Song of the day(Release)

JDE-PJJDE-PJ Posts: 721
The final song off of Ten, this song is a sure tell sign that if you're in an arena, and they start a show off with this classic, strap your ass in, cause it's going to be a long long night!

Thanks for the few who have replied to Ten's album past on this board being displayed, hope you and the lurkers who just read have enjoyed. Please join in and give your thoughts in the present or future for this song and all other ones.

Now Release.

1/12/01 8:07 PM

El Conquistador
8/17/99 09:31 AM
RELEASE me.........


I see the world, feel the chill
Which way to go, windowsill
I see the world's on a rocking horse of time
I see the verse in the rain

Oh, dear dad, can you see me now
I am myself, like you somehow
I'll ride the wave where it takes me
I'll hold the pain...Release me...

Oh, dear dad, can you see me now
I am myself, like you somehow
I'll wait up in the dark for you to speak to me
I'll open up...Release me...
Release me (3x)

8/17/99 09:36 AM
Re: RELEASE me.........

and most of all the way Eddie screams the line
"...I'll wait up in the dark
for you to speak to me..."....
But, wasn't it "Oh dear Diane"?

El Conquistador
8/17/99 09:38 AM
Re: RELEASE me.........

no, it is dad....refering to his father that he never got to know...the one that died in alive...

8/17/99 09:39 AM
Re: RELEASE me.........

ooppsss...I had the wrong lyrics to this song...
thanks for the correction...

El Conquistador
8/17/99 09:40 AM
Re: RELEASE me.........

not a problem ;-)

8/17/99 09:51 AM
Re: RELEASE me.........

This song is clearly about the anguish one goes through after the death of a father. "I see the world, feel the chill" a great description of how the world suddenly seems so cold, and you feel so alone, you see everying differently. My favorite line is "I see the world's on a rocking horse of time" me this means the constant passing of time, it just slowing goes at the same pace, however the rocking horse also is symbolic as a reflection of time from his childhood to the present. The man in this song realizes that he will go thru life, where ever it may take him, and he will always feel the pain of the fathers loss...The "please Release me" line is ever so important...he knows he will carry the burden of his loss much easier if he is given just a sign from his father...anything to let him know that the father can see him in someway, or at least a sign that he is with him spiritually.

This song has such a deep, personal meaning to me... I lost my dad to cancer 5 years ago...he was the greatest man that ever lived in my opinion...I love him dearly, miss him dearly, and have lived with a heavy heart ever since his passing. I have found myself alone pleading with my dad to give me a sign, anything to let me know that he is there in would be such a relief to know that, and the burden of his loss would be easier to carry.

I almost forgot the most important part....the instruemental part at the very end of the is VERY almost has a calming effect on me after the heart felt anguish of the lyrics....the mumbling, the music gives a feel that there is a connection to the spiritual world....I love this part!...It is brilliant!

El Conquistador
8/17/99 09:54 AM
Re: RELEASE me.........

thank you so much for that....

You know who
8/17/99 10:58 AM
Re: RELEASE me.........

I don't think I can say much more than RrVwMirror did or better. I llistened to this song a lot after my grandfather died. I found it kind of comforting I guess. It is a very spiritual song....always brings a tear to my eyes


8/17/99 11:00 AM
Re: RELEASE me.........

So thoughtful... I love this song, too. I'd also like to point out that I get a sense of *clarity* in the song... he finally "sees" things and knows "which way to go", seems to acknowledge and understand who he is; he wonders if his dad can "see him now". This song reminds me so much of "Cat's in the Cradle" (btw, has Ed ever sung this song?) because of the father-son connection, even though "Release Me" and "Cat's in the Cradle" are about two different situations, where in the former you don't have the dad and you get the feeling of pain and the urge to Release oneself from that pain and the thought that one's father is gone whereas in the latter the father is alive, but the son takes that for granted (you get the two ends of the spectrum with these two songs... teaches you how lucky you are if you're somewhere in between). Definitely worth having another glance at those lyrics... I was tempted to post all of it, but that would take space. Instead, here's the url so you can go to it yourself.

~ "He'd grown up just like me.
My boy was just like me."


8/17/99 11:22 AM
Re: RELEASE me.........

wow - you guys get me weepy

it's like a lullaby for the soul - yet i still sense anguish

8/17/99 11:58 AM
Re: RELEASE me.........

