Song of the day(Deep)

Song 10 off the album Ten, this little ditty resurfaced on tour this year after a long spell in Pearl Jam lockdown.
The name of this tune is Deep, enjoy, discuss,relax.
1/12/01 8:06 PM
El Conquistador
8/16/99 09:38 AM
can't touch the too DEEP
On the edge, windowsill
Ponders his maker, ponders his will
To the street below, he just ain't nothin'
But he's got a great view, and he sinks the needle Deep, yeah...
Whoa, can't touch the bottom
In too Deep, yeah...oh, can't touch the bottom
Oh, on the edge of a know-nothin' town
Feelin' quite superior, the aged come
To the sky above he just ain't nothin'
But he's got a great view, and he sinks a burning knife Deep, yeah...
Ooh, can't touch the bottom
In too Deep, yeah...uh huh, can't touch the bottom
In too Deep...
On the edge of a Christmas clean love
Young virgin from heaven...visiting Hell
To the man above her, she just ain't nothin'
And she doesn't like the view
She doesn't like the view (2x)
But he sinks himself Deep
Oh, can't touch the bottom
In too Deep, yeah...oh, can't touch the bottom
Can't touch the bottom
Deep, yeah...
Oh, yeah, the bottom, yeah... (6x)
You know who
8/16/99 10:30 AM
Re: can't touch the too DEEP
This is probally my least favorite song from this album, but oh well. I just think it's maybe about someone who isn't happy with themselves or their life or maybe someone who got into all of these problems. It also could be about an addict who can no longer help himself.
8/16/99 10:38 AM
Re: can't touch the too DEEP
I think its about an addict who's pondering suicide. He knows he problem is bad, but he really is in to Deep to be able to touch reality. When he's taking drugs he feels fine, but he sort of knows that later it will all feel bad again. Thats just the feeling i get. Im not too good at these.
El Conquistador
8/16/99 11:14 AM
Re: can't touch the too DEEP
this message seems straigtforward... but I think there could be a lot of stories relating to it so feel free to post.... here is my interp:
On the edge, windowsill
Ponders his maker, ponders his will
To the street below, he just ain't nothin'
But he's got a great view, and he sinks the needle Deep, yeah...
Whoa, can't touch the bottom
In too Deep, yeah...oh, can't touch the bottom
(In this part he is standing on top of a building shooting up and ready to jump...he feels worthless, probably because of his drug addiction)
Oh, on the edge of a know-nothin' town
Feelin' quite superior, the aged come
To the sky above he just ain't nothin'
But he's got a great view, and he sinks a burning knife Deep, yeah...
Ooh, can't touch the bottom
In too Deep, yeah...uh huh, can't touch the bottom
In too Deep...
(I need some help on this one but it appears that he is still shooting up, but now that he has the drugs in his sytem he feels better about himself....he feels superior to the poepl around him but to the sky above, or in the big picture, his life is still nothing...he has wasted it...and he is further destoying it.....)
On the edge of a Christmas clean love
Young virgin from heaven...visiting Hell
To the man above her, she just ain't nothin'
And she doesn't like the view
She doesn't like the view (2x)
But he sinks himself Deep
(This verse is kind of fuct up and sad, but here the man is all fuct up and he is having sex with a girl that doesn't want to be in that could be rape, it could be that she feels she has to....who knows, but she feels like she is going through hell...but he continues to do it...)
Oh, can't touch the bottom
In too Deep, yeah...oh, can't touch the bottom
Can't touch the bottom
Deep, yeah...
Oh, yeah, the bottom, yeah... (6x)
This song basically shows how drugs can make a person feel like they want to die, so to combat that feeling they shoot up again and do things to further destroy their life and the lives around them....this character feels no escape except for suicide...his life has become a tangled mess of drugs....
