl
Jam song that's always on the radio. To this day, I talk to people who say that they're sick of Jeremy. Like someone already said, we don't
need to pick it apart, because we all know what the song is really about. The thing is, I could have easily been Jeremy. I could have easily
been the kid who shot himself in the mouth in front of his classmates. I never had many friends when I was younger, and I had always been
a kind of depressed person. I can't say that this song had much affect on me when it was released, I was 6 or 7 at the time, I'm not sure, did
it come around in 1991? For me, it had been that song that had always been there on the radio. I don't remember if I even realized that it
was the same band who sang songs like Even Flow, Black, Alive, Daughter, and others that I had come to love. Well, one day, a couple
years ago, I had a particularly bad day, I had been teased and taunted more than I thought that I could take anymore. So, like I usually do
when I'm upset, I went to my room and listened to music. I turbed on the radio, and listened idly to the songs that came on, while fingering
my brothers pocket knife, crying, and seriously considering slitting my wrists in the shower that night. Then this song came on. This
wonderful song that I had hardly even noticed the millions of times that I had heard
it played. I don't even think I knew the name of it, I surely didn't know who the band was, or that they would, in the short time to come, be not
only my favorite band, but my favorite way to spend my time. They, and especially Eddie, would in the later years inspire me to take up guitar
and songwriting
and would help me to understand alot about myself, and the person I was. On that day though, they helped me to realize that taking my own
life was not the answer. Pearl Jam saved my life. The next day, I took some money I had been saving to buy a new
video game (thank God I made that choice) and bought my first Pearl Jam CD, a copy of Ten that I would listen to ad nauseum for the next
few months, until I bought a copy of Vs. at a garage sale. A couple weeks later, a friend gave me a copy of Vitalogy that he had been trying to
get rid of (?!?!) for months. I played Vitalogy so much that it prompted my mother to give me the money to buy a new CD, just so she
wouldn't have to hear Vitalogy again. That CD was No Code. So, ever since that faithfull day, I have been a huge Pearl Jam fan. I bought
Yield and LO2L the first day they came out. I now have all of their Albums, 8 singles, the Temple of the Dog CD, and Sweet Relief. I assure
you if I had a reasonable source of income I would have more. To this day, every time I hear or read the lyrics to Jeremy, oddly enough, I'm filled with a sort of pride with myself. Well, that's my story. That's what this song means to me. Thanks El Conquistador, for the oppurtunity....
I know someday you will have a beautiful Life
Post edited by Unknown User on
8/10/99 12:44 PM
Re: Jeremy spoke in claaass today......time for JEREMY
Yeah, I remember hearing that too, I was so pissed off!
I can't stand the ignorance of people when they shoot their mouths off without knowing about anything of which they speak! The media is constantly pointing the finger at rock pisses me off so bad! Even Marilyn Manson, who I am NOT a fan of, got a bad rap on that deal! Society needs to take a deeper look at the problems which are responsible for so many dysfunctional families, rather than blame everything on "bad" music! Denial is not going to change anything...neither is is time for everybody to start to "ACT" on these problems, rather than to "REACT" to them!...Sorry if I am going off here, you hit a nerve with me Brokenarrow....I agree with you totally, I just seem to go off when I am reminded of the ignorance of statements like those the media made...
8/10/99 12:54 PM
Re: Jeremy spoke in claaass today......time for JEREMY
Frank, yours in an excellent story! More power to you! I have said it before, and I will say it again, the power of music will never cease to amaze me!
Your story is testimony to what Eddie believes....the best revenge is to live on and prove youself!
8/10/99 1:02 PM
Re: Jeremy spoke in claaass today......time for JEREMY
......Wow Frank.......That's all I can say........You've made me speechless..
