Song of the day(Last Exit)

The first song off the bands third album titled vitalolgy, this one is a rocking start to a different kind of album.
Last Exit
1/23/01 09:52 AM
El Conquistador
9/17/99 12:43 PM
Let's start on no vitalogy....LAST EXIT
last exit
Lives opened and trashed..."Look ma, watch me crash"...
No time to question...why'd nothing last...
Grasp and hold on...hold tight and fast...
Soon be over...and I will relent...
Let the ocean swell, dissolve 'way my past
Three days, and maybe longer, won't even know I've left
Under your tongue...I'm like a tab...
I will give you're not s'posed to have...
Under my breath...I swear by sin...
For better or for worse...a best we began...
Let the sun climb, oh, burn 'way my mask
Three days, and maybe longer, shed my skin at last...shed...shed...
Let the sun shine, burn 'way my mask
Three days, and maybe longer, won't ever find me here
Let the ocean dissolve 'way my past
Four days, and not much longer...
Let my spirit pass...
This is, this is... (3x)
My...last exit
9/17/99 3:42 PM
Re: Vitalogy
We're going to do a couple of singles today and Monday and then start with Vitalogy on Tuesday. Just let this post drift away. Sorry El Con, we did what we had to do, if there was a reason, it was you! ;-)
9/20/99 07:55 AM
Re: Let's start on no vitalogy....LAST EXIT
Wow, my favorite song on Vitalogy. I'm not sure what it means but I get a feeling like with indifference, but more intense. I love the "under my tongue part" I think I have read reviews that this was about Kurt, because of the three day line (I thing Mick Wall's book) But wasn't Pearl Jam playing this long in concert before that?
"You know what it's like" EV
9/20/99 09:43 AM
Re: Let's start on no vitalogy....LAST EXIT
"Just let me die already you fucks. Let me be."
That's what I hear anyway. Whether it be literally or figuratively, I'm not sure. Maybe another pot-shot at fame.
9/20/99 10:13 AM
Re: Let's start on no vitalogy....LAST EXIT
OK, so here we go with this one. Sorry again for the mess.
There's an introduction to this song in the liner notes: it says something about being left to die somewhere, and crows coming to peck at the eyes (the line I remember is "ironic they go for the eyes first"). So that's what I think the song is about: the ravings of someone dying in pain. There are a few clues along the song about the past of this dying man, but they are very cryptic, I can't make anything of it.
Anyway, I'm not going to ellaborate on this song, because I don't like it much. It just doesn't do it for me harmonically, I can't plunge in the music like I usually do with PJ songs... by the way, this is going to happen a lot in this album (definitely the one I like less). I actually thought I was through with Pearl Jam when they released Vitalogy, that they were going down an experimental path that was, admittedly, creative, but just not that enjoyable anymore. So I have to let you know that, apart from Nothingman, Corduroy, Betterman and Immortality, I'm not going to feel very inspired to write about the songs in this album, because they just don't arouse the same kind of emotion in me...
*** CandleOfThought ***
"Shower the people you love with love, show them the way that you feel"
9/20/99 3:52 PM
Re: Let's start on no vitalogy....LAST EXIT
hmm. How was the "tab under my tongue" line a reference to Kurt? I took it to mean seeing doors as in taking a tab of acid.
9/20/99 8:08 PM
The End...
Loud, annoying, and obnoxious... that's what this is all about... I picture the "Neutron Bomb" goin' off! Pretty simple, I'd say...
Hey Candle... Vitalogy is classic PJ, if I could pick a favorite album, this would be damn close. This album seems to get pick'd on quite a bit, and I think you all should take a second listen... and try to find some live "spin", or "cordury"...Incredible!!!
I've actually been waiting for this album to roll around! Bring it on... last exit is just the begining, simple yet it get's your attention.
9/20/99 8:56 PM
Re: Let's start on no vitalogy....LAST EXIT
Ok, question for guitar players, can anyone get this song to sonud right....i have the rhythm, but i tihnk hte tab i have is wrong or im doing something wrong, it just doesnt sound good at all....
9/20/99 9:07 PM
Re: Let's start on no vitalogy....LAST EXIT
This song is about least that is what I think the 'last exit' refers to. If you look at the notes in the CD it states "if one can not control his life, will he be driven to control his death...."
I Let My Music Take Me Where My Heart Wants To Go
~Cat Stevens
I let my music take me where my heart wants to go....
1/23/01 10:19 AM
hmmmmmm...I never added to this one, so I'll do it now.
Suicide is what I think about also. Feeling so alone, so empty and 3 days everyone will forget about you once they get the mourning done and over with.
this line though...