I think RrVwMirror put it better than I can bother to. But I thought I'd interject that I think it was really cool how Eddie wrote this song. The lyrics just came to him. That's why e refuses to write them down he says. Because it had never happened to him before and he didn't want to put them to paper, because it would ruin the moment I guess. I just think that that is a really beautiful thing and this is a really beautiful song.

"I don't wanna think, I wanna feel..."

8/17/99 12:02 PM
Re: RELEASE me.........

Just to add to what RrVwMirror said so well....the loss of the father is even more painful in this song since the son never got to know the father. It's also a sense of loss for what might have been.

8/17/99 2:03 PM
Re: RELEASE me.........

This is the perfect song to end the record. After going through the intense stories of helplessness, suffering, redemption and longing, we get the "prayer" of Release me. Beautiful music, again, thanks to Stone.


8/17/99 11:22 PM
Re: RELEASE me.........

Great song to end the record, but I love it more when they open a show with it. At the very beginning of the show you Release all of your problems and everything that is going wrong right now. When the song is killer, I know that we are about to witness a great live show. I can find no better song to start with.

I don't want to take what you can give. I would rather starve that eat your bread.-EV
I know someday you will have a beautiful Life

Post edited by Unknown User on


  • JDE-PJJDE-PJ Posts: 721
    8/18/99 01:11 AM
    Re: RELEASE me.........

    Yes, this is an excellent song to start a show with. It sets a wonderful "relax and enjoy" mood. One of my favorites from Ten. And now that we have finished with Ten, I think everyone should give a big round of applause for Stone Gossard. Yes, I know that everyone contributes to the music. But his riffs are what started it all and I sincerely thank him.

    8/18/99 01:15 AM
    Stone give him a hand...................

    I second Wicca's motion thank you Stone for the whole album especially BLACK!

    8/18/99 07:44 AM
    Re: RELEASE me.........

    The song to me is like a very, desperate need and longing for a connection to someone who has pasted. Been there.

    Thank you Vedder, Gossard, Ament, McCready and Krusen.

    "You know what it's like" EV

    8/18/99 09:07 AM
    Re: RELEASE me.........

    the song has ended .
    And reality sets in.


    8/18/99 09:10 AM
    To Rearview...

    ..Hey Girl! I wanted to send this to you before I have to go tho work...
    Very busy lately so I haven't been around too much...
    .........Thank You for your interp. of Release Me...
    ......I'm so sorry about yur Dad passing away, but think of it this way..
    ....You were blessed with knowing him, of being a major part of his life, and, of feeling the love he had for you, and you for him. Death is such a sad thing, mainly because we miss the person so much and want to spend more time with them. Try to remember all of the wonderful times you had with your Dad, and celebrate his life...maybe then you'll get a sign. But don't you worry....
    he's sees you alright, and he has an ever watchfull eye over you!

    8/18/99 11:46 AM
    Re: RELEASE me.........

    Yeah, I agree... I love it when they open a show with Release... especially when they follow it up with something like Evenflow. PJ seems to like doing that a lot --- soft song followed by a hard song. Just my 2 cents...

    I don't know what to say, so I'm just gonna say... I am a donut.

    8/18/99 11:58 AM
    Re: RELEASE me.........

    As someone who was fortunate enough to see them play them opening with Release on the second msg show was so relaxing it just put the whole crowd into a great frame of mind and then of course they blew that right up with a very rockin hail hail.

    My one misgiving about this song is I fucked up and dropped my tape recorder in the middle of the song and when I put the tape back in I put it in backwards so besides when I'm on the cp, can not listen to Release.

    i'll ride the wave ... where it takes me

    8/18/99 6:40 PM
    Open the gates, I'm commin' home!

    This song probably hits home with alot of people... those who choose to listen to their albums, and not just the stuff on the radio. Hits home with me too. I guess everyone ...has, ...had, ...or came from a father. It is the Eddie Vedder type of vague that could mean just about anything, but you can be sure that meaning is deep and with intense feelings. I love this song, makes me realize how hard it really is to compare PJ songs to each other.

    8/18/99 7:43 PM
    Re: RELEASE me.........

    Someone examining the world and his place in it.
    He asks to be seen by his father and recognized, wanting love and
    most of all friendship with the one person he desperately seeks.
    This is a good song to reminisce and reflect with.

    8/18/99 8:18 PM
    Re: RELEASE me.........

    it not windowill its "which way to go window sill" meaing possible suicide.

    8/30/99 02:56 AM
    I'll ride the wave

    Where it takes me.....!