I'm so happy that you didn't end it all.......then we wouldn't be here right now cheering you on..........That was so personal.....Thank you for feeling safe enough to share that with us..........brokenarrow>
8/10/99 1:10 PM
Re: Jeremy spoke in claaass today......time for JEREMY
......That's quite allright Rearviewmirror......Go off! That's exactly how I get.....Totally pissed.....even more pissed when I come across parents that really don't give a shit about their children!............I agree with you about M. Manson also....I don't like him one little bit, he's laughing all the way to the bank....but, the media needed a scapegoat........How else would they fill 2 and a half WEEKS of NON-STOP coverage?...............Another reason they targeted the song Jeremy, Probably some ass-wipe remembered seeing the end of the video!.....(See???? I'm going off again too!!!!!!) We would make a good team!!!!....Love, brokenarrow>
8/10/99 1:30 PM
Re: Jeremy spoke in claaass today......time for JEREMY
OK...this is the last word I am saying on this Brokenarrow...You are SO right, some ass-wipe did remember seeing the end of the video...which further supports PJ's stand on not making videos! People get a visual imagine in their head and then the whole meaning of the song is lost!...That was a GREAT Point!...OK I must stop myself here...control...control...OK I think I got it under control! *Phew*...that was close, I felt a tangent coming on!
8/10/99 1:34 PM
Re: Jeremy spoke in claaass today......time for JEREMY
Man, That was a very deep thing to share with us...thank you. I think I can speak for all of us when we say that we are glad you are here....
Thank you for the insight and thanks for sharing. That song will now forever have a deeper meaning for me....
You know who
8/10/99 1:36 PM
Re: Jeremy spoke in claaass today......time for JEREMY
That is a very cool story. I'm glad that things turned out positively for you and that you were able to find that in Pearl Jam.
You know who
8/10/99 4:54 PM
Re: Jeremy spoke in claaass today......time for JEREMY
For a long time, didn't like the song because the video was played so much. When I really started listening, I learned how great it really was.
I don't want to take what you can give. I would rather starve that eat your bread.-EV
8/10/99 5:17 PM
Re: Jeremy spoke in claaass today......time for JEREMY
That was a wonderfully inspiring story, oddly enough. And you SHOULD feel proud of yourself. I've always thought that music had enough power to actually save lives, not just affect them, and you're the living proof. Good for you.
"seemed a harmless little fuck.."
8/10/99 5:27 PM
Re: Jeremy spoke in claaass today......time for JEREMY
I didnt really get what the song meant when I first heard see, I've been a PJ fan since theyve been making music, but I've only bought all their albums and related stuff and really got into them this year...but when I heard Jeremy, I just thought it was about some kid being driven to suicide until I read something Ed said about how the next day, all you are is a small newspaper article; 63 degrees and really makes you look at the song a whole different way
8/10/99 8:23 PM
Re: Jeremy spoke in claaass today......time for JEREMY
This song is absolutely brilliant. "King Jeremy the wicked rule this world." To me that is a line where Ed just stripes it right down. He definately sees it from the child's perspective.
I never had a bad time in school because I followed 6 brothers and sister through school, and not too many kids tried to pick on me. And, my siblings definately stuck up for me, right or wrong.
But, in the 8th grade, there was this sweet extremely poor girl, who sat next to me in homeroom. She never said two words to anyone. One day I walked into class and saw her all red faced with tears streaming down. And I asked her what was wrong, she only cryed more. Although, she did not say, others in the class did. This boy was saying very mean things to her about her clothes and shit like that. My family was dirt poor, too, so mean words to her were mean words to me. He was sitting on top of the first desk facing the front of the class and, I punched him so hard he went flying backward over the desk. The teacher watched the whole thing and never said a word.
But that was in 8th grade and the guys are smaller and then by 9th and 10th grade they grow bigger. And I was like, damn, I punched that guy. But by then he wanted to date you, as if. But I digress.
But to me the song stands for sticking up for people who are being given a hard time for no reason, and letting them know someone cares. And you can make a big difference.
Anyway, I am proud and this is no lie, she gratuated valedictorian of my high school, in a gratuating class of about 800, pretty cool, huh. I had already dropped out, though and took the GED when I was 16.