"For better or for worse...a best we began..."
makes me think of we start off as 'best' as we can, but sometimes end up in the worst stage...
that was just a random thought as I was sitting here reading the lyrics...
When Vitalogy was released, the local critic in our newspaper thought this album was lifeless. He specifically called 'Last Exit' a 'lame suicide riff'. Imagine the balls? I wrote a letter to the editor which was printed with a pic of PJ, basically saying that if it's only 'Ten' that people want, the band will next be criticised for not expanding...for always sounding the same, and that VS. was actually the album that weeded out all of the people who jumped on the 'grunge'..(hate that term) bandwagon the minute they heard tunes like WMA and Blood.
I had also said I thought it was incredibly insensitive for the guy to write 'lame suicide riff' when someone in their circle HAD committed suicide....(rip Kurt)
Man that guy pissed me off....turns out, it was the brother of a fellow that lived next door to us! He was glad I (politely) kicked his ass about his review in the paper!
I love this tune....and think it's a perfect way to start Vitalogy. It's setting up the tone for the entire album. In terms of the media spotlight, this was a point in the bands career that was getting dim, Capitol Hill/Ticketmaster battle, the prying, etc........
The riffs in this tune are very cool times I hear The Byrds, Hendrix, U-2.....
Vitalogy has to be one of my favorite albums................
who am I kidding, their all my favorites....
1/23/01 10:31 AM
Cool post!!!!
Where do you get all these old threads????????
"Don't trade magic for facts"
1/23/01 10:45 AM
Hey Broken
You kicked that critic's butt hehehe
Last Exit still gets me everytime. Under your tongue, I'm like a tab, I will give you what your not supposed to have.
"You know what it's like?" EV
Last Exit
1/23/01 09:52 AM
El Conquistador
9/17/99 12:43 PM
Let's start on no vitalogy....LAST EXIT
last exit
Lives opened and trashed..."Look ma, watch me crash"...
No time to question...why'd nothing last...
Grasp and hold on...hold tight and fast...
Soon be over...and I will relent...
Let the ocean swell, dissolve 'way my past
Three days, and maybe longer, won't even know I've left
Under your tongue...I'm like a tab...
I will give you're not s'posed to have...
Under my breath...I swear by sin...
For better or for worse...a best we began...
Let the sun climb, oh, burn 'way my mask
Three days, and maybe longer, shed my skin at last...shed...shed...
Let the sun shine, burn 'way my mask
Three days, and maybe longer, won't ever find me here
Let the ocean dissolve 'way my past
Four days, and not much longer...
Let my spirit pass...
This is, this is... (3x)
My...last exit
9/17/99 3:42 PM
Re: Vitalogy
We're going to do a couple of singles today and Monday and then start with Vitalogy on Tuesday. Just let this post drift away. Sorry El Con, we did what we had to do, if there was a reason, it was you! ;-)
9/20/99 07:55 AM
Re: Let's start on no vitalogy....LAST EXIT
Wow, my favorite song on Vitalogy. I'm not sure what it means but I get a feeling like with indifference, but more intense. I love the "under my tongue part" I think I have read reviews that this was about Kurt, because of the three day line (I thing Mick Wall's book) But wasn't Pearl Jam playing this long in concert before that?
"You know what it's like" EV
9/20/99 09:43 AM
Re: Let's start on no vitalogy....LAST EXIT
"Just let me die already you fucks. Let me be."
That's what I hear anyway. Whether it be literally or figuratively, I'm not sure. Maybe another pot-shot at fame.
9/20/99 10:13 AM
Re: Let's start on no vitalogy....LAST EXIT
OK, so here we go with this one. Sorry again for the mess.
There's an introduction to this song in the liner notes: it says something about being left to die somewhere, and crows coming to peck at the eyes (the line I remember is "ironic they go for the eyes first"). So that's what I think the song is about: the ravings of someone dying in pain. There are a few clues along the song about the past of this dying man, but they are very cryptic, I can't make anything of it.
Anyway, I'm not going to ellaborate on this song, because I don't like it much. It just doesn't do it for me harmonically, I can't plunge in the music like I usually do with PJ songs... by the way, this is going to happen a lot in this album (definitely the one I like less). I actually thought I was through with Pearl Jam when they released Vitalogy, that they were going down an experimental path that was, admittedly, creative, but just not that enjoyable anymore. So I have to let you know that, apart from Nothingman, Corduroy, Betterman and Immortality, I'm not going to feel very inspired to write about the songs in this album, because they just don't arouse the same kind of emotion in me...