    And this is Ten, savor and treasure this, for you never know what happens in this world.

    I know someday you will have a beautiful life

    I know someday you will have a beautiful Life

  • KaddikatKaddikat Posts: 1,194
    **Get outa my way, just step aside, or pay the price ~ AC/DC**

    You make me feel uncalm and I think I like it - 311


    "Jeff is just a badass all the way across the board" ~aNiMaL~

    "Chill out Kaddikat"
  • VEDHEAD27VEDHEAD27 Posts: 3,091
    I absolutely love this song. After having something very tragic happen in my life's now to hard to listen to. :(
    It's sad. I miss this song. SUCH a beauty. It is very powerful though. Almost has too much power, which infact is proof in itself just how fuckin amazing it really is.

    "Lo√e, you know the word
    ...YOU invented it!" ~ E√

  • This song will always have a special place with me.........It gives me chills when I listen to it still.......Ill go the grave playing this song!!!!!!!! (Also had something bad happen, so I dont listen to it as often anymore)

    The First Casualties Of WorldWideSuicide.....Viva La Pearl Jam!
  • JDE-PJJDE-PJ Posts: 721
    ah memories.
    I know someday you will have a beautiful Life

  • Has to be one of the Best songs on any cd and the one you look forward to hearing Live when ur at the Best concert on the Whole Planet
  • Blue11Blue11 Posts: 200
    This was the opener the first time I saw them. Absolutely awesome. I've heard it a few times since, and I nver tire of hearing it as an opener.
    " All the stars in the sky, thought you were up in mine
    Still I wonder, I wonder......" "Black" tag 09-16-2005 Ottawa

    Toronto 2003, Kitchener 2005, Montreal 2005, Ottawa 2005, Toronto II 2006, Albany 2006, Hartford 2006, Camden I 2008, Camden II 2008, Washington, D.C. 2008, Toronto 2009, Chicago I 2009, Columbus 2010, Noblesville, 2010
  • belfast1belfast1 Posts: 788
    chills up and down my spine - best opener i think!
    dublin 1996 london 2000 dublin 2006 prague 2006 copenhagen 2007 london 2007 rotterdam 2009 london 2009 dublin 2010 belfast 2010 vienna 2014 amsterdam 2014 london 2018
  • SpunkieSpunkie i come from downtown. Posts: 6,829
    "Release Me" - Seriously! Who talks like that? -tee hee.
    I was swimming in the Great Barrier Reef 
    Animals were hiding behind the Coral 
    Except for little Turtle
    I could swear he's trying to talk to me 
    Gurgle Gurgle
  • tish wrote:
    "Release Me" - Seriously! Who talks like that? -tee hee.

    Huh? Not sure I get that.

    Anyway, I can only concur with what other people have said. It's an incredible song - probably my favourite vocal performance from Ed, and he still sings it with so much passion all these years later. I spent many angst-filled teenage years lying in the dark listening to that song, whilst it is very mournful it also gives a feeling of hope. I can only hope they open with it at Wembley in June - the very first time I saw them at Wembley in '96 they opened with it, and it was spine-tingling stuff.
  • I would love to be in the crowd when PJ opens a setlist with this one.

    It is amazing on the boots, so I can only imagine the feeling of actually being there as those first few notes are played.

    I imagine it is surreal. I hope I am forunate enough to get the chance.
    Oh he fills it up with the love of a girl...
  • I would love to be in the crowd when PJ opens a setlist with this one.

    It is amazing on the boots, so I can only imagine the feeling of actually being there as those first few notes are played.

    I imagine it is surreal. I hope I am forunate enough to get the chance.
    they opened with "Release" when i saw them in May. i'm not sure how i held back the tears cause i always seem to cry a little when i hear that song... i mean im usually blasting it in my car and singing at the top of my lungs so you would think hearing it live and singing along with ed at the top of my lungs i would have opened up the flood gates! hahaha but i held it together...
    1998 : 9/19
    2000 : 9/4
    2003 : 7/1
    2006 : 5/30
    2007 : 8/5
    2008 : 6/17; 6/19; 6/20; 6/22; 6/24; 6/25; 8/16 (EV); 8/21 (EV); 8/22 (EV)
    2009 : 6/11 (EV); 6/12 (EV); 8/23; 8/24; 10/27; 10/28; 10/30; 10/31
    2010 : 5/13
    2012 : 9/2; 9/21; 11/27 (EV); 11/28 (EV)
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