8/16/99 12:25 PM
Re: can't touch the too DEEP
I agree wit hthe above explanation provided by el Conquisitor....but I'm not sure if the song is about one persons situation or if it is three different people. The story told in the first stanza is like he said, someone shooting up and sitting on the edge of a building waiting to jump. He is "nothing to the streets below"...the second part is harder to decipher but the person is equally unhappy and also looking for a way out but cannot find one..."in too Deep"...the person here is committing suicide as the line "sinks the knife Deep" both of these situations it mentions that the people/person like the view. But in the third it is a woman whom the man is "sinking himself Deep"- penetrating her- and she does NOT like the view......this could be rape....
All above considered, the main theme of the song, of course, is being in too Deep to a situation or an addiction and not knowing how to escape....
8/16/99 1:25 PM
Re: can't touch the too DEEP
Does anyone else think the 2nd verse says burning *match*? That makes more sense to me. He's on the edge of a know-nothing town, feeling quite superior to the people who look down on him (a sign of low self-esteem). He's got a great view and he is going to show all of them by burning down the town. Regardless, these are the stories of hopeless, self-hating people.
paul g
8/16/99 1:57 PM
Re: can't touch the too DEEP
i think this song is about three different people, not just one...
the first verse sounds like someone contemplating suicide, while on drugs.... the addiction and depression could have led him over the edge.
to me, the second verse just sounds like an old man sitting on a porch at local general store... a man who's existance has been pointless, but he just sits on the porch feeling superior. maybe he's whittling a stick or skinning a deer (sinks his knife Deep) i know it's silly, but it's possible.
the third verse seems the most straightforward. it definately appears to be about a girl who is being raped because "she doesn't like the view" but he sinks himself Deep anyways.
those are my thoughts. now i wonder if anyone could make a connection between the three characters?
8/16/99 2:01 PM
Re: can't touch the too DEEP
i always thought this song was so straight forward - but when i look at the third verse it seems to have religious
implications - the man above her - is that god?? and the view - is that a point of view?? - it explains the christmas
virgin line
The name of this tune is Deep, enjoy, discuss,relax.
1/12/01 8:06 PM
El Conquistador
8/16/99 09:38 AM
can't touch the too DEEP
On the edge, windowsill
Ponders his maker, ponders his will
To the street below, he just ain't nothin'
But he's got a great view, and he sinks the needle Deep, yeah...
Whoa, can't touch the bottom
In too Deep, yeah...oh, can't touch the bottom
Oh, on the edge of a know-nothin' town
Feelin' quite superior, the aged come
To the sky above he just ain't nothin'
But he's got a great view, and he sinks a burning knife Deep, yeah...
Ooh, can't touch the bottom
In too Deep, yeah...uh huh, can't touch the bottom
In too Deep...
On the edge of a Christmas clean love
Young virgin from heaven...visiting Hell
To the man above her, she just ain't nothin'
And she doesn't like the view
She doesn't like the view (2x)
But he sinks himself Deep
Oh, can't touch the bottom
In too Deep, yeah...oh, can't touch the bottom
Can't touch the bottom
Deep, yeah...
Oh, yeah, the bottom, yeah... (6x)
You know who
8/16/99 10:30 AM
Re: can't touch the too DEEP
This is probally my least favorite song from this album, but oh well. I just think it's maybe about someone who isn't happy with themselves or their life or maybe someone who got into all of these problems. It also could be about an addict who can no longer help himself.
8/16/99 10:38 AM
Re: can't touch the too DEEP
I think its about an addict who's pondering suicide. He knows he problem is bad, but he really is in to Deep to be able to touch reality. When he's taking drugs he feels fine, but he sort of knows that later it will all feel bad again. Thats just the feeling i get. Im not too good at these.
El Conquistador
8/16/99 11:14 AM
Re: can't touch the too DEEP
this message seems straigtforward... but I think there could be a lot of stories relating to it so feel free to post.... here is my interp:
On the edge, windowsill
Ponders his maker, ponders his will
To the street below, he just ain't nothin'
But he's got a great view, and he sinks the needle Deep, yeah...