"You know what it's like" EV
8/10/99 11:43 PM
genisies 3: 6
i thought the video was very powerful as well.. they made the BEST video ihave ever seen, and no matter how many times ive watched that.. im still glued to the tv when it comes on. yeaaah. im not gonna elaborate, but at one point *the first time i ever tried to do this* i had a 30 oct 6 pointing at the end of my had and my finger on the trigger.. but i couldnt go through with it.. think i listened to this song for the next month or so.. everytime i hear it, it reminds me of the instant i put the gun down... i just cried.
'there's alot to be said for Nowhere.'
8/11/99 00:02 AM
Re: genisies 3: 6
MFC, yours is yet another powerful story...
Thank God you didn't do it! I just got done reading your Christmas post, and it made me so happy...I am glad you are here and made me smile tonight...
8/11/99 00:07 AM
Re: genisies 3: 6
im glad im here to dude.=) very glad theres so many friendly people here on pearl jam chat.. yall make my day.=)
'there's alot to be said for Nowhere.'
8/12/99 00:39 AM
Re: Jeremy spoke in claaass today......time for JEREMY
okay, i know this was yesterdays song but i really do have
time to sit down and tell you all what Jeremy means to me.
I am in college...i spent my sophomore year and junior year
as a el. ed major. I took these classes and learned how to
teach those little kids to read and write and to pass all the
damn tests that ny state insists on (as if that is THE answer
of all answers to producing "good" kids) but all the while i
was thinking "what about Jeremy?" And it really bothered me...
like i stressed about how the hell i was gonna teach these
kids and save the ones that needed someone to realize they needed
help. And we NEVER talked about that in my classes. So one
day i said, ya know what, teaching is soooo very admirable and hard
but it's not what i wanna do...I wanna be able to save Jeremy...without
being the one to grade his tests. So i switched my major and you all
are hearing from a one day to be School Social Worker...
I really admire teachers and parents who put their heart into the
kids...they need it so very badly.
8/12/99 02:51 AM
Re: Jeremy spoke in claaass today......time for JEREMY
This an amazing song. Althought, everytime I hear it, I get this haunting feeling - like Jeremy is right there with me. And it's the one and only song I refuse to sing-a-long too. It's just gives the weirdest feeling....
-My My Hey Hey Pearl Jam Is Here To Stay-
8/12/99 03:36 AM
Re: Jeremy spoke in claaass today......time for JEREMY
I would just like to say to FrankDahmer, that I am so glad you got this opportunity to tell your story, when I was reading it, tears came to my eyes as the thought of one song actually saving your life. A lot of time people don't realize the power that music has (especially the instensley powerful music and lyrics of Pearl Jam), Pearl Jam's music totally has the power to inspire people in ways that no other music can (some DIPSHITS can actually have the nerve to place that in a catagory with Marilyn Manson with the Littleton ordeal) but, thanks for showing how much meaning Pearl Jam's music has, and I'm sure I can speak for a lot of people as to say that I'm really, really glad that you heard Jeremy at the right time. Thanks.
8/30/99 02:45 AM
the wicked
seemed a harmless little fuck!
I know someday you will have a beautiful life
I let my music take me where my heart wants to go....
5/27/01 04:07 AM
great song!
"I'll find my way from wrong, what's real. Our dream I see." - Ament
5/28/01 8:35 PM
I just stumbled upon this thread and I want to give it a bump!
I think everyone should read this post! It brought tears to my eyes. It's amazing how someone elses dream, like pj's dream of playing music, can affect so many other poeple. I love the love and support that goes on at this board. and I'm proud to be a part of it.
(I cant spell)
It's so full of truth and compassion, and
it's essential lesson is totally relevant.
God bless Pearl Jam!
in that video. It brings back memories of the 90's for me. But, also i see the other side of the song now that i have a child. Bottom line. I wear my child! He will always get