*** CandleOfThought ***
"Shower the people you love with love, show them the way that you feel"
9/20/99 3:52 PM
Re: Let's start on no vitalogy....LAST EXIT
hmm. How was the "tab under my tongue" line a reference to Kurt? I took it to mean seeing doors as in taking a tab of acid.
9/20/99 8:08 PM
The End...
Loud, annoying, and obnoxious... that's what this is all about... I picture the "Neutron Bomb" goin' off! Pretty simple, I'd say...
Hey Candle... Vitalogy is classic PJ, if I could pick a favorite album, this would be damn close. This album seems to get pick'd on quite a bit, and I think you all should take a second listen... and try to find some live "spin", or "cordury"...Incredible!!!
I've actually been waiting for this album to roll around! Bring it on... last exit is just the begining, simple yet it get's your attention.
9/20/99 8:56 PM
Re: Let's start on no vitalogy....LAST EXIT
Ok, question for guitar players, can anyone get this song to sonud right....i have the rhythm, but i tihnk hte tab i have is wrong or im doing something wrong, it just doesnt sound good at all....
9/20/99 9:07 PM
Re: Let's start on no vitalogy....LAST EXIT
This song is about least that is what I think the 'last exit' refers to. If you look at the notes in the CD it states "if one can not control his life, will he be driven to control his death...."
I Let My Music Take Me Where My Heart Wants To Go
~Cat Stevens
I let my music take me where my heart wants to go....
1/23/01 10:19 AM
hmmmmmm...I never added to this one, so I'll do it now.
Suicide is what I think about also. Feeling so alone, so empty and 3 days everyone will forget about you once they get the mourning done and over with.
this line though...
"For better or for worse...a best we began..."
makes me think of we start off as 'best' as we can, but sometimes end up in the worst stage...
that was just a random thought as I was sitting here reading the lyrics...
When Vitalogy was released, the local critic in our newspaper thought this album was lifeless. He specifically called 'Last Exit' a 'lame suicide riff'. Imagine the balls? I wrote a letter to the editor which was printed with a pic of PJ, basically saying that if it's only 'Ten' that people want, the band will next be criticised for not expanding...for always sounding the same, and that VS. was actually the album that weeded out all of the people who jumped on the 'grunge'..(hate that term) bandwagon the minute they heard tunes like WMA and Blood.
I had also said I thought it was incredibly insensitive for the guy to write 'lame suicide riff' when someone in their circle HAD committed suicide....(rip Kurt)
Man that guy pissed me off....turns out, it was the brother of a fellow that lived next door to us! He was glad I (politely) kicked his ass about his review in the paper!
I love this tune....and think it's a perfect way to start Vitalogy. It's setting up the tone for the entire album. In terms of the media spotlight, this was a point in the bands career that was getting dim, Capitol Hill/Ticketmaster battle, the prying, etc........
The riffs in this tune are very cool times I hear The Byrds, Hendrix, U-2.....
Vitalogy has to be one of my favorite albums................
who am I kidding, their all my favorites....
1/23/01 10:31 AM
Cool post!!!!
Where do you get all these old threads????????
"Don't trade magic for facts"
1/23/01 10:45 AM
Hey Broken

Last Exit still gets me everytime. Under your tongue, I'm like a tab, I will give you what your not supposed to have.
"You know what it's like?" EV
I know someday you will have a beautiful Life
Post edited by Unknown User on
1/23/01 1:03 PM
you go girl!! - great post
i see each verse as hectic, disjointed, scattered
and then the chorus kicks in with some peace - metaphoric drifting, like
your out in a raft floating - just lying there letting the sun cook you, go ahead, it's what i want
little icarus smile on your face
"so glad to see you, i've missed you so much"
1/23/01 2:58 PM
Re: SOTD: ...LAST EXIT! never shared this story with us the first time???
How dare you!! So glad it came up again...this is a great story....actually writing a letter to the editor!!! Good For You!!!
Hi there evenkat....nice to see you again.....
I let my music take me where my heart wants to go....
6/23/01 10:56 PM
"Like your favorite plant. Just add water.
Watch PEARL JAM grow." -Jeff
6/23/01 11:07 PM
i had the feeling that immortality was for kurt. this makes sense too.
"die on a hilltop
eyeing the crows
waiting for your lids to close
but you want to watch as they peck your flesh...
ironic that they go for the eyes first..."
after all, you're just another brick in the wall...
Don't let me know we're invisible
We could dance, dance, dance thru' the fire
Dance, dance, dance thru' the fire
You make me feel uncalm and I think I like it - 311
"Jeff is just a badass all the way across the board" ~aNiMaL~
"Chill out Kaddikat"
Last Exit is not about suicide for me, I think it's just ending something and opening another door. Entering a new level of conciousness.
it is their best opener for a studio album.