Whoa, can't touch the bottom
In too Deep, yeah...oh, can't touch the bottom
(In this part he is standing on top of a building shooting up and ready to jump...he feels worthless, probably because of his drug addiction)
Oh, on the edge of a know-nothin' town
Feelin' quite superior, the aged come
To the sky above he just ain't nothin'
But he's got a great view, and he sinks a burning knife Deep, yeah...
Ooh, can't touch the bottom
In too Deep, yeah...uh huh, can't touch the bottom
In too Deep...
(I need some help on this one but it appears that he is still shooting up, but now that he has the drugs in his sytem he feels better about himself....he feels superior to the poepl around him but to the sky above, or in the big picture, his life is still nothing...he has wasted it...and he is further destoying it.....)
On the edge of a Christmas clean love
Young virgin from heaven...visiting Hell
To the man above her, she just ain't nothin'
And she doesn't like the view
She doesn't like the view (2x)
But he sinks himself Deep
(This verse is kind of fuct up and sad, but here the man is all fuct up and he is having sex with a girl that doesn't want to be in that could be rape, it could be that she feels she has to....who knows, but she feels like she is going through hell...but he continues to do it...)
Oh, can't touch the bottom
In too Deep, yeah...oh, can't touch the bottom
Can't touch the bottom
Deep, yeah...
Oh, yeah, the bottom, yeah... (6x)
This song basically shows how drugs can make a person feel like they want to die, so to combat that feeling they shoot up again and do things to further destroy their life and the lives around them....this character feels no escape except for suicide...his life has become a tangled mess of drugs....
8/16/99 12:25 PM
Re: can't touch the too DEEP
I agree wit hthe above explanation provided by el Conquisitor....but I'm not sure if the song is about one persons situation or if it is three different people. The story told in the first stanza is like he said, someone shooting up and sitting on the edge of a building waiting to jump. He is "nothing to the streets below"...the second part is harder to decipher but the person is equally unhappy and also looking for a way out but cannot find one..."in too Deep"...the person here is committing suicide as the line "sinks the knife Deep" both of these situations it mentions that the people/person like the view. But in the third it is a woman whom the man is "sinking himself Deep"- penetrating her- and she does NOT like the view......this could be rape....
All above considered, the main theme of the song, of course, is being in too Deep to a situation or an addiction and not knowing how to escape....
8/16/99 1:25 PM
Re: can't touch the too DEEP
Does anyone else think the 2nd verse says burning *match*? That makes more sense to me. He's on the edge of a know-nothing town, feeling quite superior to the people who look down on him (a sign of low self-esteem). He's got a great view and he is going to show all of them by burning down the town. Regardless, these are the stories of hopeless, self-hating people.
paul g
8/16/99 1:57 PM
Re: can't touch the too DEEP
i think this song is about three different people, not just one...
the first verse sounds like someone contemplating suicide, while on drugs.... the addiction and depression could have led him over the edge.
to me, the second verse just sounds like an old man sitting on a porch at local general store... a man who's existance has been pointless, but he just sits on the porch feeling superior. maybe he's whittling a stick or skinning a deer (sinks his knife Deep) i know it's silly, but it's possible.
the third verse seems the most straightforward. it definately appears to be about a girl who is being raped because "she doesn't like the view" but he sinks himself Deep anyways.
those are my thoughts. now i wonder if anyone could make a connection between the three characters?
8/16/99 2:01 PM
Re: can't touch the too DEEP
i always thought this song was so straight forward - but when i look at the third verse it seems to have religious
implications - the man above her - is that god?? and the view - is that a point of view?? - it explains the christmas
virgin line
I know someday you will have a beautiful Life
Post edited by Unknown User on
8/16/99 2:56 PM
Re: can't touch the too DEEP
also wanted to add a thought about "can't touch the too Deep"...this line alone conjures up images of being in a swimming pool, or similar, in the Deep end and "can't touch the bottom"....sinking and struggling to keep afloat....
as I said before in the discussion of "OCEANS", water often is symbolic of ones subconsciousness or unconsciousness...I noticed in my own writings that I use water and trying to stay afloat analogies alot, but never fully realized that it was as common until I see them popping up in Eds lyrics all the time too....
This one: "In too Deep", the OCEANS lyrics, Tremor Christ when he talks of the cup in the sea, etc etc....I'm sure there is many more....
just something to think about....
8/16/99 7:09 PM
Re: can't touch the too DEEP
I would have to agree with you, moyboy, the most. All three situations portray people looking for a way out, but they can't find one... the most I can relate to it is when you almost drown when you're hit by a great big wave, except this is an extreme case in which you actually drown because you literally can't push off the bottom. The part where Ed sings "can't touch the bottom" is not the person narrating the song, but the thoughts that are going in each of the three people. In this way, we have an omniscient narrator... the purpose? Being the listener, you know that these 3 people may *think* they can't touch the bottom, but we know that, in a way, they already have, and as a result, our reaction to the song is so sharp and cutting (at least to me it is) then if the narrator just told us "they've reached the bottom"... basically a show-me-don't-tell-me thing going on in this song, that's why I like it.
In response to someone else, we are not to judge these people... Saying they are self-hating strikes me because you don't know the circumstances that led these people to do what they did; finding an escape from a situation like these is incredibly difficult and sometimes impossible... they may have low self-esteem, but self-hate? I don't know; hopefully I'm not alone on this one... considering that Deep-down I seem to hear these three saying "I just need someone to be there for me"... (No Way)
8/16/99 8:10 PM
Re: can't touch the too DEEP
...I like what you all have said....I love this song, it hits a core in me that I can relate to. This is one of those "Knock you on yer Ass" songs....
...This is definately three seperate people....
.....The first is an addict, he has low self asteem BECAUSE of his addiction. He knows it's wrong, but still can't stop (anyone here try to quit smoking? I know it's bad for me, but the little friggers seem to always win!) He thinks about his maker..God..and he ponders his will..OR the lack of he shoots up anyway.
....The second man, I'm not so sure about this guy, but he would make me nervous if I ever met him. He's got a real "Fuck It" kind of attitude, he feels quite superior over everyone else...The knife?...Looks like a cold blooded murderer to me.
....The third, is obviously a woman/girl....Can't put my finger on her age, but I feel she is pretty young, perhaps late teens, early twenties. I feel she is the victim of "Date Rape". Her "Christmas Clean Love" was someone she trusted, someone she loved. She's refered to as a "Young Virgin from Heaven" because EVERY woman is pure and heavenly...that is before they are the victim of a rape.
.....She's visiting Hell, because this son of a bitch is taking her pureness, and just ripping it to shreads....Christmas is always associated with goodness, and well-being...I feel the description of the love she THOUGHT she had is perfect, "Clean Love".....Eddie always sings in live versions..."She doesn't like the View...Fuck off.. She doesn't like the view..Fuck Off...etc...." He's narrating the story and quoting her, all at the same time...brilliant.
This part of the song reminds of 'Saying No'.
...I agree with many of you...Especially the fact that they all need help, and the view of the bottom...Can't touch it....they're drowning in grief, hate and helplessnes.........
...........As usual El my friend, thank you for taking the time to post the lyrics to these everday!
HUH....HUH....HUH..........????????? Just being an annoying child!)
8/16/99 10:24 PM
Re: can't touch the too DEEP
ouch. hit the song riiight between the eyes=).Actually.. i LOVE this song. listen to it whenever im angry..=) so.. here is what the song means to me...
'in too Deep, cant touch the bottom'.
this happens to us all.. we get to the point we're weve done screwed a situation up beyond all recognition... no way out.
first verse is a drug addict. hmmm. Landrew The Love Child?.. what i thought first time i heard it.. *by the way.. theres that word again.. 'windowsill'..*
looks up at the building.. says shes thinkin of jumping.. says shes tired of life... that just came into my head.. *counting crows* i can relate to the dude hateing his town... i hate this one.. backstabbing hipocritacal racists. *yes siiir. da' south* hey.. suicide?.. oh yeah. im there dude.
ok.. is it just me.. or does Christmas bring you down juuust a little bit at times?... thats what the third verse makes me think of. Holiday Blues. A young virgin came down from Heaven.. to Hell. I think it refers to God..
just a thought.
'there's alot to be said for Nowhere.'
8/16/99 10:32 PM
Very colorful!
Ya'll paint a good picture, and it does look as though we all see somewhat the same one here. I think this song is more about the music, that "kick you on yer ass music" than the lyrics. The lyrics are to shock, the music is to wake you up. Turn it up to MAX, and feel it!!
8/17/99 01:57 AM
Re: can't touch the too DEEP
i really like everyone's interp on this song...definitely one of my favorites. i also think that it's about 3 different people and their situations. but i could've sworn that ed has said that this song is about a gay man. or at least part of it. i personally can't see that in the lyrics, but that's what i've read several times.
"music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
-berthold auerbach
8/17/99 07:37 AM
Re: can't touch the too DEEP
I agree with a lot of what everyone said and my thoughts are pretty much the same. I always figured the first verse was the drug addict, the second I
always found a little harder to figure out exactly but I always thought it was suicide, although I like broken arrow's murderer idea. And the third verse is
obviously rape and I agree with everything broken arrow said about her being pure, etc.
This has been my favorite song for ages, I absolutely love it, it is so full of emotion.
"If I knew where it was I would take you there..."
8/17/99 09:47 AM
Back in 92...
Back in 92 Eddie once said to an audience that this song is about was in Amsterdan or Holand.....I can quite remember....just try to change the drugs in your interpretation for the HOMO makes a lot of sense for me....
Take CARE!
8/30/99 02:53 AM
she doesn't like the view
can't touch the bottom.
I know someday you will have a beautiful life
I let my music take me where my heart wants to go....
Fuck Off MTV
8/1/01 10:40 AM
Re: SOTD: ....DEEP
Cool reading two year old posts. This is my second fav. from TEN. Wonder what the fav. is? and will always be?
The intro riff has this raw sound and the chorus is frickin good with Ed's strong voice
" I had this wet fart last night, during 'Garden' "- Mike McCready
8/2/01 00:37 AM
Re: SOTD: ....DEEP
interesting reading all the posts on this one.. a fave of mine but i've never really thought about it too much.
but i must say, that i've never thought of that last verse as being about rape.. although i can see where people are coming from..
in my opinion, it's about a young woman, who perhaps had a good upbringing and childhood within a loving family (young virgin from heaven) who is in love with the man in the first two verses. However, she sees how screwed up his life is, which is in real contrast with what she has known and grown up with (visiting hell). She hates to see him destroying himself and his life the way he has been doing (she doesn't like the view). But as much as this all distresses her, he can't help himself through addiction and habit, and continues to get himself in deeper and deeper shit.
make sense much...?
if one cannot control his life, will he be driven to control his death?
Can't touch the bottom.....
this song has definately grown on me over the years. i used to hate it as much as i hate garden.
but now... it just has a great middle.... and i love it!
I gotta say these are my feelings exactly for DEEP...GREAT to hear it live
You make me feel uncalm and I think I like it - 311
"Jeff is just a badass all the way across the board" ~aNiMaL~
"Chill out Kaddikat"
Hi dot lady, I mean Broken:)
fun seeing these now 4 year old posts, isn't it;)
I'm a number that doesn't count
the nothing ventured - the nothing feigned
yep you were!
why do you think you have improved at all?